The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1020 The more beautiful a man is, the more poisonous he is [2 updates]

A white light suddenly appeared, dazzling.

In the white light, there is a flag suspended inside, which is four to five feet high. The flag pole is as thick as a pillar or beam.

The light is divided into five colors and reflects thousands of lights!

The sky above the flags is misty, and there seems to be two auras of black and white, and in the two auras of black and white, there are also different shades of green floating back and forth.


After the banner appeared, another beast roar sounded.

Although there was a bit of ferocity and violence in his mouth, more of it was fear and fear, and the roar soon turned into a low whimper.

Jun Muqian's eyes gleamed slightly, and he discovered that not far ahead of the road, there was a huge creature appearing at some point.

Apparently this behemoth was about to attack them, but was stopped by Rong Qing.

She turned her head and looked at the long flag that was gradually rolled up again, all the light gone.

Is this the demon-beckoning banner?

This was her first time seeing Rong Qingyong.

Although her mother-in-law was capable of making even chaos treasures at will, the demon flag in Rong Qing's hands was really an innate spiritual treasure from the ancient times, and was not made by her mother-in-law.

The Nirvana Fire, one of the ten original fires that she had seen Rong Qing use a long time ago, was made by her mother-in-law. After all, there is no such thing as the ten original fires in the illusory universe.

After Yuan Feng died, the fire of Nirvana naturally disappeared without a trace.

Rong Qing said that many innate spiritual treasures were lost because of the destruction in the prehistoric times.

These innate spiritual treasures are scattered to the other three universes. Because the Illusive Universe is the closest, it has the most.

The demon-calling banner is an innate spiritual treasure in Nuwa's treasure house. It is the most precious treasure of the demon clan and the symbol of the master of the demon clan.

The thing that summons hundreds of millions of demons in the three realms, with just one shake, all the demon sect's subjects will come.

All demon clansmen must kneel down and worship when they see the demon summoning flag.

Naturally, the deceased Zulong, Yuanfeng, Shi Qilin and their direct bloodlines are not controlled by the demon summoning banner.

Jun Muqian recalled that she had obtained the Seven-Star Moon Whip, and Lan Yiyue said that the treasure house had been destroyed, and the things in the treasure house should no longer exist, but it was obvious that they had not disappeared, but had gone to other universes.

Among the four major universes, Honghuang has the longest history, is more powerful, and has received more gifts from chaos.

The demon summoning flag was left behind the illusory universe, and Rong Qing refined it so that it could also summon the demon clan of the illusory universe.

It can be said to be the first innate spiritual treasure that can span the universe.

However, the Demon Summoning Banner does not have any real offensive power, but just by virtue of its ability to command the demon clan in the world, it can be ranked at the forefront of many innate spiritual treasures.

Kong Xuan's eyes were a little more solemn, and a faint murderous intention swept through him, just like the flash of thunder and lightning.

Before he became a Buddha, he should be considered a demon clan. He had seen the demon summoning flag before and was very familiar with it.

Kong Xuan can be sure that this is definitely a demon-beckoning flag!

The Demon Summoning Banner is an innate spiritual treasure from the ancient times, so how could it be in the hands of the illusory thousand people?

Could it be that the Illusory Great Thousand actually has the idea of ​​​​invading the ancient world? !

Jun Muqian keenly captured the murderous intent seeping out of Kong Xuan's body. The majestic pressure made her feel slightly frightened for a moment.

Previously, Kong Xuan was so amiable that she almost forgot that he was the Great Peacock King, a being whose power was second only to Tathagata in the Western Paradise. He could influence the outcome of the Battle of the Gods just by talking and laughing.

With a wave of his hand, the three realms can be shaken.

But Kong Xuan didn't move immediately. He frowned and stretched out his hand towards Rong Qing: Let me see the demon-beckoning flag.

Rong slightly raised his eyebrows and summoned the demon summoning flag again, rolled it up and handed it over.

Kong Xuan was a little surprised by his natural behavior. He took the shrunken demon-beckoning banner and felt it carefully. His eyes changed slightly: Does the demon-beckoning banner recognize you as its master?

Yeah. Rong Qing said, It's a fluke.

But Jun Muqian knew that this was not a fluke. Rong Qing only obtained the demon summoning flag after breaking into the Ten Thousand Demons Cave alone.

And the process of refining the innate spiritual treasure is even more complicated.

That's all. Kong Xuan threw it back again, his murderous intent still burning, But I'm warning you, if you dare to do anything unethical to the prehistoric world, I won't let you go!

Prehistoric... Rong Qing looked indifferent, I'm not that far away.

If it weren't for Mu Mu, he wouldn't even bother to set foot in the wilderness.

This is also the best. Kong Xuan nodded coldly, turned his eyes and saw his junior sister looking at him solemnly, and his heart tightened, I...

Jun Muqian raised an eyebrow: If you were an ordinary peacock spirit, how would you know that this is a demon-beckoning flag?

Kong Xuan was at a loss for words. An ordinary peacock spirit would be so frightened that he would kneel down when he saw the demon summoning flag.

Sorry, I did lie to you. He was a little irritated, and after a while, he sighed, Don't worry, as long as you know, I will never hurt you.

Jun Muqian stared at him for two seconds and smiled slightly: I know.

If Kong Xuan wanted to kill her, she wouldn't even have a chance to resist.

Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian only has the word Hunyuan more than Daluo Jinxian, but the meaning is completely different.

If you want to break through to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, you must have the bloodline inherited from Chaos.

Kong Xuan is the legitimate son of Yuan Feng, and with his talent, he can become the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

And in this short period of time, Kong Xuan has been helping him.

That's good. Kong Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and stretched out his hand, Let's get to know each other again, Kong Xuan.

King Ming, nice to meet you. Jun Muxian shook hands with him, Miqian.

Kong Xuan knew that as soon as his name came out, everyone would know it. After all, even those myth books in the world could not avoid his presence, and he also liked to make random adaptations.

You don't have to be so polite, he said, Just call me by your first name.

Jun Muqian nodded slightly: Brother Kong.

The veins on Kong Xuan's forehead jumped as he accepted the title.

Forget it, after all, there is a brother, who is not far away from the senior brother.

Yes, Miss Mu, let me tell you. After getting to know each other thoroughly, Kong Xuan relaxed. After glancing at Rong Qing, he said seriously, Men are not good things, especially good-looking ones. The more beautiful they are, the more vicious they are. They like to deceive people, so you must stay away from them.

Rong Qing: ...

Jun Muxian: ...

If she remembered correctly, she remembered that when she returned to Huaxu Continent, Jiutian Kunpeng Shunchu she met told her that the Peacock Ming King was ranked fourth among the most beautiful men in ancient times.

At that time, Xu Shi was outshined by his younger brother, and Shunchu looked very disgusted.

However, this ranking does make some sense. Kong Xuan's appearance is naturally excellent, with a jade tree facing the wind and a talented person.

It's a pity that both Donghuang and Dijun are deceased. Otherwise, she would really like to see what the handsome men ranked second and third look like.

Kong Xuan noticed his junior sister's gaze and coughed lightly, not feeling guilty at all: But I'm different. I've become a Buddha and have credibility.

Jun Muxian: ...

She finally discovered why Jiutian Kunpeng and Peacock King Ming were brothers. They were too similar in some aspects.

Oh—— Jun Muqian said meaningfully, I remember it.

As soon as she finished speaking, she immediately sent a message from her soul: Qingmei, don't worry, I am willing to be deceived by you.

Rong Qing's eyes softened slightly: Yes.

Kong Xuan didn't know that his junior sister had just agreed to him and was trying to coax him behind his back. With his hands behind his back, he walked up to the giant thing in the middle of the road with a determined look in his eyes.

It was a long yellow dragon with four claws, wings, and a scaly body with spines.

Kong Xuan was surprised for a moment: Did you use the demon summoning flag to stop a monster? Um... a dragon? No, it doesn't look like that.

Could it be that he hasn't been in the mortal world for too long and some new species has appeared?

It's not a dragon, but it's also called a dragon. Rong Qing said lightly, This is Ying Long.

Jun Muqian's eyes narrowed and he blurted out: Yinglong who helped the three emperors and later the human emperor in the past?

Rong Qing nodded: It's him.

Ying Long? Kong Xuan touched his chin, Still never heard of it.

Brother Kong has never heard of normal. After all, he is not on the same level as you. Jun Muzhen understood very well. She walked forward, looked at the huddled up giant, and frowned, He has no self-awareness.

They were about to attack them earlier, but they were obviously controlled.

If Rong Qing hadn't summoned the demon summoning flag, he really wouldn't have been able to shock the unconscious Ying Long.

Although I don’t know how and why he was controlled, it is obvious that Yinglong is actually guarding the tomb of the Earth Emperor!

No wonder, there is no news about Ying Long in the Three Realms.

Although Yinglong's strength is not high, his Xuantong is extremely strong, otherwise he would not be able to help the Three Emperors kill Chi You and destroy Xingtian.

Yes. Rong Qing said slowly, I just used the demon summoning flag to awaken his consciousness, and he should be able to recover in a short time.

He was seriously injured. Jun Muqian stared at Yinglong, who was lying on the ground with a yellow body. This injury has been there for a long time, at least hundreds of thousands of years. If you want to repair it, I'm afraid it won't work without an elixir. ”

What's so difficult about this? Kong Xuan looked indifferent, and with a wave of spiritual power in his hand, it turned into a white light and rushed up.

This white light quickly penetrated into Yinglong's body, and in the blink of an eye, the wounds on his body, large and small, healed.

Even the hidden wounds in the body were repaired at the same time.

Brother Kong, you... Jun Muqian was stunned.

Kong Xuan didn't know how to heal, so his move probably directly used the pure spiritual energy in his body.

It's a small matter. Kong Xuan disagreed, Let's see what's going on with him first.

Jun Muqian nodded, summoned the talisman of destiny, placed it on Yinglong's dragon horn, and sent a stream of soul power.

Ying Long shuddered violently, his body trembling uncontrollably. After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes, and the focus gradually formed.

When he saw the woman in purple, he was stunned for a moment, then said anxiously: Where are the three majesties? Did you win the war? And...where is the female slayer?

After hearing these three questions, Jun Muqian's heart sank.

Unexpectedly, I will be even busier after the exam_(:з」∠)_I have to work hard to code and save the manuscript, otherwise I may stop updating o(╯□╰)o. I promise not to reduce the number of words every day!

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