Seeing Liu Ye's return without incident, Nangong Yan suddenly embraced her, and turned around several times in front of everyone. First

The ministers who came out to kneel to meet her, lowered their heads so low that no one dared to watch the empress easily.

"I'm back." Liu Yan smiled softly.

If it weren't for the presence of so many people, Nangong Yan would definitely carry Liu Yan on his shoulders and go directly back to the palace.

Looking at Liu Ye's thin face, Nangong Yu felt a distress in his heart. He held Liu Ye's hand and could not help but increase his strength.

"Ouch, it hurts."

It wasn't until Liu Ye called out that Nangong Yan released his hand.

"We go back to the palace."

In a congratulatory voice, Liu Yan and Nangong Yan walked towards Fengzao Palace.

Back in Fengzao Palace, Liu Ye felt as if he had only left yesterday. Everything here is still there.

"It seems that you come here often, otherwise why is there no dust at all?" Liu Yan asked strangely.

Nangong Yan asked Liu Yan to sit on his lap, and said softly, "Even if I don't come to your room, I will make people clean every day."

Liu Yan gently pushed him away and said, "I haven't bathed in the outside for twenty days. The whole body is smelly. You still stay away from me."

"Then let the husband wait for you to take a bath." Nangong said with a smile.

When Liu Ye walked to the hot spring, he couldn't wait to go in.

I usually think there is nothing unusual about this hot spring. After leaving for a while, I think it is so precious.

The water was flowing gently around him, Liu Yan felt comfortable.

The gauze draped on his body had floated on the water, and Nangong Yan looked at it from a distance. Liu Yan was spotless like a fairy in the water.

"The emperor, the water here is so comfortable." Liu Yan said to Nangong Yan with a smile, his face showing joy.

This is a usual sentence, but in Nangong's opinion, this one is ** naked **.

Woman, don't you know how I've spent the last twenty days? Now, when you smile at me like this, how can I bear it?

Nangong Yan jumped into the water as soon as she walked in, and Liu Yan had her lips blocked before she knew what was going on.

Feeling a shudder in her body, Nangong's hand started to swim around her back.

"Emperor." Liu Yan murmured softly.

"Say you miss me."

Nangong Yan bit his Liu Yan's ear gently, Liu Yan felt a numbness.

Suddenly, Liu Ye's hand accidentally touched something that should not be touched.

Suddenly, the room was full of spring light.

"It, why did it grow up a lot?" Liu Yan asked incredulously.

"It sees you and it rejoices naturally."

It's hard to remember, this is the first time for joy, Liu Ye really has no strength, and let Nangong Yan take her out of the hot spring.

It wasn't until Liu Ye returned to the palace that the queen's maiden went to the affected county to treat the plague, and it was widely spread among the people. This woman was really too daring. People did not believe these things.

For a while, the reputation of the queen maiden as a living bodhisattva came to the people. It is said that the queen maiden is a reincarnation of the living bodhisattva, which is specifically to save people who are suffering.

When Liu Yan heard these rumors, he just smiled and said nothing.

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