The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1101 Little Beauty: Dad is here! 【1 update】

Before Bai Che could answer, Donghuang Taiyi suddenly understood, nodded and said: Yes, the nine-tailed white fox clan's tracking skills are indeed powerful. I remember that when the nine-tailed white fox clan was not exterminated, the great elder of their clan practiced it. The way to track.”

The way of tracking can also be ranked among the top 100 among the three thousand avenues. Although it seems to only be tracking, there are too many things that can be tracked, and it is also feared.

Jun Muqian nodded, deeply convinced.

This tracking method reminded her of the Chaos Tracking Talisman she had refined. If even things in other universes could be tracked in the prehistoric times, this tracking method would be terrifying to the extreme.

Kekeke, I can't do it. Bai Che listened for a long time and finally understood. He was about to cry but had no tears. I'm just a little fox. How can I know how to track someone?

If he hadn't experienced the inner elixir being dug out and suddenly ate the inner elixir of his ancestor Bai Wei, and obtained the inherited memory, he really wouldn't have known that their nine-tailed white fox clan was so powerful in the history and famous in the prehistoric times.

But this has nothing to do with him. He was born in Huaxu Continent. He is a fox cub. He has lived so long eating garbage. No matter how glorious his ancestors are, they have not left him any treasures, let alone secret skills. .

It is true that with the help of his ancestor Bai Wei Neidan, his current cultivation level has reached the level of Taiyi True Immortal, but it is still not enough.

You don't need to know this. Donghuang Taiyi waved his hand, This is the innate mystical power of your nine-tailed white fox clan, you should all know it.

Bai Che scratched his head: Then I'll give it a try. Your Majesty, where is your clock?

Jun Muqian snorted and said disdainfully: What are you asking him for? I have been searching for him in Kunlunxu for ten days with him, but I still can't find him. I think if I hadn't followed him, he would have given me too. lost.

Nonsense. His Majesty the East Emperor was ready to save face for himself. He argued, I have sensed the approximate location. It should be to the east.

To the east? Bai Che was confused, What's the approximate range?

His Majesty Donghuang said cautiously: It's probably only a radius of ten million miles.

Bai Che: ...

Jun Muxian: ...

The entire Kunlun Xu is a little bigger than this!

You guys chat. Jun Muxian gave up struggling, Tell me when you're done chatting, and I'll go around for a walk.

Kunlunxu cannot be said to be absolutely safe. She has to ensure that no one else can discover that Donghuang Taiyi is here, at least not to alert Yuanshi Tianzun.

Bai Che was shocked: Isn't it, little beauty? Are you abandoning me now?

What are you talking about? Jun Muqian raised her eyebrows, I'm just letting you get used to life in advance.

Yes, I also led the demon tribe for a period of time. Donghuang Taiyi smiled slightly, Now I will teach you, the little fox cub, so that you can know how prosperous the ancient Qingqiu country was back then.

Bai Che just wanted to cry: I, I...

Can he say no?

Bai Che looked at the kind-faced emperor of all races, and his legs were trembling.

Get along well. Jun Muqian waved her hand and left using the Earth Escape Technique.

With a swish, in an instant, she had arrived at the place where she had seen Jiutian Kunpeng and Shunchu.

Looking at the falling snowflakes, Jun Muqian's eyes darkened slightly.

If she was not sure yet, she was sure now that Kong Xuan was indeed fine, otherwise Patriarch Bodhi would not have been so calm.

But where is Kong Xuan?

Did he practice in seclusion or go into hibernation?

Jun Muqian thought deeply, tiptoeing a little, and flew forward, reaching a deeper place in the Kunlun Void.

The temperature here is even colder. Not to mention people, not even a cold-resistant bluebird can be seen. If she hadn't had the Chaos Fire in her body, she would have been unable to move even an inch.

But for some unknown reason, the Chaos Fire lost its spirituality again and could no longer appear in the form of a child.

Jun Muqian thought for a while and thought, maybe it was because a mysterious person helped her cover up the aura of Chaos Fire that it became like this.

But that's fine, at least she doesn't have to take care of the baby anymore.

Jun Muqian took another look at her sea of ​​souls and found that the small group of souls inside had become much more solidified, and she felt greatly relieved both physically and mentally.

Sure enough, her time was not in vain, her little beauty looks really good.

The advantage of having a child with the spirit is better than having a child with the physical body. At least it won't be lost just because she jumps around.

Moreover, Jun Muxian also discovered that once her cultivation level was promoted, it would also be fed back to the little beauty, and the little beauty would also help her consolidate her soul.

In this way, the little beauty will probably be an extremely terrifying existence once she is born.

Just as Jun Muqian was thinking about it, a cheerful voice came from the sea of ​​souls, bringing warmth to the bones.

Mother, mother!

Huh? Jun Muqian looked around and asked, What's wrong, little beauty?

The little Yuanshen in the sea of ​​Yuanshen fluttered twice and turned pink again, as if she was shy: Mother, the little beauty misses daddy.

Mom has thought about it too. Jun Muqian sighed softly, But mom and your father have important things to do, so we can relax when we return to your grandma and grandpa's place.

Now that she has been completely involved in the chaos, she must solve the problem here.

And the deeper you go, the more fog there becomes.

The little soul shook in confusion, and said innocently: After the little beauty comes out, can she help mother and father?

Of course. Jun Mu smiled slightly, But, mother and your father are both very powerful. With mother and your father standing in front of you, you just need to grow up peacefully.

It is true that her and Rong Qing's children are very strong, but there is no reason to let them take action?

No matter how difficult it is, she will still pave a bright road for the little beauty.

At least, it can't be as miserable as her and Rong Qing.

But at this moment, Little Yuanshen suddenly shouted: Mother, on the right side!

Jun Muqian's expression changed and he quickly turned sideways.

And just as she turned sideways, a blade of frost and snow brushed past her hair.

Crack, click, click!

In the area where the frost and snow blade passed through, the space shattered.

Jun Muqian waved his hand, and a ray of golden flame came out instantly, swallowing up the frost and snow blade.


Suddenly, a cold shout suddenly came out, and the air flow stirred up with majestic killing intent, shook in all directions.

The next second, a graceful figure appeared in front of Jun Muqian.

She is a woman, wearing a long red dress, which stands out in the snow-white sky and earth.

Jun Muqian looked back and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

The face of this woman in a red skirt is extremely beautiful, and her brows and eyes are obviously full of murderous intent, but she seems to be able to enchant people, making it impossible for people to ignore her beauty.

How come you have the aura of a nine-tailed white fox on you? The woman in the red skirt looked sternly, Have you ever killed a nine-tailed white fox?!

Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes: What does it have to do with you? Who are you?

She learned from Dong Huangtai that the environment in Kunlunxu was not as bad as it is now, otherwise Yuanshi Tianzun would not have built his palace, Yuxu Palace, here.

It's just that after the Lich War, the climate in Kunlunxu has deteriorated day by day. Even Queen Mother Yaochi will not come to Kunlunxu now.

But this woman in a red skirt... seems to have lived in Kunlun Xu for a long time, which is interesting.

The murderous intent in the eyes of the woman in the red skirt became even stronger, and she actually took action directly: Seeking death!


As soon as they exchanged blows, Jun Muqian's body trembled slightly, his right foot slipped, and he quickly retreated.

After taking dozens of steps back, she stopped, with a serious look on her face.

The cultivation level of this woman in red skirt is at least that of Daluo Jinxian!

There is such a strong man hidden in Kunlun Xu, but the last time she and Rong Qing came, neither of them noticed it.

Daluo Jinxian is strong, but he should not escape Rong Qing's detection.

Moreover, it had been hidden from her perception before. If the little beauty hadn't shouted in advance, she might have been hit.

Moreover, this woman in the red skirt asked her about the nine-tailed white fox as soon as she came up. Could it be that she was...

But before he could think clearly, there was a crash sound, and the woman in the red skirt was attacking again.

Her moves were extremely cruel, heading straight for Jun Mu Qian's vitals.

Jun Muqian's eyebrows moved, not wanting to actually fight the woman in the red skirt. She turned around and was about to leave, but the space in front of her was suddenly blocked.

Space confinement, the mysterious power that only Daluo Jinxian has!

Jun Muxian laughed angrily and looked at the woman in the red skirt: Are you sick?

The woman in the red skirt remained silent and attacked even faster!

But suddenly, there was a crisp click sound, and the sealed space was broken again.

A slender hand lightly blocked the attack of the woman in the red skirt, seemingly without any effort.

Fei clothes fluttered in the wind and snow.

I just said that every time I go to class late at night, I only know that the teacher is actually in Germany_(:з」∠)_

In addition, I have been updating every day. I have never updated for more than a year, and the word count has never been less than 6,000. The lack of updates by pirated websites has nothing to do with me... Please support the original version!

Xiaoxiang Academy and Penguin Bookstore are all genuine ~

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