The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1001 The Lord who relies on face? Little beauty has no worries about food [2 updates]

As soon as he finished speaking, the dozen or so men in black all moved and quickly disappeared from where they were.

Their expressions were solemn, and they were obviously going to do something important.

Only the remaining person stood quietly by the cliff, overlooking the rapid river at the bottom of the cliff, and whispered to himself: In the past, the three emperors beheaded Xingtian and Chi You here... Today, it will also become a new burial place. land.

After saying that, he jumped off the cliff, and with a movement of his body, he rushed towards the west direction.


The distance of three hundred miles is not long for Jun Muzhen. If she uses the sky escape technique, she can reach it in an instant. However, she does not know the exact location of Rong Qing, so she just walks on foot.

At the same time, she also absorbed the spiritual energy in the spiritual tomb.

Yan heard that although the spiritual energy in the spiritual tomb was more violent than the three realms and difficult to absorb, if it could be absorbed, it would get twice the result with half the effort.

Just because this spiritual tomb is hundreds of thousands of years old, there are countless demon gods and other creatures buried in it. They are trapped in this world, and their merits are not lost, but integrated into the spiritual energy, nourishing them. People who enter the spiritual tomb.

It is precisely because of these huge gatherings of merits that the spiritual tomb has grown many geniuses and treasures in these hundreds of thousands of years.

And one year of growing up in the spiritual tomb is worth a hundred years in the outside world.

Even if you find one and put it up for auction, it can fetch a sky-high price.

However, due to the large number of corpses and the strong aura of death, these genius treasures are very difficult to find.

However, for a shameless bell, even if it is hidden deep, it can be found.

In the past, Hunyuan Ling only pointed out the direction, and Jun Muzhen had to find it by himself. But now, Hunyuan Ling, who has eaten many genius treasures, has long been able to do it by himself and has enough food and clothing.

Jun Muxian hadn't walked a few miles when he heard a series of Ling Ling sounds.

Then she saw a cloud of mist springing out from the silver blue tassel bell. At a very fast speed, it flew behind the ancient tree and then entered the ground, jumping up and down, flying into the sky and into the ground.

And every time this mist comes back, it's wrapped in something.

Jun Muqian looked carefully and saw that they were extremely rare medicinal materials, and they were all older than ten thousand years.

The thousands-year-old medicinal materials in the tomb would last a million years if left outside, and their medicinal power is unimaginable.

Every step she took, she could feel Hunyuan Ling's excitement.

Perhaps because of the influence of Hunyuan Ling, Jun Muzhen unconsciously added a sound to her ears——

Ding, your colorful Ganoderma lucidum has been received.

Ding, your Poisonous Blood Nine Vine Flower is also in place.

Ding, your...

Later, Jun Muzhen was shocked that she had such a shameless bell.

This one is meant to cut off other people’s paths!

Ring, ring, ring... don't ring! Jun Muqian raised her hand and slapped Hunyuan Ling on her body. She seemed to be angry and laughed, I said you have a certain temperament as a money fan, don't Once we finish digging the things here, how will they grow again in the future?

It is said that when fishing, you should keep small fish so that they can grow into big fish next year and be caught again.

It's okay to dig up medicinal herbs, but digging up the roots is too much.

Moreover, Jun Muqian knew that the operation of Hunyuan Bell was not because Jiuxiao needed the medicinal materials, but because the guy had itchy hands and couldn't help but feel uncomfortable when he saw the treasure. He didn't give himself the bell.

As if he understood this sentence, Hunyuan Ling shook it reluctantly and said Ling again.

——Dig up one more plant, just one!

Okay, okay. Jun Muqian pressed her eyebrows, I can only dig one more plant today.

Very good, with this shameless bell, her little beauty will not have to worry about food.

Shameless is a bit shameless, but her bells are still pretty good.

Hunyuan Ling had no idea what his master was thinking about giving all the medicinal materials he dug to his Zai Zai, so he excitedly let out another stream of mist.

This time, the mist swished diagonally in front of Jun Muzhen.

Jun Muqian waited for three or four seconds, but did not wait for Hunyuan Ling to retract the mist. She was slightly surprised: Is it so far this time?

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden explosion, coming from the direction where Hunyuan Ling was digging for treasure.

Jun Muxian still didn't know what happened, but in the blink of an eye, the mist released by Hunyuan Ling had returned.

The sound of Ling is a shameless bell indicating that it is satisfied.

This time, what Hunyuan Ling brought back was a Tianxin imperial grass. Compared with the dozens of previous genius and earth treasures, it was not rare, but the vintage was of the best quality.

The only use of Tianxin Royal Grass is to help people refine their bodies.

This 5,000-year-old Tianxin Royal Grass is enough to train an ordinary cultivator's body to the strength of an immortal weapon, but it is of no use to an immortal, so Tianxin Royal Grass is not rare.

Jun Muqian was about to discuss with Hunyuan Ling and ask him to spit out the Tianxin Royal Grass to her first, and she would ask him to dig another one.

Before this idea was put into action, it was shaken to the ground.

She looked up and saw that five people had appeared from the direction of the previous explosion, rushing towards her, all with angry faces and menacing aura.

Almost instantly, she knew what was going on.

I bet her shameless bell dug this Tianxin imperial grass from someone else. Although it was not robbery, it was still one step ahead of others.

It is estimated that these people finally discovered this Tianxin imperial grass, and when they were about to pick it, it was dug up by Hunyuan Ling.

Okay... Jun Muxian was really angry this time and laughed, tutting, Did you do it on purpose?

Hunyuan Bell didn't ring a sound this time and pretended to be dead obediently.

There's no point in pretending to be dead. Jun Muqian snorted coldly, When I can enter Jiuxiao, I won't be able to keep any of the treasures you dug up.

She wants to remove all the treasures from this guy and feed them to her little beauty!

Even if you throw it into the water, it will make this money-mad bell angry to death.

Hunyuan Ling still pretended to be dead.

In just a few seconds, those people had already arrived.

The leader was a young man in his early twenties.

There was a girl standing next to him, who looked to be only fifteen years old.

The girl tugged on the young man's sleeve, a little timidly.

Girl, I won't say much more. The young man's eyebrows were as sharp as an eagle's, and his gaze seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts. His voice was cold, Hand over the Tianxin Royal Grass.

What Tianxin Yucao? Jun Muqian raised his eyes with a faint expression, I've never heard of it.

Girl, it's obviously you... The young man was angry at first and was about to scold him, but the moment he saw the face of the woman in purple, he couldn't help but wince and his aura weakened a lot.

Several other people, except for the girl, couldn't help but froze there, staring blankly at the woman in purple.

He, they couldn't have met the goddess, right?

How can such appearance be possessed by mortals?

One person couldn't suppress the throbbing in his heart and couldn't help but take a step forward: This girl, you are so polite.

After saying that, he lowered his head, with a bit of blush on his cheeks.

Jun Muxian: ...


Which Jianghu person calls himself a niche? He looks stupid when he reads the storybook.

When the girl saw that everyone around her had forgotten what they had to do, she stamped her feet, pinched the young man's waist angrily, and said in a bad tone: Brother Yu.

Ah... The young man recovered from the pain and scolded, Xiao Xuan, don't make trouble.

It's me who is causing trouble! Ge Xiaoxuan became even more angry when she heard this, You promised to help me get Tianxin Royal Grass, what are you doing standing there in a daze?

She is too weak to train herself. Only Tianxin Yucao can help her. She has been looking for Tianxin Yucao for a long time, but it is a pity that the years are too short.

A person can only use one Tianxin Royal Grass in her life. If she wants to ascend to immortality, she cannot waste this only opportunity.

Today, it happened that she discovered a Tianxin imperial grass not long after entering the spiritual tomb. Although she could not tell the year, it was conservatively estimated to be more than a thousand years old.

As a result, before Ge Xiaoxuan could touch it, her Tianxin Royal Grass was swept away by a cloud of mist. Her mood suddenly fell from heaven to earth. How could she not be angry?

Don't worry, Xiaoxuan, this girl is a kind-hearted person at first glance, and she won't steal anything from you. The young man comforted her, and then he offered his hand to the woman in purple apologetically, I'm in Suyu , I was a little rude before, but I was in a hurry, and I hope you can forgive me.

However, Jun Maqian didn't even respond. She yawned lazily and bent her right leg, ready to wait here for Rong Qing.

By the way, listening to the opera will just relieve your boredom.

When Ge Xiaoxuan saw that Su Yu's kind words were ignored, she became even more angry: Hey, why are you ignoring people?

Xiao Xuan, don't be rude! Su Yu scolded, Don't show your temper when you go out.

Why am I losing my temper? Ge Xiaoxuan felt aggrieved, She was obviously the one who stole my Tianxin Royal Grass, why are you still scolding me?

Su Yu had a headache after hearing this, and could only say again: Girl, please hand over the Tianxin Royal Grass. If the girl needs it, I can find another one for her later. I will definitely not break my promise.

At this moment, Jun Muxian finally raised her eyelids and raised a funny curve on her lips: Why should I hand over Tianxin Royal Grass?

Her bell was dug for her, why give it to others?

Before Su Yu could speak, Ge Xiaoxuan had already said, Why? You stole my Tianxin Royal Grass, isn't it common sense to hand it over?

Girl, we discovered this Tianxin Royal Grass first, but we were afraid of breaking its rhizome and releasing the medicinal power, so we didn't dig it up. Su Yu also spoke at this time, his eyes burning, Please, Miss Don't take away someone's love.

Oh? Jun Muqian raised an eyebrow, If you find it, it will be yours. This is really interesting. If I discover Yaochi one day, will Yaochi also be mine?

You... Ge Xiaoxuan was choked, You are using strong words! There must be a first-come-first-served basis!

If she hadn't been too excited, how could she have let Tianxin Royal Grass fall into the hands of others.

Jun Muqian nodded, and the smile on his lips deepened: This statement sounds better than being inferior to others.

Hearing this, Ge Xiaoxuan's eyes widened, as if in disbelief: Who do you think is inferior to others? Say it again? Let me tell you, Brother Yu is...

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Su Yu: Girl, I know you didn't mean it, but my sister is weak and needs to rely on Tianxin Royal Grass to save her life. The girl has a bodhisattva heart and will definitely not ignore death. .”

That's right! Ge Xiaoxuan grabbed Su Yu's arm and said in a vicious voice, If you don't save her, you are a wicked person. No one will marry a woman like you, and you will have to die alone.

Hearing this, Jun Muqian looked at the two of them quietly for a few seconds, then suddenly raised his lips and smiled.

This smile confuses all living beings, and the aggressiveness is so powerful that the people in Su Yu can hardly bear it.

That's an understatement. Jun Muqian chuckled, Others call me the big devil.

Ge Xiaoxuan was stunned and confused: What?

Jun Muqian ignored them and walked forward.

After listening to the play, it was time for her to meet her beauty.

Looking at the back of the woman in purple, Su Yu frowned.

You are robbing other people's things, you are so shameless, and do you know that Brother Yu is ranked seventy-two on the Earth Ranking, and his cultivation level is also in the last stage of the Fusion! Ge Xiaoxuan shouted angrily, If I hadn't taken action because you were a prostitute, you would have been dead on the spot!

Jun Muqian paused in his steps and turned around: Seventy-two on the ground list?

Are you afraid? Ge Xiaoxuan became proud, If you are afraid, hand over my Tianxin Royal Grass quickly, or else I will beat you to pieces.

Jun Muxian: Probably, I just rely on my face.

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