As for the two court ladies around the hi, although they were not beaten by the staff, they were not much better, they were sent directly to the palace. Free-fee-first-delivery → [chasing] [book] [help]

The concubines in the harem thought that Liu Ye had dealt with this matter a bit harshly, but this approach of Liu Ye was just anger and did not dare to speak, and even anger was secretly secret, and did not dare to lie in Liu He showed it before him.

Nangong Rong praised Liu Rong's approach, arguing that Liu Rong was handled properly, and the harem was originally a place that needed quietness. For those who are restless, they can only do so.

Summer is here and flowers are in full bloom.

For Liu Yan, this summer is the most difficult.

In normal times, Liu Ye is not afraid of heat. This summer, she felt unusually hot, and sometimes she felt inexplicably irritable.

Nangong Palace made people put a lot of ice cubes in Fengzao Palace. Compared with other palaces, Fengzao Palace is a paradise, but from Liu Yan's point of view, it is still extremely hot.

"Zhuyuan, sour plum soup!"

Zhu Yuan glanced at Liu Yan and hurried out.

This morning, Niangniang has already drank three bowls of plum soup? If this continues, her body must not be able to bear it, but seeing your anxious look, she dare not give up, what can I do?

As soon as I went out, I saw Yurun coming.

"What are you going to do in such a panic? Have you forgotten what your mother-in-law usually taught us? See how calm you are when you encounter something. Look at your mother-in-law and look back at you. It's strange if you don't say you."

Zhu Yuan had no time to explain to Yurun, and only said, "Sour plum soup."

Without waiting for Yurun to return to God, Zhu Yuan disappeared.

Yurun glanced at her, and walked into the room.

As soon as I walked to Yurun in the room, I felt cool for a while. The temperature in this room was much cooler than the outside, and the room was still comfortable.

"Madam, this is the new fruit from the palace. Would you like to taste it?"

After speaking, Yurun picked up a crystal clear mung bean cake and handed it to Liu Yan.

The mung bean cake that Liu Ye looked at was also really delicate. She wanted to take a bite, but when she put it to her mouth, she felt a little nauseous. She put it on the plate again.

"Forget it, I have no appetite. The weather is too hot, it makes people irritable, and even the desire to eat is gone, go and give me a sip, did Zhu Yuan bring me the sour plum soup, Let her hurry. "

With that said, Liu Yan's brow frowned.

"Niangniang, this mung bean has cleared away the heat and relieved the heat, and you eat a little." Yu Rungang just persuaded, but found that Liu Yan's face was a bit wrong.

"Take it away, I'm going to spit it out!"

Immediately after the words were spoken, Liu Minhua vomited all over the floor.

Yurun was terrified. She had waited for her mother for so many years and had never seen her like this.

Regardless of the mess on the ground, she hurriedly poured a glass of water for Liu Ye.

"Madam, take a sip of water first."

At this time, the little housemaid outside had come in and cleaned.

Liu Ye calmed down before he said, "It seems that drinking sour plum soup during this time really has a bad stomach."

Seeing Liu Yan's pale face, Yu Run was not frightened.

"Mother-in-law, help me to lie down on your bed for a while. Would you like to ask a doctor to come here?"

Liu Yan shook his head, and Yu Run held it down.

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