People looked at the mage doubtfully, and suddenly a woman's voice shouted. This book is published at the beginning of the book, and the follow-up book is here. Https://

"You bullshit!"

People looked along their voices, only to see a girl with a beautiful face, looking angrily at the Archmage.

Seeing this woman in the crowd, Liu Ye smiled immediately, Ye Lan, you finally came.

"Dear folks, don't listen to this demon here to confuse people. Do you know who is **** now? She is the queen's maiden. The mage took advantage of the emperor's entourage to make her hijack the queen's maiden. Burned to death, such people are simply not worth living in the world! "

As soon as Ye Lan's words were spoken, the crowd was confused.

"Why is the above nymph a queen maiden? Is it wrong?"

"The mage is so brave, she actually tied the queen maiden?"

"Isn't that the horoscope of Mage's night view fake? The queen lady is a good man!"

Ye Lan jumped in front of the mage and grabbed his collar.

"Who directed you to kidnap the queen queen? What is your desire to be a demon who fears no chaos in the world?"

The master mage felt the force in Ye Lan's hands, and was scared there, and dare not say a word.

Ye Lan loosened her hands and shoved the mage aside.

"The queen mother is a living bodhisattva, we cannot let him harm the queen!"

After speaking, Ye Lan jumped to the top of the wood pile, and Ma Li untied the rope that tied Liu Yan.

The crowd below also shouted.

"Rescue the queen lady, don't let this demon succeed!"

"The queen maiden is a living bodhisattva, and she is taking people to fight the plague. Why is she a demon girl? Don't listen to this mage's nonsense!"

"We demolished the pile!"

When Ye Langang helped Liu Yan to walk away from the project heap, some people shouted.

Liu Yan rubbed his sore shoulder and looked at Ye Lan gratefully.

The crowd rushed towards the pile, and everyone broke the pile into pieces.

"Niangniang, you shouldn't stay here long, let's go."

After Liu Ye listened to Ye Lan's speech, they took a step, and while there was a panic in the crowd, they hid.

"How do you know I'm here?" Liu Ye asked the first sentence after arriving at a house.

"Mother-in-law, the slave went to the queen queen. The queen was completely ignorant, and the slave queen locked her target to the queen queen. I thought she must have something. Later, I checked the record of the guard on duty and said that a carriage had left the back door of the palace, and the slaves followed. "

Looking at Ye Lan Fengchen's simple appearance, it must have consumed a lot of physical strength.

"Madam, although it's safe now, but don't go out, it's good to hide here."

After speaking, Ye Lan looked at Liu Ye uneasily.

Liu Ye nodded, then looked at the surrounding environment.

This is an ordinary people's house. It seems that the owner of the house has moved away, and the house is a bit dilapidated. It can still be removed.

Ye Lan wanted to see what was going on outside, but she didn't worry Liu Yan stayed here alone.

"You go, they won't find this kind of place. We will go back to the palace when it gets dark."

"Ma'am, don't worry, Weinan has gone after the emperor, and the emperor will be back soon."

Liu Ye nodded again.

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