About four or five days later, Weinan first appeared in Fengzao Palace. This book is published at the beginning of the book, and the follow-up book is here. Https://www.NovelMTL.com/

His dusty appearance made Liu Yan feel that he had not rested along the way.

Just when Weinan came in, Nangong Yu was also there.

"See the emperor, see the queen maiden, there are important things to report to the emperor." Wei Nan knelt there, never dare to get up.

"You get up and talk," Nangong said.

"Back to the Emperor, a few days ago, the queen's queen ordered her subordinates to investigate Liu Wuyang. Her subordinates were incompetent and did not find the place where the arms were stored. This time I hurried back because I found another thing. Liu Wuyang has been with a mysterious person Keep flying pigeons. "

Hearing here, Nangong Yan's expression focused and his heart trembled. He had already expected who the mysterious man was.

Having said that, Weinan pulled out a pigeon from his arms.

The pigeon's feathers are black. If you don't look carefully, you won't find it. It is twice as small as the usual pigeon.

"This pigeon is so small." Liu Ye was a little weird, reaching out to touch it, but she shrank back when she reached halfway, and she was not interested in this kind of thing.

"The queen mother said that this pigeon is not tight and small in size. It has a significant feature that it only flies at night and hardly moves during the day. Liu Wuyang uses this type of pigeon to communicate with that person. . "

Is such a cute little thing a carrier pigeon? Liu Ye did not believe that he took a circle around the pigeon and found nothing special.

"Have you read the contents of his letter?" Liu Yan asked.

Weinan nodded and said, "The other party asked how well Liu Wuyang prepared for the arms? Liu Wuyang answered. This time, Liu Wuyang asked the question, when will he act, so this matter can't be delayed, so I will bring this pigeon back. Now. "

"Did you bring the pigeon back, would it delay their correspondence?" Nangong Yan looked at the pigeon and asked.

"If you return to the emperor, it won't be, I have counted the time."

Regarding Weinan's judgment ability, Nangong Yu believed very much. He said no, and certainly no.

"Wei Nan, I remember Li Song's ability to imitate writing is very strong, isn't it?" When Nan Gongxi asked this sentence, his eyes flashed sharply.

Weinan nodded.

"Little leaves, let Li Song come here to meet me right away!"

Hearing the emperor's anxious voice, Xiao Ye Xie ran out without looking back, and hurried to find Li Song.

"Emperor, we are giving Liu Wuyang a fake news, aren't we?" Liu Yan asked.

"what are you thinking?"

Liu Ye thought for a while and said, "If I were the emperor, I would let Liu Wuyang pass a false message and calm down those rebels. Since Nangong cares so much about this matter, Liu Wuyang must be his left arm and right arm. If he doesn't reach Nangong, he cut his hands and he will come out naturally. Even if he doesn't, he will not be so arrogant again. "

Liu Ye fully expressed the voice of Nangong Yu, and he had to admire. Sometimes, in some things, Liu Ye's thought really does not look like a woman, and it is really admirable.

"Just do what you say. If you don't force Nangong out this time, he will stay quiet for a while."

Nangong said with a smile.

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