Ye Lan estimated the time. Now, Weinan should have led the emperor to the front of the temple. When she found Liu Yan, she gave the news to Weinan. First

"Ye Lan, you see there are a few men's clothes here. Why don't we disguise and go to the scene to see?"

When Liu Yan saw the men's clothes, he seemed to have discovered the New World.

"Mother-in-law, the situation outside is so dangerous now, wait a moment, we make sure that when the emperor rushes here, it is not too late to go out." Ye Lan said hesitatingly. Now, the first thing she has to do is Protect the queen maiden's safety.

"Come on, no one will find us."

Liu Ye insisted repeatedly that Ye Lan had no choice but to wear the man's clothes with her.

Just when the two were going to the scene of the incident, they saw several people approaching them.

Ye Lan looked at the few people alertly, and found that their expressions were slightly relaxed after they realized that they would not martial art.

"Brother, where are you going? It ’s not going to the Chenghuang Temple, but do n’t go there, because the soldiers have been martialized. It is said that someone has kidnapped the queen maiden and burned her. Now the emperor It's already here, but the queen's maiden is gone, and the emperor is thundering! "After someone said kindly, he hurried away.

After all, the people do not fight with officials, and they are also angry Long Yan. At this time, people want to hide away, and no one wants to get in trouble.

"He's so lively, we must go and see, otherwise it's a pity." Liu Yan said as he pulled Ye Lan's hand forward.

Before they walked to the temple, they saw that they were surrounded by soldiers.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

When the guard approached, the guard soldier shouted sharply.

"We know the whereabouts of the queen's queen mother, and I'll trouble the eldest brother!"

Liu Yan said extremely easily, the soldier's face immediately became tense.

"Come, immediately go back to the Emperor, and say that someone knows the whereabouts of the queen mother!"

After the person said, he didn't move, but let a guard next to him inform him, and he stared at Liu Ye and Ye Lan tightly.

Nangong Yu looked at the pool of blood on the ground and was in a daze. I really regret that I was angry and killed the mage.

Perhaps, he knew Liu Yan's whereabouts were not necessarily.

Before he saw Liu Ye, he was separated from himself. Where can I find him in the vast crowd.

Suffering, I suddenly heard someone say that knowing the queen's maiden's whereabouts, Nangong Rong did not let those people come up, but walked in a direction of that person.

Liu Ye watched Nangong Yan look anxiously toward his side, and a smile appeared on his face.

Because Liu Ye was dressed in a ragged suit, Nangong Yu suddenly didn't recognize her. When he walked in front of Liu Ye, Nangong Yu realized that he was his queen. He ignored the strange eyes around him and hugged Liu Yan.

"I will never go alone again, wherever I go in the future, I will take you."

Nangong looked at Liu Yan with a pale face and said with a distressed expression.

Everyone did not understand what happened. How could the emperor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan hold a common people?

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