At the same time that Liu Ye was described as a living bodhisattva, there was another rumor in the folk that it was due to Nangong Yu's conspiracy to usurp that these disasters were intentionally given to this country by God. This book is published at the beginning of the book, and the follow-up book is here. Https://

Regarding these rumors, Nangong Yu naturally did not care. Liu Ye knew that although he was not a modern man, he had not yet become superstitious.

Natural disasters, which are inevitable in nature, will not disappear because of their virtues, nor will they be imposed because of their virtues.

But some ministers in the imperial court held this incident.

Nangong Nian was sitting on a dragon chair, her brows frowned, and the ministers still chattered there.

"The emperor, the emperor cannot ignore the voice of the people, this matter must be taken seriously."

Nangong Yan raised his eyebrows and asked, "What do you mean by this?"

"Some emperors in previous history, when this happened, they would sincerely write a copy of their own sin, and then sacrifice it, and then burned the share of their own sin before the civil and military hundred officials. Turning around, after all, sincerity is spiritual, if God sees the sincerity of the emperor, he will forgive the emperor. "

After the minister had finished speaking, he knelt there.

Nangong Su suddenly stood up, "This superstitious behavior, I will not do it. In the face of natural disasters, we must unite as one and work hard to resist the disaster. This is the most important thing. You let me go These formal things are impossible. "

Seeing that the emperor was so angry, the courtier kneeling on the ground did not dare to move.

At this time, none of the civil and military officials in the hall dared to speak out. Even, no one dared to say a good word for that minister.

"Well, let's go!"

After Nangong Yan finished talking, he left without looking back.

"Master Wang, haven't you seen the emperor's complexion today? Why do you keep saying that, if I were you, you would have closed your mouth for a long time. You see, the emperor is not happy."

"That is, Lord Wang has been an official for so many years, and even the emperor's face will not look?"

"Master, don't go to your heart. The emperor was exhausted physically and mentally during this time. Disasters have appeared one after another, and the emperor's heart is not comfortable."

Listening to the discussions in his ear, Lord Wang sighed heavily.

Slowly, when the people were far away, he stood up, rubbed his numb legs that were already kneeling, and slowly walked out of the hall.

He has been an official for many years, but still has not mastered the career path.

Just two days ago, his wife told him earnestly that he must learn to observe the emperor. If others did not propose something, he could not take the liberty to raise it. He had forgotten it only after a day or two.

Thinking of this, he smiled bitterly. He was originally a seven-grade sesame seed officer, why should he work so hard?

But the thought of those suffering people made his heart twitch again.

He really didn't know what the emperor thought. If he wrote a copy of his sin and was able to save so many disasters, why didn't he write it? Or was he ashamed of it, and felt that he wanted to write his crimes on paper, and that he could not present them to the people in the country?

Unpredictable Junxin, really unpredictable!

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