The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1072 Goudonghuang Taiyi! You can't bear it【1 update】

No. Jun Muqian flatly refused, I'm afraid you will do something wrong to me.

... When Donghuang Taiyi heard this, he was shocked, and he was really choked, What?

That's right. Jun Muqian crossed her arms, stood beside Rong Qing, and raised her eyebrows, What if you destroy my body and eliminate all traces of me just to compete for favor? I'm just a mortal, I can't afford to offend you. , you burned me with just one breath of fire.

Donghuang Tai was very happy: Little girl, don't think that I don't know that you have the fire of chaos. It's not certain who will burn who.

He has traveled through the wilderness for millions of years and been homeless for millions of years, but he has never met such a person that he can't see through.

Donghuang Taiyi knew that Rong Qing was the young master of Tianyu. At least there was information and the source could be traced.

But for Jun Muxian, he had no idea what her identity was.

Logically speaking, it is impossible for a mortal to have such a strong power of luck, let alone conquer the fire of chaos, but she did it.

This is simply against the laws of heaven and earth, and must be eliminated by the law of heaven.

... Jun Muqian paused and sighed with regret, I'm sorry, I'll give you a more realistic reason next time.

At this time, Rong Qing's eyelashes twitched and she slowly turned her head: It doesn't matter if you don't burn him. Use the purple-gold-red gourd to collect him. If your soul is not intact, you can't escape.

Donghuang Taiyi: ...


He was single and had no human rights.

No, he wasn't born alive at all, he almost got wrapped up in it.

Donghuang Taiyi was too lazy to force himself. He raised his eyebrows and said, It's good that you are not afraid of me. In the past, other people would kneel down when they saw me. I thought I had something on me.

Jun Muqian glanced at him with disgust, her eyes cold: Why should I be afraid of a bird?

Donghuang Taiyi: ??!

Treason, simply treason!

When his brother wakes up, he must file a complaint!

Okay, I'll ask, you answer. Jun Muqian narrowed his eyes, and suddenly became cold, You said that my brother gave this body to you, why did he give it to you?

Donghuang Taiyi calmed down his emotions before snorting coldly: After the integration of Mount Sumeru and Wanling Continent, it was already at the end of the road, so it was useless for you to kill Di Jiang and the others at that time.

Because Wanling Continent is destined to be swallowed up by the Great Desolation, it's just a matter of time. In fact, it is not that no one in Wanling Continent predicted this catastrophe.

Hearing these words, Jun Muqian was stunned for a moment. She thought about it carefully and was slightly surprised: Are you talking about the wind disaster predicted by the Spirit Tribe?

When she went to the Spirit Tribe, the Spirit Tribe people told her that the wind disaster was coming, but they had never figured out what would happen.

Oh, that's the Spirit Clan. Donghuang Taiyi shrugged, But it's useless to calculate it. You will still die anyway. It can be said that if you are not a powerful person, you will not be able to escape.

Brother is smarter than I thought. He knew that I was in his body before his memory recovered. So no matter what happens to other creatures, as long as I am here, brother will be fine.

Jun Muqian's eyes paused slightly.

Donghuang Taiyi's expression darkened suddenly, and he said calmly: But my brother doesn't want to. This is something I didn't expect. I have never seen my brother care about anyone other than his sister-in-law.

He said, 'Take my body away and give her my eyes so that she can live and see the light again.' I agreed.

Jun Muqian's eyes suddenly solidified.

Only then did she realize that Donghuang Taiyi's eyes were dull and pitch black, and he was obviously blind.

Donghuang Taiyi stroked his eyes and chuckled: Then, I saved all the creatures related to my brother as he wished, but after all, I am not a saint of heaven, and I cannot compete with the universe. Only their souls were saved.”

Originally, I could have brought the souls of these people to the wilderness with me, but then I would have been discovered. It is impossible for me to expose myself for others.

He clicked his tongue: You may call me selfish or heartless, but these people really have nothing to do with me.

No. Jun Muxian looked at him, It's human nature.

She suddenly remembered Jiutian Kunpeng Shunchu whom she met in Huaxu Continent. No wonder...

Jiutian Kunpeng must have sensed Donghuang's aura before he chased the Illusive Daqian.

Jiutian Kunpeng is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and he is very good at speed. Crossing the universe is nothing to him.

If Donghuang Taiyi is really discovered, with Shunchu's ruthlessness, not only himself, but Mu Ying, Lingyin and others will definitely get into trouble.

Oh? Donghuang Taiyi raised his eyebrows, I can clearly see the overall situation.

What about sister-in-law? Jun Muxian asked again, I have been to the underworld, but she is not in the Infinite Purgatory.

Donghuang Taiyi's forehead twitched: Can you change your name?

It's his sister-in-law!

No. Jun Muqian said in an extremely gangster tone, Speak quickly, or I will burn you.

Donghuang Taiyi pressed his chest, always feeling that he would have a myocardial infarction from anger, but he still answered: Sister-in-law is in Yaochi.

Jun Muqian's eyes suddenly turned violent: Did you leave your sister-in-law in Yaochi?

Yaochi, that is the Queen Mother’s territory!

I haven't finished speaking yet. Donghuang Taiyi's eyes changed slightly, and he was a little surprised that a human being could have such a majestic momentum. He coughed twice, Although my sister-in-law is safe and sound, she is already a mortal body. After experiencing the turbulence of the universe, she can't sustain it for long, so I put her in the Yaochi.

The spiritual energy in Yaochi is definitely one of the richest places in the Three Realms. I have set up a formation to re-condensate the divine body for my sister-in-law.

Jun Muqian's expression softened a bit and she frowned: Won't the Queen Mother find out?

A joke. Donghuang Taiyi looked scornful, If my formation can be discovered by even Hongjun sitting down with a virgin, I am not worthy of being the emperor of all races.

Jun Muqian nodded: I believe this.

This is the pride of being Donghuang!

Because of the Tiandao matter, Donghuang Taiyi didn't even like Hongjun for a long time.

He used to respectfully call him Dao Ancestor, but now she guessed that he just wanted to kill this Dao Ancestor.

Dong Huangtai paused and sighed softly: But there is another reason because my sister-in-law doesn't want to wake up.

I'm afraid, my sister-in-law will only be able to wake up when my brother wakes up completely.

Jun Muqian was silent.

Before, she never thought that there would be such a relationship between her brother and sister-in-law.

How many reincarnations are enough in a million years of reincarnation?

So, little girl, you'd better help me find the Chaos Bell as soon as possible. Donghuang Taiyi returned to his lazy look, If you find it, I can enter the Chaos Bell to cultivate, and my brother's body can also be moved to the Yaochi. middle.

In a few hundred thousand years, it should be fine.

Jun Muqian was about to agree when Leng Buding heard the last words and a mouthful of blood stuck in his throat: What did you say? Hundreds of thousands of years?!

Hundreds of thousands of years of prehistoric times are gone!

What? Donghuang Taiyi looked strange, We, the innate demon gods, all start our retreat for a hundred thousand years. How many hundreds of thousands of years are there?

Jun Muqian resisted the urge to vomit blood: Is there any faster way?

I don't know about that. Donghuang Taiyi shrugged, I'm not good at treatment, but if you know Patriarch Bodhi, you can ask him. He is very good at this.

But I think you definitely don't know me either, so I'd better give up.

Jun Muqian was expressionless: I'm sorry, I'm about to get to know Patriarch Bodhi. You're right. I gave up on saving you and asked you to wait for hundreds of thousands of years. Then when you woke up, you found that you had already died. It’s become soil.”

Donghuang Taiyi: ...

When he was about to say something, his long eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, his body relaxed a little, and he leaned lazily against the tree: I think you should deal with the enemy. If there is anything else, we will talk about it later.

Hearing these words, Jun Mu Qian couldn't help but said, If I knew it was you, I would definitely not attract the enemy's attention.

She really didn't realize that this former emperor of all races was such a bitch.

Now she can rest assured that nothing will happen to her brother and sister-in-law.

Oh? Donghuang Taiyi smiled half-heartedly, becoming even more lazy, That's really unfortunate, but you have to protect me now. Don't forget, this is my brother's body.

What if you don't protect me and my brother gets hurt? Little girl, you can't bear to do it.

Jun Muxian: ...

Rong Qing raised his hand and said with deep eyes, Here he comes.

The air suddenly shook violently.


I had a dream during my lunch break. I dreamed that I could go back in time and be arrested by people from the research institute. Me? ? ?

That's right, the novel's material comes from dreams

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