The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1047 Force her to cause trouble in heaven? 【2 more】

It's such a familiar smell... Jie Jie Jie... I haven't smelled it for a long time.

Jun Muqian's body was shaken.

She suddenly felt that her soul was invaded by some evil aura at this moment.

She had encountered this evil aura many times before, whenever the black mist appeared.

But at the bottom of the East China Sea, there was absolutely no possibility of black mist appearing, and she could be sure that there was no shadow of black mist around her.

Then now...

Jie Jie Jie... The cold and hoarse laughter continued, The power of Hongmeng... is not something everyone can withstand. If you don't have that blessing, don't show off.


Immediately, Jun Muzhen felt a cold force joining the battlefield, flowing through her meridians.

It's not to attack her, but to steal Hongmeng's power.

Caught off guard, the battlefield was suddenly pulled over.

Jun Muxian knew that the power of Hongmeng, which Emperor Wa valued so much, could never be taken away.

She took a deep breath, endured the pain of tearing her meridians, and actually directly attracted more spiritual energy into her body, regardless of whether it would cause any harm to her body, and launched a forceful impact.



A shrill scream sounded in her mind, and the cold and hoarse voice was furious: Are you crazy? Don't want your life?!


This is simply a way to die together!

After finally being dragged here by the scent of Hongmeng's power, he didn't succeed even after starting.

The voice became even angrier and screamed: Bring the power of Hongmeng!


Several forces collided together again, Jun Muqian groaned, and blood overflowed from all his orifices.

Jie, Jie, Jie... you don't overestimate your own capabilities. The hoarse laughter was both proud and contemptuous, It's better to just be obedient...

The cold breath came again, but this time it was completely blocked out, unable to come in at all.

Who do you think you are? Jun Muqian bit the tip of her tongue, her voice harsh and cruel, Does my foundation allow you to be so presumptuous?

She sneered and said one word: Get out!


The screams fell and the mist exploded.

Jun Mu opened his eyes lightly!

With a swish, the cyclones on her body rose into the sky, and with a few swish sounds, she rushed upwards for tens of thousands of miles, bursting violently on the sea, directly blowing up a small hill.

The deep blue light surged in her palm, and even the bright East China Sea couldn't suppress this blue light, which was so beautiful that it was breathtaking.

The last issue of Tianxian!

After half a year of seclusion, two big classes were completely destroyed. It was really like reaching the sky in one step.

It should be noted that for mortals, 90% of people can only stop the golden elixir.

And 99% of the remaining 10% have stopped at the Mahayana stage.

There are very few people who ascend to immortality, let alone become saints in the physical body.

Even for some geniuses, it would take at least eight hundred years to cultivate from the lowest innate level to becoming an immortal.

But Jun Muzhen only took half a year.

It is true that she is practicing again, but the cultivation systems of the two universes are very different. Only the state of mind can bring some convenience, and in the end she can only rely on herself.

Jun Muqian clasped his fingers, his eyes brightening.

The breakthrough in spiritual power cultivation was within her expectations and was enough to satisfy her.

But what surprised her even more was that her heart's path had already begun to take shape.

Generally speaking, only by being promoted to Taiyi True Immortal can one achieve this step.

Honghuang's understanding of the great avenue is indeed much better than that of the illusory universe.

There are three thousand avenues in the ancient world, and they have been filled in.

Relying on the Avenue of Heart, she could still barely fight against Taiyi True Immortal.

However, a long battle is not possible.

Tianxian may be able to cross three levels and fight against Xuanxian, but Xuanxian cannot cross one class and fight against Taiyi True Immortal.

The name of the immortal is preceded by the word Taiyi, which means a completely different meaning.

Taiyi refers to Tao!

There is a huge difference between a cultivator who can cultivate the Tao and a cultivator who has never realized the Tao.

The former has been integrated with the Great Dao, but the latter is still confined to the general plane and has many restrictions.

After feeling the growing strength in her body, Jun Muzhen sighed: Finally, I have the strength to protect myself...

To ascend to immortality is to enter the prehistoric world.

Although the mortal world is huge, it is still impossible to travel around.

What? A voice suddenly rang, You are not satisfied with the speed of your cultivation?

Jun Muqian suddenly turned her head, and when she saw the owner of the voice clearly, she was slightly startled: His Royal Highness the Third Prince?

She looked around and found that the area was in a mess due to her practice.

Except for Nezha, there was no one else around.

Well, your husband went to Kunlun an hour before you woke up. He said he wanted to pave the way for you in advance. Nezha said, Leave me to take care of you for a while.

Jun Muzhen didn't need to contact Rong Qing to know what he was doing.

He was more worried about her affairs than she was about herself.

Everything has been prepared for her, which is probably to raise her as a daughter.

I understand. Jun Muqian nodded, Thank you, His Highness the Third Prince.

Don't call me Your Highness the Third Prince. Nezha smiled, Just call me Nezha. You and I are equals and we don't have so much etiquette.

Jun Muqian hesitated for a moment.

She also discovered a problem. This title was really difficult to adjust.

Calling him Brother Na sounds uncomfortable, let's call him Brother also hurts.

But he couldn't say it directly by calling him Nezha.

Then-- Jun Muxian suddenly had an idea, I'll just call you Lingzhuzi.

Nezha was stunned for a moment, something flashed across his eyes quickly, and he seemed to sigh: That's fine.

This name has really followed him for many years.

Ling Zhuzi, I still have something to do, so I have to take the first step. Jun Muxian thought for a while, If we have a chance in the future, I will definitely discuss it with you.

When she returns to Daluo Jinxian, she will definitely have a fight with Nezha.

Nezha nodded: Are you going to Kunlun now?

Yes. Jun Muzhen was used to the mythical characters constantly appearing in front of her, and she was very relaxed, I have been in seclusion for half a year, which is longer than I expected. If I don't go there, I won't have time to participate in the Battle of the Gods.

Three days later, the Battle of the Gods will begin.

I have to say that the Jade Emperor is indeed capable of causing trouble.

The name War of the Gods can shock the three realms.

It doesn't matter, I'll go with you. Nezha paused and suddenly changed the topic, The Jade Emperor asked me to take you back to heaven and make you an official after you ascend to immortality.

Jun Muqian's eyes tightened: Huh?

She knew that the noise she made to overcome the tribulation was too great and would attract the attention of heaven. This was exactly her plan.

But she didn't expect that the Jade Emperor would value her so much and directly appoint her as an official.

In heaven, only those above Xuanxian can have an official position.

Don't hold out any hope. Nezha added at this time, The most I can give you is Bima Wen.

As if he was afraid that she wouldn't understand, he explained: I'm asking you to raise horses and clean the stables. The horses in heaven smell worse than those in the mortal world.

Jun Muxian: ...

Too good at stabbing.

What a Bi Mawen!

Could she not know Bi Mawen?

It was these three words that caused the turmoil in the Heavenly Palace in the future.

So, does she have to be forced to cause trouble in the Heavenly Palace?

Jun Muqian pressed her eyebrows: So Lingzhu, what you mean is...

It's only been half a day in the sky. Nezha said calmly, If the Jade Emperor wants to break the sky, he won't know that you are already an immortal. If I delay for more than ten days, he won't notice.

He raised his head with sharp eyes: Don't talk secretly with your friends. I don't want you to enter the heaven. If you participate in the Battle of the Gods, you can join the Western Sect or the Jie Sect.

Jun Muqian raised his eyebrows: Can you explain the teachings? Lingzhuzi, you can be considered a teaching practitioner yourself.

I can't escape. There was a cold look in Nezha's eyes, We don't want more people to wade into the muddy waters of Chanjiao.

Jun Muqian pondered for a moment and nodded: I understand.

It seems that Nezha also discovered or knew something.

Now that I think about it, Master Taiyi said that Nezha's temperament has changed drastically in the past few hundred years and he has been silent a lot. It may be related to this.

Just understand. Nezha breathed a sigh of relief and felt helpless, Don't listen to the fact that the names of the Twelve Golden Immortals are very loud. These twelve people are really...

He considered his choice of words: They're all quite perverted.

Cough cough cough... Jun Mu Qian Leng suddenly choked, Lingzhu has deep understanding?

Nezha was silent for a moment, and his tone was indescribable: Before I sculpted the lotus body, the master always used me as a pillow.

Jun Muxian: ...

That's not so miserable.

It's a thing of the past. Master has always been very good to me. Nezha stood up and said, Let's go to Kunlunxu.


At this time, there is Heaven and Yaochi.

Xue'er, come here.

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