In this way, within two months, seven or eight newcomers came to the palace. ★ First ★ Send ★ Chasing ★ Book ★ Help ★

As for their names, and who has anything to do with them, Liu Ye never asked.

Those women in the palace occasionally play a little careful thinking, staged a bitter plan in front of Nangong Yan, Liu Yan also opened one eye and closed one eye.

Therefore, people have such a consciousness in their minds that the queen's maiden is just a decoration, and the one who really has power in the harem is Ning Guifei.

Gradually, with the exception of the invitation every morning, very few concubines came to Liu Ye to bother. Contrary to Ning Guifei, it looked like a city full of joy, all day long.

"Mother-in-law, look at Ning Guifei. I heard that some new concubines are quietly giving gifts to Ning Guifei in order to please the emperor?" Zhu Yuan pursed her lips.

Liu Ye pretended not to hear.

"They didn't put the queen maiden in their eyes at all. Madam, why aren't you angry? Look at Ning Guifei's prestige and happiness, as if she is the biggest in this harem."

At this time, Liu Ye glanced at Zhu Yuan and said softly: "The Buddha said that there are eight hardships in life, life, old, sick, dead, love, parting, long-lasting grievance, ca n’t ask, can't let go. One day, you take these things When you look away, naturally you will not have this emotion. "

Zhu Yuan looked at Liu Yan with a dumb look, and asked after a long time: "Madam, are you crazy with Ning Guifei? What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"It's yours, it's yours. Others can't **** it. If it's not yours, you can't **** it. Why are you angry about these little things? It's not worth it." Liu Ye explained to Zhu Yuan again.

"I see, ma'am, you're persuading me to look away, right? But I just can't look at it, it's obviously yours. Ning Guifei said that she won it, and that it was yours. Go, isn't she stealing it? "When these words, Zhu Yuan looked worried.

"Well, now that I tell you these things you won't understand, one day you will understand."

After Liu Yan said it, he picked up the map on the table and studied it carefully.

In fact, for this matter, it is not only Zhuyuan who is not clear about it. Yurun also said it in private. They do not understand that the queen mother is the master of the six palaces. Why should she give power to Ning Guifei?

Every time I asked the queen mother, she always answered vaguely. Even if the two people were worried again, they were embarrassed to ask anything.

In this way, it has been more than half a year, and in the spring of the next year, with the help of Nangong Yu, Liu Ye really grasped the economic lifeline of the country, and at the same time, the entire country also stabilized.

These days, while the weather is fine, Nangong Yu and Liu Ye secretly went to the suburbs.

Looking at the green crops in the field, Liu Ye smiled heartily, "This year's crop is growing very well, and it must be a bumper year."

The most difficult time has passed. At home, not only has the economy returned to stability, but the court is also calm.

"While I have time now, I think I should go on a tour. I'll be in the palace all day and I will be sick." Nangong looked away and looked forward with a look on his face.

He seemed to see that in the near future, Liu Ye and he would go on a trip with him.

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