The next day, all concubines went to Fengzao Palace to ask for peace. Nangong Palace said in front of all concubines, "Since the last time I returned, the queen has been resting for more than half a year. Now she is better than before A lot, things in the harem can't let Ning Guifei work, I think, starting today, you should find the queen if you have something, don't bother Ning Guifei anymore. ★ See ★ Most ★ New ★ Chapter ★ Festival ★ One hundred ★ Search ★ Chasing ★ Book ★ Help ★ "

At this time, everyone looked at Ning Guifei.

Ning Guifei was also shocked. She had no idea that the emperor would say such things. She had been in charge of the Sixth Palace for almost a year. Is n’t this right without it?

The concubines, who often turned around Gui Ning, immediately turned around at this time. They looked at the face of the queen queen and looked very respectful.

Until then, Zhu Yuan really understood the words that the queen's maiden said earlier. It turned out that the queen's power never left, she was just letting Ning Guifei do her work.

Only Ning Guifei thought silly that she was the master of this harem, but she did not expect that she was only a **** of the queen's maiden.

Ning Guifei reluctantly squeezed a smile from her face. She said dryly: "Congratulations to the queen's mother's body, and she's relieved."

"There was nothing at all, but the queen was too lazy to take care of it. How did he recover?" When the emperor asked this sentence, his face suddenly became cold.

Knowing that she had said something wrong, Ning Guifei hurried to her knees and said, "The minister knows the crime and hopes the emperor will punish him."

"Punishment is not necessary, but when you speak later, think clearly before opening your mouth, so as not to cause yourself unnecessary trouble."

The emperor's words made Ning Guifei feel like a fire on her face, especially the concubines later, and her eyes were full of contempt.

People have said that the phoenix that falls into the rack is not as good as a chicken. The women in this harem are turning their faces faster than flipping through the books. This time, Ning Guifei really learned.

Anyway, even if she doesn't have the right of the queen maiden, she is also the second noble woman in this harem. Who can dare to treat her?

Thinking of this, the same smile appeared on her face again, thinking that today, everyone who laughs at me, I will make you regret it.

The queen mother looked at all this, but she seemed to see nothing.

I only heard her say gently: "Get up, the ground is cold. It's really hard for you during this time. You have been well organized in the harem. The emperor should reward Princess Ning. Why did you reprimand it?"

"Well, you reward when you say reward, Ning Guifei, tell me, what do you want?" The emperor smiled suddenly when he looked at Ning Guifei.

In the large court, Ning Guifei couldn't say that she wanted the favor of the emperor, and the emperor did this to give herself a step down, which was clear to her heart.

"Returning to the emperor, the court officials do not want anything, just hope that the people of the country will be able to live and work in peace and prosperity, and the country is prosperous."

Ning Guifei clearly saw that the emperor's face showed a satisfied smile. She also knew that this was the emperor's favorite thing to listen to.

Sure enough, that morning, Ning Guifei was praised by the emperor.

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