After Li Song came in, he knew what Nangong Yan meant, and now imitated the handwriting on the note. ★ Look ★ Most ★ New ★ Chapter ★ Festival ★ Hundred ★ Degree ★ Search ★ Chase ★ Book ★ Help ★

"This note was handed down by me, and it is absolutely the same as the handwriting of the other party." Li Song listened to Weinan's remarks, and then let go of a hanging heart.

Anyway, the house was all her own, and Liu Ye didn't have any worries about speaking. She directly asked Nangong Yan, "It's four days until the second day of February. Can we have time to prepare?"

"I know the military power in Liu Wuyang's hand. You see, we asked him at the gate of the palace and said on the note that after he entered, he would meet in Cining Palace. He would surely believe that this is the narrowest palace in the entire palace. A road is also the most convenient place to fight. "

Liu Ye looked at the map pointed to Nangong Yu, and he had the bottom.

It is not unreasonable that Liu Ye chose to do this on the night of February 2nd. On this day, people will hold large-scale sacrifice activities, especially around the palace, people will put a particularly long fire dragon and dance all the time. By the next morning.

People were noisy at that time, and Liu Wuyang would surely believe that this was designed by Nangong, so his precautionary heart would be much reduced.

The only thing she was worried about was the other side's arms. No matter what the battle was, it was the wisest option to minimize the casualties while guaranteeing victory.

"Go on, arrange this thing." Nangong Yan said to Li Song and looked at the map in front of him again.

Liu Ye kept staring at the pigeon on the table. "If we follow the direction of this pigeon, can we find Nangong Ju?"

"Nangong is very thoughtful. He won't let a pigeon expose his traces. Besides, we don't have the energy now, we are divided into two."

Nangong Yu was right. The thought of Liu Wuyang rushing to the gate of the palace with the soldiers, Liu Ye's heart was excited.

Liu Zheng, I have done my best for Liu Jiaren. If you don't know how to cherish, don't blame me.

Thinking of this, a glimmer of coldness appeared in Liu Yan's eyes.

When walking out of Fengzao Palace, Nangong's eyes narrowed.

Ning Guifei watched the bright yellow flash from her eyes. Her first thought was to go forward and talk to the emperor.

Some time ago, the emperor stayed in his palace. Although the two were not married, the outsiders looked at her with envy.

She was still a little depressed at that time. Now, for a long time, the emperor hasn't come to her door. Instead, she feels that even if there is no husband and wife, it is a good thing for the emperor to spend a night with her.

She had just taken a few steps, and suddenly felt that the atmosphere of the emperor was a bit wrong. The meaning of killing was something she had never experienced before.

Ning Guifei thinks she has the courage, but looking at the emperor today, she felt a little timid in her heart somehow.

"Mother-in-law, the emperor is right in front, won't you come over?" Lan Xin asked hesitantly when she saw Ning Guifei's hesitation.

"Don't go anymore, I suddenly feel panicked, this feeling has never been before, let's go back to the palace." After Ning Guifei said, she did not look at the direction of the emperor.

Upon hearing that Ning Guifei was uncomfortable, Lan Xin hurriedly supported her.

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