The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1071 Fighting for favor! Because we all love him deeply【2 updates】

This scene happened so fast that both Rong Qing and Jun Muzhen were caught off guard.

Fortunately, no cultivators will come to the Fusang Tree. After all, this is not the main battlefield of the Lich War.

What's even more gratifying is that Rong Qing had previously placed a barrier on the location of the fusang tree, and the demon gods with cultivation levels below him could not see the real scene.

The biggest difference between the Big Sun Golden Crow and the Three-Legged Golden Crow is the color.

The three-legged Golden Crow is pure black, but the Big Sun Golden Crow is red gold.

In the entire prehistoric period, there were only two Great Sun Golden Crows.

One is Donghuang Taiyi.

The other one is Tiandi Dijun!

But no matter which one it is, it shouldn't appear here.

Moreover, it is definitely not a character recreated in this replica world!

can only be……

Jun Muqian held his breath and stared at the ground, watching for a moment as the Sun Golden Crow turned into a young man, and then slowly stood up.

This is a familiar face that we saw again after an unknown amount of time, as handsome as ever.

Not the Di Jun she had seen before, but the real Mu Ying.

Jun Muqian blurted out: Brother!

Hearing this call, the young man opened his eyes slightly and turned his head.

Slowly, the corners of his lips twitched, and a half-smiling expression appeared on his face, with a hint of evil.

Jun Muqian's heart instantly froze.

No, no, her brother would not show such an expression.

Jun Muqian tightened her fingers, and her voice was cold and difficult: You are Taiyi.

Named Taiyi, named Donghuang, Donghuang Taiyi!

The ruler of the ancient heaven, he is also the demon god closest to the position of co-lord of the prehistoric times. He was born from chaos...the emperor of all races!

Donghuang Taiyi is the only demon god who can be compared with Pangu and Nuwa - Pangu created the sky, Nuwa created spirits, and Taiyi ruled the world. These three events were all great events in the ancient times and carried the power of immeasurable merit.

If it hadn't been for a lich war, Donghuang Taiyi might have become a saint.

Sure enough, the thing she least wanted to happen happened.

Her brother is gone, and the soul in this body now is Donghuang Taiyi.

Mumu... Rong Qing raised his hand and held her shoulders, with a deep voice, Concentrate and calm down.

I know you. Donghuang Taiyi narrowed his eyes with a lazy expression, You are my brother's sister in this life.

In every life, he is in Di Jun's body, and will automatically come out to protect Di Jun when Di Jun is in danger.

Although he was unconscious during this process, he was aware of what was happening around Di Jun.

In this life, he was extremely surprised, because besides Xihe, there was someone else who cared about his brother.

This little girl is one of them.

In the entire prehistoric period, no one knew Di Jun better than him.

Di Jun is definitely a ruthless person.

Those who are emperors are all ruthless, and their relatives are nothing.

Although Mu Ying was the same as Di Jun in terms of temperament, his emotions were completely different. The difference was so big that even Donghuang Taiyi didn't dare to recognize him.

What is your purpose? Jun Muqian looked cold, trying hard to calm down her violent emotions and steady her voice, Why did you want to take over his body?

This is seizing one's body!

Once a person's body is successfully snatched away, his soul, soul, and soul will be swallowed up by outsiders, and there will be no chance of reincarnation.


A joke. Hearing this, Dong Huangtai raised his eyebrows and said, If I hadn't come out, do you think your relatives and friends would still have a chance in Infinite Purgatory?

He smiled coldly: He has died in the chaos of the universe a long time ago, and his soul will not be left!

Jun Muqian's pupils shrank.


She has also been thinking about this issue. The collapse of the Wanling Continent would be a cosmic-level devouring. Once the plane is damaged, all living beings will wander in the universe.

How can ordinary cultivators survive in the chaotic galaxy when they have not yet become a primordial spirit and are not powerful in the Dao?

Unless, there is a powerful Dao strongman who can save them.

But those are tens of thousands of living beings!

As the first person under the Heavenly Saint, Donghuang Taiyi is so powerful? !

Could it be that he also hid his cultivation?

Little girl, I know what you are thinking. Donghuang Taiyi's eyes were serious and his lips curved into a smile.

Although he is using Mu Ying's body, their temperaments are completely different, and their smiles have a different feeling.

It's just like what is recorded in the book, one is looking down on the world, and the other is fierce and violent.

And in Donghuang Taiyi, there is also an innate kingly spirit, which was accumulated during his battles with thousands of people in the ancient times.

Do you want to ask, how can I achieve such a level of cultivation as Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and be comparable to the saints of heaven? Donghuang Taiyi had a deep smile on his lips, Then do you know, what is the difference between saints of heaven and earth? What is the difference between Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?

Jun Muqian's eyes narrowed slightly: I really don't know.

Among the six saints of the prehistoric times, Amitabha, the Taoist guide, is the weakest. In terms of attack power, the current Kong Xuan may not be able to defeat Taoist Jieyin.

But why is one a saint from heaven and the other a Daluo Jinxian from Hunyuan?

Very good. Donghuang Taiyi said, I just didn't want to tell you.

Jun Muxian: ...???

What kind of temper is this?

Rong Qing glanced at Donghuang Taiyi and said in a calm voice: You don't have to ask him, just ask me.

Miraculously, Donghuang Taiyi was silent.

After a while, he pinched his eyebrows, his expression was extremely indescribable, revealing a sense of irritation: I said, I don't understand, why do you people from the illusory world want to mess with us people from the ancient times?

Don't you know that love across the universe has no results?

Rong Qing: ...

Jun Muxian: ...

She was choked: Where did you learn the words?

Why does she have the same accent as her mother-in-law?

After hearing this, Donghuang Taiyi looked calm and smiled: The lower planes controlled by the prehistoric world are much more than the illusory universe. There are many technological worlds without aura. I have been to many of them. The people and words there are quite interesting. .”

Jun Muxian: ...


Not only is it a bad-tempered dog, it also likes to run around.

How can you come out of my brother's body? Jun Muzhen's eyes are still as cold as winter snow, Your cultivation level should be stronger than that of Di Jun. Are you worthy of taking my brother's body?

Your brother? Donghuang Taiyi looked at her, feeling a little ridiculous, and paused, Okay, let's say it's your brother now, but I don't want to steal it. My brother gave it to me.

After saying this, the look he cast on her contained a little bit of pride.

It's like competing for favor.

Jun Muxian: ...

Did she read it right? This dog Donghuang Taiyi actually showed off to her? !

Oh - Jun Muzhen sneered, My brother has worried about my life-long events, have you?

She glanced at Donghuangtai from top to bottom: I see that every part of your body shows signs that you were single.

Donghuang Taiyi: ...

Damn it.

What kind of world is this? Why should he argue with a mortal about whom Emperor Jun favors more?

What a joke, he and Di Jun were born at the same time, brothers for millions of years, so of course he was more favored.

Help me find the Chaos Bell. Donghuang Taiyi was also very depressed, and he said, There are fragments of my soul in the Chaos Bell. My soul is incomplete now, and I have been nourished by my brother's body for millions of years. Thirty percent of it was raised back.”

When my soul is gathered, I will be able to gather my body on my own without having to occupy it.

It is impossible for me to swallow my brother's soul. My sister-in-law finally exchanged it for me. It's just that my brother's soul is too weak and I haven't condensed my soul. This body is now under my control.

I came to the ancient world earlier than you, and I was finally able to make my brother's physical body move towards the divine body. At least, I was able to restore the body of the Great Sun Golden Crow.

Jun Muqian's eyes narrowed: But why should I trust you?

She knew that the Chaos Bell was in Kunlunxu, and Yuanshi Tianzun placed a seal on it, so that even Ao Yue could not move it.

But she didn't believe in Donghuang Taiyi. After all, Donghuang was once the emperor of all races, and he was able to ascend to this position with a very cunning mind.

Her scheming was far behind Dong Huang who had lived for millions of years.

Why? Donghuang Taiyi suddenly fell silent. After a while, he whispered, You and I both love my brother deeply, and I can sacrifice my life for my brother.

This time, it was Jun Muzhen's turn to be silent.


Since they all love Mu Ying deeply, they must save Mu Ying no matter what.

Okay. Jun Muzhen finally made a decision, I can help you find the Chaos Clock, but now, you have to tell me something.

I - Donghuang Tai wanted to refuse, but his eyebrows suddenly widened and he sat down along the hibiscus tree, Little girl, come here.

Donghuang Taiyi: It's such a bad thing. After sleeping, someone is still trying to steal my brother from me.

Lord: It is no longer yours.

Mu Ying/Di Jun: Yeah

Donghuang Taiyi: QAQ


In fact, Donghuang Taiyi is called Taiyi, and Donghuang is his nickname, but I think the name Taiyi is a bit silly ahem_(:з」∠)_

200 votes, more updates tomorrow~

Good night!

By the way, happy Lantern Festival, I sent a red envelope in the v group, the babies in the group remember to receive it (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)

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