The Demon Emperor of Lingfei Qingtian Has Been Captured

Chapter 1000 Rong Qing is a scumbag! Let him never come back【1 update】

She suddenly turned around and headed towards the direction of the man in scarlet clothes. At the same time, her feet also increased speed.

Her master was one of the Twelve Golden Immortals, and since her master could tell her such a thing so seriously that day, there was no way he could lie to her.

At that time, she was just fascinated by this man's temperament for a moment, and she felt a sense of appreciation in her heart. Such magnificence and grace were rare in the Three Realms.

But now that Jiang Qingxue saw that even a loser like Mingyue Qian could counterattack with the help of this person, she was determined to get this person, and she would definitely become even more powerful.

But the strange thing is that for some reason, no matter how Jiang Qingxue speeds up, she is always a certain distance away from her target, and she can't fly no matter how hard she flies, which makes her quite anxious.

Once she enters the spiritual tomb, the cultivators will be scattered and the places where they are located will be reshuffled. It will not be so easy for her to see him again. If she does not take this opportunity to take him under her command, she will wait for him again. when?

Jiang Qingxue's current movements were like an inconspicuous sparrow chasing the sun, flying hard but never catching up. The completely different posture from others looked very funny.

Jun Muqian naturally noticed it. She tilted her head slightly, narrowed her eyes, and her eyes were a little thoughtful.

With Jiang Qingxue's meager cultivation, it was naturally impossible for her to see through her seventy-two transformations, let alone know that she was Rong Mu chasing after her...

Jun Muqian couldn't help but understand a little, and raised her eyebrows at the people around her: Hey, Qingmei, did you also meet Jiang Qingxue when you were investigating her?

This man really has the ability to be chased by women all over the world.

Hearing this, Rong Qing frowned and said lightly: No.

After a pause, he added quietly: But her master is the Great Immortal Chi-Ji, and I had the chance to meet him when I came here before.

Great Immortal Chi Jing, Twelve Golden Immortals? Jun Muzhen was a little surprised, her eyes moved slightly, Can Jiang Qingxue still worship under the Twelve Golden Immortals?

The twelve golden immortals are all under the sect of Yuanshi Tianzun in Yuxu Palace. They are the close disciples of Yuanshi Tianzun, and they are directly connected.

Although their cultivation levels may not be very high, in the Three Realms, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother must show courtesy when they see them.

However, after the Battle of the Gods came to an end, Yuanshi Tianzun naturally retreated into the Three Realms, and the name of the Twelve Golden Immortals was no longer as loud as before.

But among the acquired demon gods with names in the Three Realms, many of them studied under the Twelve Golden Immortals.

The Twelve Golden Immortals uphold the sect's inheritance and must not let it down. They are extremely cautious in accepting disciples and will never accept disciples indiscriminately, because once there are disciples who use the name of Yuxu Palace to do evil outside, their reputation will be ruined. .

Great Immortal Chi Jing is the third disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun. His strength is even higher than that of Taiyi Zhenren. Now he is at least at the peak level of Taiyi Golden Immortal. How could he accept Jiang Qingxue as his disciple?

Hmm... I don't know if Mu Mu still remembers... Rong Qing did not answer directly, but said, In that battle in Huaxu Continent, the yin and yang in the hands of Xizi, who became the Lord of the Blood Territory, The mirror was given to Chi Jing by Yuanshi Tianzun during the Battle of the Gods.

Hearing this, Jun Muqian looked slightly stern: So, it is Yuanshi Tianzun who is standing behind the Wu clan?

Yuanshi Tianzun is very powerful, a saint of heaven, and an eternal existence in the ancient world.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun is only a disciple of Taoist Hongjun, and there is no way he can live with the Wu clan under Hongjun's nose.

And even after Hongjun joined the Tao with his body, he didn't care about these things. There was still Daode Tianzun who was helping him. At that time, she met the spirit of Daode Tianzun in the ice and snow silver plains, and she also knew that he was looking for him. A way to save the famine.

If it was Yuanshi Tianzun who really did something that harmed the prehistoric world, how could he not know about it?

It's not like Jun Muqian has never thought about whether Hongjun is the real person behind the scenes. After all, he is undoubtedly the strongest in the entire prehistoric period.

Ke Rongqing told her that being able to match the Tao with one's body proves that evil thoughts cannot breed in the heart, because once there are, they will be rejected by the Tao of Heaven.

Anyone can be an evil person, but Hongjun is not.

This matter has not yet been concluded. Rong Qing shook her head lightly, Mother must know something, but for our safety, mother cannot tell us.

Jun Muqian's eyes narrowed. Although she had forgotten her mother-in-law, she still remembered those words: Infinite calamity...

The immeasurable calamity was far more terrifying than she imagined.

Once it arrives, the universe will be wiped out.

Rong Qing's hand tightened around her waist, the speed of the flight increased, and his voice was clear: As for why Chi Jing Daxian accepted her as his disciple, it's probably because the Queen Mother went to beg her.

Tsk... Jun Muqian sighed, Yes, the Queen Mother still has some respect. She was once the virgin beside Hongjun, and she must have had some friendship with Yuanshi Tianzun.

It's a pity that during the Lich War in the past, the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan were fighting to the death, and many innate demon gods fell. But who knew that in the end, a pair of boys and girls would ascend to the position of Lords of Heaven?

You don't have to take her to heart. Rong Qing said softly, The Great Immortal Chi Jing only accepted the wishes of the Queen Mother and did not really take a fancy to her.

Jun Muqian nodded and raised his eyebrows: I'm afraid some people are restless.

She also knew that Jiang Qingxue and Ming Yuesha were close friends, and Jiang Qingxue promised Ming Yuesha to help kill her to avenge her.

But neither of them expected that she did not come to Penglai as Mingyue Qian.

The evil nature in Jiang Qingxue's heart has been aroused, and she will have more evil thoughts.

Then let her calm down. Rong Qing's eyes never left the person in her arms, and her other free hand moved slightly.


A breeze suddenly blew up and headed towards Jiang Qingxue, who was constantly chasing them.

The next second, Jiang Qingxue was frozen in the air.

Hey——! It was so certain that Jiang Qingxue only had time to shout before watching the man in scarlet clothes and the woman in purple clothes quickly enter the gate, so fast that she couldn't catch it at all.

What made her even more annoyed was that she couldn't move at all.

It was only after all the cultivators entered the spiritual tomb and it was dark that Jiang Qingxue regained the right to use her body.

But when she could move, all the bones in her body felt like they were broken, and the pain made her fall straight from the air.

But now there is no one inside, and countless spaces are rotating below, making a harsh buzzing sound in the wind.

At the critical moment, Feixue Sword took the initiative to unsheath with a clang sound, and promptly supported Jiang Qingxue, who was looking frightened.

Could there be my opponent here? Jiang Qingxue glanced at the turbulent space below with lingering fear, frowned coldly, and murmured softly, Who could it be?

Who could keep her in the air with such weird means without making a move? Moreover, she hasn’t had any premonitions yet?

Jiang Qingxue's expression became more solemn and her eyes darkened.

This trip to the tomb must be more dangerous than she imagined. As a result, she needs help from others even more.

It's a pity that I missed meeting that person before, so I can only wait until I enter the tomb to search for him.

After Jiang Qingxue finished thinking, she pursed her lips, then stepped on the Flying Snow Sword and flew towards the giant door in the air.


The wind blew through the forest, beating leaves and rustling down.

By the time Jun Muqian's vision became clear again, she had already arrived inside the spiritual tomb.

Even though she already knew that the Spirit Tomb was a secret place for trials and would disperse people who entered through the gate, she still inevitably felt a little lonely when she saw the crimson-colored figure beside her. .

Jun Muqian's heart moved slightly. Unknowingly, she had become accustomed to Rong Qing being by her side.

The memory is gone, but the feeling is still there.

This is true love.

Jun Mu Qian stroked his heart, narrowed his eyes and looked around.

What you see is desolation, the sky and the earth are dim, the ground is full of yellow sand, the residual wind is blowing, and the thick desolate air blows towards your face. The desolation almost overwhelms people and makes them breathless.

Even though Jun Muqian had a firm mind, he couldn't help but be infected by the atmosphere here. He almost had the urge to burst into tears and draw his sword to kill himself.

But soon!

With a bang, a cool power instantly burst out from the sea of ​​souls, quickly sweeping through the body and sweeping away this sad emotion.

Jun Muqian's slightly blurred eyes became bright again. When she recalled the previous feeling, her expression could not help but change slightly.

What a terrible soul shock!

If she hadn't cultivated the Great Way of the Heart and the power of the Great Way to protect her body, she might have been emotionally shattered by this.

Even she is like this, what about other people who come in?

No, that's not right...

In an instant, Jun Muqian understood.

This kind of soul impact is aimed at cultivators with strong souls and those with strong souls. The weaker the soul, the less impact it will have.

Her soul was at the level of Daluo Jinxian, so the impact she received was huge.

In other words... the body of Daluo Jinxian is still buried in this spiritual tomb!

There’s more than one!

After thinking about this, Jun Muxian suddenly became a little more wary.

And just when she was observing the terrain around her and thinking about which way to go, the sea of ​​soul suddenly fluctuated.

The familiar warm voice sounded directly from her soul and echoed in her mind.

Mumu, you are three hundred miles east, and I am here.

A simple sentence can make people feel certain.

Jun Muqian was startled, but before she could answer, Rong Qingqing spoke again: Don't move where you are, I'll come find you.

After hearing this, she came back to her senses and shook her head slightly: This is too time-consuming. I will go east, you go west, and we will go together.

You need to be vigilant, but you can’t become a frightened bird.

Okay. Rong Qing paused, Is there anything abnormal just now?

When Jun Muqian heard this, he knew that he must have encountered that soul shock: I'm fine, Qingmei, are you okay?

His voice stopped for a few seconds and turned into a slight smile, as if water was flowing through his heart: You are fine, how can I be fine?

Beauty Qing, you really know how to speak. Jun Muqian praised sincerely, But -

She said in a long tone: I just think you are saying that you are stronger than me.

Hearing this, Rong Qing smiled slightly: Let's go.

Yes. Jun Muqian collected his thoughts and walked towards the east.

The wind blows the yellow sand, and it keeps sobbing.


At the same time, from another direction——

Here is a cliff, also dim yellow.

But what is surprising is that in just a few minutes, there are already more than a dozen people gathered there, all dressed in black clothes and black robes, and they are all obviously familiar with each other.

Judging from their clothes, they were no different from those people from the Wu clan whom Jun Maqian had met at the bottom of the East China Sea. It was just that the auras of these people were even stronger, and they were already vaguely close to earth immortals.

The next second, with a swish sound, another figure appeared on the cliff. The figure was also wrapped in a black robe, and it was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman.

After seeing this figure, the dozen men in black knelt down and said respectfully: I see you, Your Excellency.

Well... The man responded and said slowly, Those losers failed in the Penglai Immortal Sect exam, but we can only win, not lose.

The men in black clasped their fists: I understand.

Master Ancestral Witch has sent an order. In order to prevent our clan's great cause from being hindered, that man must be killed. As for Rong Mu who hasn't appeared yet, we will talk about it later.

The people in black bowed again: Yes, sir.

Only then did the man turn his head, and the wind blew open his black curtain, revealing a face that Jun Muqian recognized.

Very good. He faced the vast and desolate world and smiled faintly, This trip to the spiritual tomb this time... let him never come back.


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