The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1058 The innate demon gods gather! ! ! 【2 more】



After that sound fell, new vibrations were heard in the sky.

What can be caught by the naked eye is that the space trembles slightly.

The next second——

Stab it!

There was a cracking sound, and long gaps appeared on several of the ice and snow jade stones. Immediately, several figures slowly stepped out of the gaps.

The golden light was so intense that it suddenly appeared and passed by. It was so bright that people could not open their eyes, making it difficult to look directly at the brilliance that emerged.

Yuanshi Tianzun founded the Chan Sect. As a saint of heaven, he had many disciples, but only the Twelve Golden Immortals were the most famous. Naturally, the Twelve Golden Immortals also had the highest status in the Chan Sect.

The Twelve Golden Immortals were not decided at the beginning, but were gradually completed.

Because there are many disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun, but the number that can rank among the Twelve Golden Immortals is limited.

Rumor has it that at the very beginning, many disciples and disciples of Chanjiao fought over the name of the Twelve Golden Immortals, fighting openly and covertly, and there were also many cases of frame-ups behind the scenes.

This led to chaos and turmoil in the Chan Sect during that period, and some of its disciples betrayed the Chan Sect during the Battle of the Gods.

After tens of thousands of years, after the Twelve Golden Immortals had completely determined the candidate, the Chan Sect settled down.

In the Battle of the Gods, the Twelve Golden Immortals also made different contributions.

Jun Muqian looked at the Twelve Golden Immortals who stepped out of the crack in space. His eyes flickered and he focused on the yellow-robed Golden Immortal for a moment.

Sure enough, the portrait in the mortal world was still a bit close. Based on the clothes, she could tell that this was Jiang Qingxue's master Chi Jing.

When she looked back, she naturally saw Taiyi Zhenren, who was also three feet tall, standing among a group of immortals with immortal demeanor, looking very out of place.

Although the Twelve Golden Immortals are all from the same sect, there are also many secret fights.

At this time, a cultivator below was surprised and said: Hey, isn't it the Twelve Golden Immortals? Why are there less than ten people?

Immediately, a voice shouted angrily: Idiot, shut up, who are we, how can we allow us to talk nonsense about the immortals?

As soon as these words came out, no one dared to speak.

However, one of the twelve golden immortals smiled and spoke with a kind face: It's a good thing to have doubts. As for why there are not twelve, it's because Samantabhadra and others came from the west.

Jun Muqian understood.

After the Battle of the Gods, among the twelve golden immortals, Samantabhadra, Cihang Taoist, and Manjushri Guangfa have become Buddhas and are revered as Samantabhadra, Guanyin Bodhisattva, and Manjushri Bodhisattva respectively.

Although he is still ranked among the Twelve Golden Immortals, because he was transformed from Taoism to Buddha, he already belongs to the Western religion.

Including Randen Taoist, who was once the head of the Twelve Golden Immortals and later became the deputy leader of Chanjiao. After transforming into a Buddha, he was honored as Randen Ancient Buddha.

Rong Qing raised his eyes and said in a light voice: He is Zhenren Yuding.

Is this the real person Yuding? Jun Muzhen looked at the person who spoke and his eyes moved.

She remembered that during the Battle of the Gods, Yang Jian, another master of Qingyuan Miaodao who became a saint in the flesh, was a disciple of Zhenren Yuding, and his strength was only inferior to Nezha.

Yes. Rong Qing said, After the ancient Buddha Ran Deng left, he was the head of the Twelve Golden Immortals.

Although Master Yuding was not the first to become a disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, his strength should not be underestimated.

At that time, Senior Yan heard that the Ancient Buddha of Burning Deng would also come this time. Jun Muqian frowned, Will he notice that the coffin lamp is on you?

Hearing these words, Rong Qing turned his head and looked at her, his eyes fixed.

It was nothing at first, but after a few minutes, Jun Muxian still couldn't resist his offensive gaze.

She also stared at him: Why do you look at me like this?

Rong Qing looked at her for a few more seconds, then suddenly smiled: I heard my father say something, it's called being pregnant for three years.

Jun Muqian was confused: What?

As she spoke, her hand subconsciously touched her abdomen.

Now it seems that I was already stupid when I was pregnant. The smile on his lips deepened slightly, and his voice also rose, Otherwise, how could Mumu think that the spiritual consciousness of the ancient Buddha can break through Turn on my protection?




Three seconds later, Jun Muqian became angry, grabbed the man in scarlet clothes by the collar, and said fiercely, Rong Qing!


Started calling her stupid again!

She wants to divorce her husband!

I won't bully you anymore. Rong Qing raised his hand and hugged her in this posture, lowering his eyebrows and smiling slightly, I know Mumu is worried about me.

Among the innate spiritual treasures, there is another one which is the innate demon companion spiritual treasure.

It is the Chaos Bell of Donghuang Taiyi, it is the Hetu Luoshu of Emperor Jun, and it is the coffin lamp of Ancient Buddha.

Therefore, even if they are separated by a universe, there is a strong connection between the companion magic weapon and the innate demon.

It's good to know. Jun Muqian snorted coldly, paused, and then muttered, You are stupid.

However, it is true that she cares about things that cause chaos.

The ancient Randen Buddha was a Daluo Jinxian, and Rong Qing was now a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. The difference was huge.

It was also a coincidence that just after Master Yuding finished speaking these words, there was another wave of spiritual power in the sky. The waves were extremely powerful and the aura soared into the sky.

Before the people arrived, the coercion had already descended on the world like an overwhelming force.


The space trembled again, and a hand reached out from the western sky and opened a crack.

Immediately, several more figures appeared.

Different from the Twelve Golden Immortals led by Master Yuding, these figures are sitting on a lotus throne, with light flowing slowly.

The lotus flower is originally a lotus that can be seen everywhere in the ponds of the Western Paradise. However, because the pond water contains its own spiritual energy, and it listens to the Buddha's sermons all day long, it continuously absorbs the essence of heaven and earth, and becomes the mount of Bodhisattvas and Buddhas.

It was also at the same time that these figures appeared, immediately!

The Hao Hao Buddha's voice rang out between the heaven and the earth, like a clear spring rushing in to purify the heaven and the earth.

Jun Muqian suddenly felt that her mood had relaxed again.

She didn't waste any time, immediately closed her eyes and cast the Six Gods Curse of the fifth turn of the Nine Turns of Creation.

The Six Divine Mantras, which purify the body, purify the mind, and purify the heaven and earth, have different tunes and the same effect as these Buddhist sounds.

Because of the help of the Avenue of Heart, she has barely reached the level of pure heart, and she is still far away from the pure world.

Originally, Jun Muqian thought that the Six Gods Curse was only an auxiliary to the mysterious power in the nine-turn magic skill of creation, but now it seems that this turn is a powerful mysterious power to deal with inner demons.

The Buddha's voice finally fell, and those figures became clear.

Master Yuding touched his beard and laughed: Hahaha, I was talking about you just now, and now you are here, what a coincidence.

These figures coming from the west are none other than Samantabhadra, Manjusri, and Guanyin!

The three Bodhisattvas represent Western religion.

Master Yuding stopped laughing and asked: Master Ran Deng's future?

Manjusri nodded and smiled, saying vaguely: The ancient Buddha may come.

Sit, sit, sit, we haven't been together for hundreds of thousands of years. Master Yuding didn't ask any more questions and laughed again, It's really thanks to the Jade Emperor that we can meet today.

In the sky, the twelve golden immortals were reminiscing about the past, all smiling.

But no cultivators below dared to speak. They didn't even dare to raise their heads. Many of them were trembling all over and almost fainted.

Innate Demon God!

This has just begun, and already twelve innate demon gods have arrived!

Even during the real Battle of the Gods hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Twelve Golden Immortals did not appear together. Now, these innate demon gods who originally only existed in books were actually right in front of them!

After all, the cultivators who came to participate in this battle to become gods were all mortal bodies.

After reminiscing about old times, the Twelve Golden Immortals also sat down.

The other forces haven't arrived yet, so they are in no hurry.

Within a moment, one after another, the demon gods from the Tongtian Cult's disciples also arrived.

As Yan Ting said, Empress Sanxiao was the one who came to Jie Jiao this time.

However, what surprised Jun Muzhen was that the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit also came.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit is one of the four major disciples of the Tongtian Cult. She is the leader of the female immortals, and her strength is also among the Daluo Golden Immortals.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was very strong and powerful. During the Battle of the Gods, she directly beat the Queen Mother and one of the Jade Emperor's daughters to death.

But it was also because during the Battle of the Gods, the Human Sect, the Chan Sect, and the Western Sect united to deal with the Jie Jiao. The demon gods of the Jie Jiao still couldn't deal with the Twelve Golden Immortals.

After the Golden Spirit Mother glanced at the Jade Tripod Master, Manjusri Bodhisattva and others, she snorted coldly and sat on a jade throne with her sleeves fluttering. Sanxiao stood behind her.

Master Yuding didn't care, he said in a good temper: Jin Ling is here too.

The Holy Mother Jin Ling ignored him at all, with a Don't touch me expression on her face.

Master Yuding: ...

Suddenly there was a cold scene. Immortal Chi Jing saw something was wrong and hurriedly came out to smooth things over. He said with a smile: Everyone is here today. All grudges should be put aside. After this battle of conferring gods is over, it will not be too late to fight again.

As soon as Great Immortal Chi-Jing spoke, Master Taiyi suddenly spoke up: Chi-Jing, I heard that your disciple is also going to participate?

There are so many mythical characters in the ancient times that I can’t even write them down. It would take eight million words to write them all, so I will only focus on a few. Most of the others are abbreviations. There is no need to remember Journey to the West and The Romance of the Gods. It’s all there, you can watch TV series and brainstorm_(:з」∠)_

Really... To say that the aura of the Lord and Lady is dazzling is because she feels that she was not tortured badly enough, and she still wants to do it a few more times?

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