When Zhu Yuan brought the sour plum soup into the room, she saw Liu Yan lying on the bed, and couldn't help but ask: "Madam, what's wrong with you, where is it uncomfortable?"

Before Liu Yan answered, Yu Run said to Zhu Yuan: "The damsel's body was sore after drinking sour plum soup, and she just vomited. Free-fees-first-fat → [chasing] [book] [help]]

What Liu Yan wanted to say, but she didn't have any energy, she waved her hands to Zhu Yuan with some effort, which means that nothing was going on.

When Zhu Yuan saw Liu Yan's appearance, tears fell down.

"Mother-in-law, Shu Nu is brave, slaves have said many times, you must not drink sour plum soup, you see, are you sick now?"

Just after Zhu Yuan's words were finished, Liu Yan sat up again and said to Zhu Yuan, "Zhu Yuan, give me your plum soup."

Zhu Yuan was so scared that she didn't dare to move at this time.

"Hurry up here."

Seeing Liu Yan's urging, Zhu Yuan slowly walked and walked to the round table, and then handed the bowl of sour plum soup to Liu Yan.

Liu Ye looked like a baby and ate up a bowl of sour plum soup with three mouthfuls.

There was some spirit in my face.

"Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, are you pregnant?" Yurun cried suddenly.

It didn't matter if she shouted, there was no sound in the room.

Liu Ye was confused for a while, wouldn't it really be pregnant?

"Mother-in-law, let's ask the doctor to come over. You see how you just behaved. You are pregnant. You like to eat sour, and you will vomit when you see something." A look of joy.

"No, right?" Although she said so, Liu Ye did not have any confidence, in fact, she didn't know if she was pregnant.

Her own monthly affairs have always been unstable, which ca n’t be calculated. Although two generations are humans, if it is really pregnant, it is also the first time. She has no experience at all. She must say that she is not pregnant. It is not certain at all.

Seeing Liu He's hesitant look, Yu Run directly said: "Zhu Yuan, you go to the Tai Hospital to find a Tai Yi doctor, give the mother-in-law the pulse, don't you know?"

When Zhu Yuan stood up, when she was about to go out, she was stopped by Liu Yan.

"Zhuyuan, wait a moment."

If no children have been born in this palace, if they make such a fuss and spread out, in case the doctor comes and they are not pregnant, wouldn't they let the concubines joke, this person, she can't afford to lose it.

Seeing Liu Xie's doubts, Yu Run said, "Madam, let's not talk about pregnancy, let's say that we have eaten something bad, and let them show it."

While Liu Yan was hesitating, footsteps came from outside the door.

"During the day, why did you lie on the bed? Where is it uncomfortable?" Nangong asked as he entered the door.

Zhu Yuanyurun did not speak, and Liu Ye did not know what to say.

Nan Gongxi smiled and said to Zhu Yuan, "It's weird today. When I usually come in, I hear that you are there. How did you become so quiet today? Is it something you did wrong? Mother is punishing you? "

"Long live, slaves don't know how to say it, you still ask your mother." Zhu Yuanzhi said indifferently.

Seeing that all three of them were like this, Nangong Yan looked confused and turned to look at Liu Yan.

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