The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1059 Rong Qing: What should I do if my wife is too aggressive? 【1 update】

This sudden question stunned Chi-Ji for a moment, and also attracted the attention of several other demon gods.

Even the Twelve Golden Immortals who are still in the Chan Cult have their own territories and do not meet each other all the time, and their respective information is not very well-informed.

Hearing Master Taiyi's question at this moment, Master Yuding smiled and said: Chi Jing, you accepted a disciple again, when did it happen?

They have always kept silent about Chi Jing's acceptance of disciples.

Because they knew that during the Battle of the Gods, the only disciple of Chi Jing Daxian could not withstand the temptation in the end and became a traitor to the Chan religion, and in turn dealt with his fellow disciples.

He also took the Yin-Yang Mirror given to him by the Great Immortal Chi-Ji and counterattacked his master.

In the end, because he deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors, he died in the Tai Chi diagram, one of the three innate treasures, and disappeared into ashes.

Because of this, Chi Jing was depressed for a long time.

It was harvested more than ten years ago, so it's not a new thing. Immortal Chi Jing sighed, The Queen Mother has come to me for help. We are both members of the Tao Ancestor's sect, how can I not help?

The Queen Mother was also a virgin who sat down under Hongjun in the past. Although her status was not as good as that of her disciples, she was still directly subordinate to the Taoist Ancestor. They were disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun.

It may have been ignored before, but after the change of Heavenly Lord, this respect is still needed.

Oh? Master Yuding's smile subsided a bit, Is she the Queen Mother's niece?

Hearing these words, Chi Jing was surprised: Brother, do you know?

Master Yuding was silent, but Master Taiyi spoke again: Think about it with your head, if the Queen Mother asks for someone, she first asks for her senior brother, and then she asks for you if the senior brother doesn't agree. Is she really a real person? It’s precious.”

Chi Jing Daxian: ...

Master Yuding was not embarrassed and smiled lightly: It's just that I already have disciples and I am unable to do what I want.

Yes, yes. Great Immortal Chi Jing chuckled, Since all the brothers are here today, it just so happens that I also asked my disciple to come and meet all the brothers.

After saying that, he turned around and looked at the trembling cultivators below. He nodded to the woman in white at the front and said in a kind voice: Qingxue, come here and talk to your uncles and uncles. meet up.

Upon hearing these words, the expressions of the demon gods changed.

How could they not understand the meaning of Chi Jing's words?

Letting his apprentice meet them at this time is not just for chatting, it is clearly to support his apprentice so that other contestants will not dare to take action against his apprentice during the competition.

In this way, the first place in the Battle of the Gods is equivalent to being determined by default.

And just as the demon gods expected, when the Great Immortal Chi Jing called Jiang Qingxue up, the expressions of the mortal cultivators suddenly changed.

Jiang Qingxue is not only the niece of the Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor, but also the apprentice of the Twelve Golden Immortals? !

This status is completely different. After all, the Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor have many daughters and sons. A niece can be ignored completely, which means she is favored a little more.

But as a disciple of the Twelve Golden Immortals, that is, a disciple of the Chan Sect, who can be summoned by Yuanshi Tianzun!

How can they fight?

Do they still dare to fight?

The cultivators glared angrily, but they could only watch helplessly as the woman in white smiled faintly, tiptoed, and flew up into the clouds.

Then he came to the Great Immortal Chi Jing, clasped his fists and bowed, Qingxue has met the master.

Huh——?! Chi Jing, the Great Immortal, may not have seen Jiang Qingxue for a long time. When he saw it now, he couldn't help but be shocked, Qingxue, are you really an immortal?

He remembered that half a year ago, his apprentice was still in the integration stage.

Jiang Qingxue said modestly: Master taught me well.

No, it's because you are talented. Great Immortal Chi Jing is not a fool, and he understood the reason after just a moment's thought, Qingxue, this is your uncle Jade Cauldron.

Jiang Qingxue's eyes were a little brighter, and she leaned towards Master Yuding: I have met Master Yuding.

Master Yuding smiled slightly, neither getting close nor staying far away: Okay.

Chi-Ji Daxian then introduced: And this...

Jiang Qingxue also obediently called her uncle and uncle, and received many greeting gifts.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit on the other side saw this scene and raised her eyelids coldly: It's so majestic.

Sister, please don't be angry. Fairy Qiongxiao, one of the three empresses, mocked, I didn't expect that after hundreds of thousands of years, Chanjiao would become more and more alive.

At their level, they already have the ability to see into people's minds, and they can tell whether a person is good or bad at a glance.

Chi-Ji Great Immortal was not a disciple that they liked very much.

The other eleven among the Twelve Golden Immortals can naturally see it, but they have never said it out loud.

Why am I angry? Our Lady of the Golden Spirit suddenly laughed, meaningfully, I'm just waiting to see a good show.

The words spoken by the demon gods were naturally inaudible to the mortals on the ground, but Jun Muzhen could hear them clearly with the help of his powerful soul.

She suddenly had a good impression of the Jiejiao sect founded by Master Tongtian.

As the youngest disciple of Taoist ancestor Hongjun, Master Tongtian is favored, and he is also given the most innate spiritual treasures on Fenbaoyan. In this way, all disciples of Jiejiao who have names in the three realms have almost the same number. Innate spiritual treasure.

By comparison, Chanjiao is a bit poor.

Tsk... Jun Muqian looked at the delighted Jiang Qingxue and the red-faced Immortal Chi-Jing, The wish of Immortal Chi-Jing is probably going to come true. If only the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother are the hosts in this Battle of the Gods. That’s all, it’s a pity…”

Hearing this, Rong tilted his head slightly and raised his eyebrows slightly: What's a pity?

It's a pity that they don't know that Ao Yue, who is stronger than the Queen Mother and Jade Emperor, has come out. Jun Muqian shrugged, This little pressure is not enough, not to mention that Jie Jiao will not do this.

Yes. Rong Qing lowered her eyelashes and said calmly, I saw Qinglong Xingguan.

Jun Muqian was stunned: Were you there at that time?

Rong Qing also propped up her elbows, lying on her side on the tree, looking at her sideways: But someone specifically told me that I couldn't help her, and if I did, I wouldn't be able to enter the room, so I could only watch other people come to Mu. Mu vents his anger.

Jun Muxian: ...

Inexplicably, she felt some kind of resentment and grievance from these two sentences.

But this was beyond her control. She didn't even know Ao Yue, let alone why Qinglong Xingguan suddenly appeared and said such words.

Jun Muqian leaned over, hugged his waist, and looked up at him: Qingmei, are you angry?

Immediately, she raised three fingers: I swear, I really didn't know such a thing would happen. I had already thought of three plans at the time.

If she still needs help to deal with Jiang Qingxue, she can really go to the garbage dump to reflect on herself.

I know. His voice was slightly hoarse, cold yet sexy, like a thin electric current passing through his ears. He paused and whispered softly, I just want to stop you as soon as possible when you are in trouble. It’s me in front of you.”

Yeah, but that's not too much trouble. I can solve it with just a few clicks of my fingers. Jun Muqian nodded, and suddenly felt something was wrong, No, why are you stealing my lines?

Rong Qing's eyes were fixed for three seconds, and she had a headache: Mumu, can you...

Are you serious about being a girl?

Naturally, he was unable to say this sentence.

What can I do? Jun Muzhen put her head on his chest, not forgetting his heroic words, I can do anything to you!



On top of the ice, snow and jade, Jiang Qingxue's mood improved a lot after taking a turn.

Sure enough, it was good to have someone to support her. Everything could be delivered to her without any effort on her part.

Qingxue, this is your Uncle Taiyi. Immortal Chi Jing said, I have met your Uncle Taiyi.

Jiang Qingxue collected her thoughts and glanced at the fat baby lying on the ice and jade stone seat. A look of disgust flashed across her eyes, but she still leaned down respectfully and said, I have met Master Taiyi.

She had naturally heard of Taiyi Zhenren's name, of course, because of the third prince Nezha who guarded Nantianmen.

It is said that Taiyi Zhenren is a good believer, but he himself is very indifferent.

Jiang Qingxue doesn't like Zhenren Taiyi. He can't even refine elixirs well, and he has been ruined by his refinement. He is not as good as her.

As a result, after bowing for a long time, Master Taiyi didn't speak, as if he was deliberately trying to show her off.

The disgust in Jiang Qingxue's eyes deepened, and she also had a temper in her heart, so she wanted to straighten up.

But she just raised her head, and a white whisk came towards her.

With a swish, she was whipped into the clouds.


Master Taiyi: Sorry, my hand slipped.


Everyone is so concerned about when it will be finished, so here is a unified reply: Chapter 1314 will be finished, no more, no less, so it will be very soon.

There are still four tickets left to add more. If you still have a monthly ticket, please feed the Lord (* ̄3)(ε ̄*)

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