The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1046 The body is sanctified! Reach the sky in one step【1 update】

Taking the center of the East China Sea as the origin, thousands of feet of ripples suddenly spread out, spreading to all directions in an instant at a speed of one meter to one hundred feet!

This power was so powerful that even Penglai, Yingzhou, and the abbot were shocked.

Fortunately, there were no people on these three fairy mountains, and no accidents happened.

The same is true on the sea surface, and the movement on the bottom of the sea is even greater.

Since the gap in the deep pit where the Dinghai Shen Needle is located half a year ago has been closed, the Crystal Palace's shrimp soldiers and crab generals finally no longer have to tinker with it.

On weekdays, no one would come to the Crystal Palace for nothing, so the shrimp soldiers and crab generals were very leisurely, standing lazily in front of the Crystal Palace, yawning, cracking melon seeds, and chatting from time to time.

But with such a sudden shock, the Crystal Palace, which had been calm for less than half a year, was suddenly turned upside down.

Ao Guang was playing chess with Master Taiyi. When he came, he was knocked to the ground.

The next second, there was a bang, and Taiyi Zhenren, who was still a fat baby, hit him.


Ao Guang quickly got up and rescued Master Taiyi: Master, are you okay?

Hiccup, it's okay. Taiyi Zhenren was jumping up and down, Anyway, you were on the ground just now.

Ao Guang: ...

He understood that he was the one with the lowest status.

But immediately, Ao Guang realized the point and blurted out in shock: Such a big movement, could it be that there is another crack in the Dinghai Shenzhen?

No way? Taiyi Zhenren burped again, Isn't this just repaired?

Master, keep drinking. Ao Guang rushed out angrily, Old Long, I went out to take a look.

Hey, wait a minute for me.

Master Taiyi put down his wine jar and rolled up his short legs quickly.

Ao Guang's guess was correct. It was indeed the Dinghai Shenzhen that shook again.

But it’s not because the cracks appear, it’s because someone breaks through.

The woman in purple clothes was sitting in front of the deep pit, her eyes still closed quietly, and a faint golden light could be vaguely seen flowing at the end of her eyes.

Jun Muqian looked calm and her breathing was normal, but the spiritual energy around her had already caused turbulence and was dancing rapidly.

Dantian is running at an extremely terrifying speed, which is simply beyond the speed that practitioners of the same level can achieve.




Explosions sounded one after another from Jun Muzhen's body, and the mist steamed, filled the air, and covered the sky and the sun.

And above her head, there were red flowers blooming slowly.

It blooms and closes, closes and blooms again, and goes back and forth three times.

After completely closing for the last time, the red flowers disappeared with a pop, and were replaced by orange flowers, still making the same movements.

Until finally, a golden flower slowly rose.

This time it was not closed, but it was slowly getting bigger, covering the purple-clothed woman's entire body.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the divine flow is flowing in an instant, and the elegance is absolutely unparalleled.

With a swish sound, Nezha suddenly stood up. At this moment, his eyes turned fiery red, blazing and shockingly bright.

Of course he knows this sign. He experienced it himself hundreds of thousands of years ago...

Sanctification of the body!

The sanctification of the physical body is not just about breaking through to the Earth Immortal in spiritual power, but also directly condensing the soul when breaking through to the Earth Immortal.

And the state of mind and body are both the same.

Before he turned eighteen, he was promoted to Earth Immortal!

And it was Jun Muqian's breakthrough alone that shook the East China Sea, the source of all waters!

This is completely unheard of in the ancient history of mortals cultivating immortals!


The golden flower finally dissipated and slowly lost its light.

Jun Muqian's body trembled for a moment, and his brows furrowed, as if he was suffering from some great pain. Soon, his trembling became even more severe.

Master Taiyi arrived at this time and saw such a scene.

He was stunned for a moment and asked Nezha quietly: Apprentice, has this little girl become a saint in the flesh?

Yes. Nezha nodded, his eyes still burning, My body has been sanctified, but I don't know what level it has reached now.

This movement was a bit stronger than what he had done back then.

His physical body became a saint, and he passed through the earthly immortals and went directly to the heavenly immortals.

Amazing, really amazing. Master Taiyi exclaimed, Sure enough, the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and those of us who were ahead died on the beach.

At that time, his apprentice said that half a year would be enough for this little girl to reach heaven.

He always thought it was just a friendly joke to encourage the younger generation, but unexpectedly, it was not fake.

Knowing that the movement just now was caused by Jun Muqian's breakthrough, Ao Guang was frightened and patted his chest: It's okay, okay, I'm fine in the East China Sea.

Old Longtou, you are really cowardly. Master Taiyi glanced at him, Is it really because of my apprentice's riot in the East China Sea that you are now afraid?

Ao Guang choked: How long has this happened? I forgot. I have already forgotten.

You have forgotten, but I can't forget. Master Taiyi said proudly, Both the world and the world have been occupied by Sheng Buddha. Fortunately, my disciple has occupied the whole sea. I am so proud.

Ao Guang: ???

Don't make any sound. Nezha raised his hand to stop the two of them and frowned, There seems to be something wrong.

Master Taiyi shut up immediately and looked at the woman in purple: What's the problem?

Nezha took two steps forward, half-crouched down, and the circle of heaven and earth on his right hand started to spin, and the strong golden light flowed towards the woman in purple.

But as soon as the light came out, it was bounced back in an instant.


The Qiankun Circle made a roaring sound, which actually made Nezha take half a step back.

Nezha's expression suddenly became serious.

What a powerful soul!

He even used the Qiankun Circle, but he still couldn't detect it.

Master Taiyi was also shocked: Apprentice, this...

He clearly knows the strength of his apprentice. Although Nezha has not made a move for hundreds of thousands of years, the outside world's evaluation of Nezha's combat power is still at the time when he was making trouble in the Heavenly Palace.

But in fact, Nezha's current strength is no longer inferior to that of the Jade Emperor.

Nothing, master. Nezha frowned and looked at it for a long time, then took a few steps back and said, Take a look first.

There seemed to be an extremely strange power infecting this little girl's body, but what surprised him was that he had never heard of such power.

Taiyi Zhenren looked around: Where is the other little guy?

He said that these two little guys were holding hands. It turned out that they were not brothers, but husband and wife.

Nezha said: I went to Kunlunxu in advance to help the little girl pave the way.

That's right. Taiyi Zhenren nodded, Three Emperors Academy is really free.

But he had to admit that the Three Emperors Academy had a very good vision, and this time the Battle of the Gods was quite promising.

Even his senior fellow apprentices would be attracted by such talent.

Apprentice, I also want to go to Kunlun first. Master Taiyi stood up suddenly, A while ago, your uncle Guangcheng sent me a message saying that he was going to Kunlun to watch the battle, and I also have to go and explore the wind.

The Conferred God War also caused heavy losses to the disciples of their Twelve Golden Immortal Sect, but because of his laziness, Nezha was the only disciple. Not only did he not suffer any losses, he also gained a lot.

However, the proud disciples of Guangchengzi and Chi Jing Daxian all died in the Battle of the Gods. This time Heaven is openly recruiting geniuses in the three realms, and other races must be ready to take action.

The demon clan, the Asura clan and other ancient clans will also sacrifice their favorite disciples.

He had no intention of accepting a disciple, he was just afraid that if he was not careful, the Three Realms would be in turmoil again.

Master, please go. Nezha clasped his fists and added a bit of meekness to his brows, Disciple, I'll see you later.

No problem, no problem. Master Taiyi waved his hands repeatedly, If you protect the little girl, everything will be fine.

After saying that, he shook up the fly whisk, made a squeak sound, and spun towards the sea, like a released bamboo dragonfly, still fat.

Nezha: ...

He sighed and began to protect the Dharma attentively.

Jun Muxian was indeed infected by a force. This force was completely incompatible with the spiritual power in her body. It had a huge impact and made it impossible for her to stabilize in a short period of time.

She gritted her teeth, endured the severe pain and began to operate the Nine Revolutions of Creation Magic.

At the same time, the power of the soul rolled out and began to suppress that force together with the spiritual power.

She knew what it was. It was the ray of grand power that she absorbed when she participated in the Holy Ceremony in Yaowang Valley.

In this regard, Emperor Wa did not allow her to tell anyone.

But Emperor Wa never said that the power of Hongmeng was so disobedient!

Jun Muqian was wholeheartedly resisting the impact of Hongmeng's power on her, but at this moment, a gloomy, cold and hoarse laughter sounded directly in her mind!

Incomparable familiarity!

Jie Jie Jie, the power of Hongmeng...

Sorry, it’s a bit too late today_(:з」∠)_

I was stuck in the airport for more than an hour and wrote this as soon as I got home.

New Year’s Eve message rewards have been distributed~

We also gave out red envelopes for one month's votes. It's the end of the month. Those who have votes remember to vote. If you don't vote, it will expire~

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