The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1021 Nuwa! Rong Qing: No acting like a baby [1 update]

Ying Long could ask this question because his memory was obviously still hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Doesn't that mean that this tomb was built on the eve of the war between the human race and the Wu race?

Moreover, how could Yinglong lose consciousness and be trapped here for hundreds of thousands of years?

After not waiting for an answer for a long time, Yinglong suddenly became a little anxious, let out a low growl, and raised his front paws to grab Jun Muqian's shoulders.

But he had been trapped for a long time and had very little spiritual power left, so this grasp had no threatening power at all.

Rong Qing raised her hand to block it, and said calmly: Return to your human form first.

After hearing these words, Yinglong finally realized that something was wrong.

He looked at the three people in front of him hesitantly, the dragon's head moved, and then looked at himself.

Then, with a bang sound, the white mist emerged and dispersed. The road opened up again and was replaced by a handsome young man.

The young man was wearing a dark yellow robe, his face was pale, but his eyes were piercing, like a light burning in the dark night, extremely bright.

After transforming back into human form, Yinglong's first question was still: Where are the three Your Majesties?

Jun Muqian stared at him with a calm expression: The three majesties you served have all fallen.

This is impossible! Ying Long was startled, How could it be possible for the three majesties to fall?!

Why not? Jun Mu Qian said calmly, Human bodies, if they don't become gods, will eventually turn into ashes. Your three majesties are just Da Luo Jinxian.

In the prehistoric universe, if human beings want to become gods, they must break through to the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

Otherwise, it will still be lost in the long river of history.

That's right. Kong Xuan nodded, If you say you are the Three Emperors of the World, I still know.

It's hard to describe the Three Emperors' amazing talent and beauty.

They are currently the only beings who have become Daluo Jinxian in human form. Although they can only step into it, their reputation has shocked the three worlds, and the Western Paradise is also afraid of them.

It is a pity that after the battle between the human race and the witch race, the three emperors also suffered serious injuries and passed away one after another not long after.

The reason why this war between humans and wizards is not considered one of the greatest calamities in the world is that this war does not affect the situation in the Three Realms.

Unlike the Battle of the Gods, which on the surface is a competition between humans, monsters and acquired demons, in fact it is the saints of heaven who control the chess game behind the scenes.

After the Battle of the Gods, even the forces under the command of the Tiandao Saint were seriously injured.

The war between the human race and the Wu race is just a small fight in the eyes of heaven, so how can it affect the prehistoric world?

How could this happen? No... it shouldn't be like this! Ying Long's face turned even paler and he couldn't believe it at all, What about the war? Did we lose?!

Before he could answer, he suddenly slumped down and murmured uncontrollably: On the orders of Empress Nuwa, I came down to earth to help your three majesties, and finally managed to kill the great witches of the witch clan. Unexpectedly...

At the end of the sentence, I couldn't help crying.

Kong Xuan was confused when he heard this: What's wrong with him, so excited?

Maybe it's because ambitions are hard to achieve. Jun Muqian shook his head slightly and sighed lightly, I didn't complete my mission.

What's there to cry about? Kong Xuan, who has been in a high position for a long time, still can't understand. Just finish it before it's finished, isn't it?

If it weren't for the reappearance of Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, even if he wanted to avenge his mother, he would have no way out. Wouldn't he cry to death?

Hearing this, Jun Muxian gave him a look of understanding.

Well, everyone is different. Rong Qing spoke with a cold voice, Not everyone has the same mental endurance as senior brother.

Kong Xuan: ...

Why did he feel like he was being ridiculed?

After a few minutes, Ying Long finally stopped crying. He calmed down with difficulty and smiled reluctantly: Then I dare to ask you three, where is the female slave?

Who is the female slave?

King Peacock Ming fell into a confused silence.

It seems that he has retreated to the Three Realms for too long and doesn't know anyone anymore.

Now, it's been hundreds of thousands of years since the death of the Three Emperors. Jun Muqian slowly explained, I know the female slayer you mentioned, but I haven't heard anything about her. Whether she is dead or alive, we don't know. Don’t know.”

Nvba is also a subordinate of the Three Emperors. It is recorded in the books that she is the god of drought and a beautiful goddess. She once helped the Three Emperors kill Chi You and Xing Tian together with Ying Long.

Since Yinglong was sent by Emperor Wa, then the same should be true for the female slaves.

Hundreds of thousands of years?! Yinglong was shocked again, with a bit of disbelief on his face, Then how could I...

Suddenly, his words stopped.

He covered his head violently, and broken images kept flashing before his eyes, giving him a splitting headache.

Jun Muqian's eyes tightened and became sharper: What did you remember?

I remember... think about it... Ying Long murmured, I seemed to have been captured at that time, but what happened after that... I don't remember.

He looked up and was a little confused: When I remember again, I saw you.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of years passed.

Such a big time span made his nerves collapse.

Well... Jun Muqian was silent for a moment, The war is won, you don't have to worry.

After all, the human race was created by Emperor Wa herself. No matter what, she would not just watch her people suffer.

You won? Ying Long was startled and breathed a long sigh of relief, It's good if you win. That's good...

Jun Muqian frowned: Do you really not remember what happened after you were captured?

She could tell that Ying Long's current cultivation level was that of Taiyi True Immortal.

So when the human race and the Wu race were fighting, he should be at the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

It is more difficult to capture a Taiyi Golden Immortal alive than to kill him.

Unless, there is still a living Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal in the Wu Clan!

I don't remember... Yinglong tried hard to recall, but his mind was blank.

It seemed as if just now, those broken pictures had completely shattered and no longer existed.

Hearing this, Jun Maqian and Rong Qing looked at each other and had the same idea.

There is weirdness.

The Wu clan captured Yinglong and did not kill him. Instead, they placed him in the tomb of the Emperor of the Earth and asked him to act as a guardian here.

What on earth are the Wu Clan planning?

Ahem... Jun Muqian coughed a few times, Qingmei, can I...

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Rong Qing. His tone was rare and cold: No.

I promise, I promise! Jun Muzhen was shocked by his keenness and could only start to coax, I just checked his memory and used the talisman of his life. It will not hurt the soul.

She's really not that vulnerable.

Hearing this, Rong Qing glanced at her lightly: I don't believe it.

After a pause, he sneered softly: When I'm not here, you can kill yourself.

The tone was unprecedentedly harsh.

... Jun Muxian was choked, but she had to admit that this was the truth. She muttered, Then you are here, aren't you? Just look at me, so I won't mess around.

She blinked her eyes and her voice softened a few inches: Okay? Hmm? Light beauty?

Rong pressed his eyebrows gently and found that he really couldn't resist the appearance of his queen.

He pursed his lips slightly and agreed: Just this once.

Just once. Jun Muqian agreed. She turned to look at Yinglong, who was still confused, I have a way to see your memory, but if you don't want to, I won't force it.

With her current ability, she will not cause spiritual harm to others when searching for their memories.

Moreover, it will be even more convenient with the help of the Avenue of Heart.

Kong Xuan was a little surprised: Miss Mu still has such ability?

Could it be that his master secretly taught something like he taught his younger brother before?

It's not that much of a skill. Jun Muxian asked Yinglong again, Are you willing?

Ying Long didn't hesitate at all: If you are willing, it all depends on the girl.

Yeah. Jun Muqian raised her hand, It might hurt a little.

With a turn of Su Bai's palm, the talisman of destiny came out silently.

The faint golden light spun around, condensed into strands of thread in the air, and slowly penetrated into Ying Long's body.

Yinglong's body trembled violently and sweat broke out on his forehead. He gritted his teeth and endured the sudden pain.

This was the first time for Kong Xuan to see such a method of detecting memory. He was a little interested: How?

As soon as he got closer, his expression changed.

His little junior sister... is such a powerful soul!

His master had indeed suffered another perversion.

Since he regarded Kong Xuan as one of his family members, Jun Muxian didn't hide it any more.

She lowered her eyes slightly and increased the output of her soul power.

Ying Long snorted, and a little blood seeped out from his lips.

There is a memory that has been sealed. Jun Muqian frowned, I'll see if I can unlock it.

She tilted her head: Beauty Qing, help me stop him. He is weak now and may not be able to bear it.

Okay. Rong Qing nodded, raised his hand, and held Ying Long's shoulder.

The power of the soul increased for the third time, and Yinglong was like a sieve, trembling violently.

Jun Muqian's eyebrows became tighter and tighter: What a powerful sealing power...

When it comes to controlling spiritual talismans, there may not be anyone in the prehistoric era who is better than her.

And what sealed Yinglong's memory was clearly a spiritual talisman.

She had never heard of this magic talisman.

However, it was not difficult for her.

Jun Mu Qian held his breath and his consciousness sank.

An ancient and stern symbol appeared in her mind, which was the talisman that sealed Yinglong's memory.

Relying on her strong control over the talisman, she began to use the power of her soul to dismantle the talisman.

As time passes by second by second, the power of the spiritual talisman is gradually weakening, and the moment when it is about to completely dissipate——

I remembered! Yinglong's eyes suddenly opened, as if he remembered something horrifying, and he blurted out, Empress Nuwa didn't retreat into the three realms, she was locked up!

Kong Xuan's eyes were sharp, his fingers reached out as fast as lightning, and he locked Ying Long's throat directly, his voice suddenly dropped: What did you say?!

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