Liu Ye and Zhu Yuanyurun had a happy time outside before thinking of returning to the palace. ★ Look ★ Most ★ New ★ Chapter ★ Festival ★ Hundred ★ Degree ★ Search ★ Chase ★ Book ★ Help ★

"Niangniang, at this time, Wen Cairen must have woken up and is waiting for you." Zhu Yuan said with a smile.

Liu Yan smiled and said, "She, sleep, like a little lazy cat, should not have woke up at this time."

Several people said so, and slowly returned to Fengzao Palace.

When walking to the door, Liu Ye heard that there was no movement in the room, thinking that Wen Cairen was still sleeping inside, facing Zhu Yuanyurun, he made a gesture not to disturb.

But when she opened the door, she was stunned by the sight in front of her. Wen Cai sat side by side at the round table, while sitting opposite Wen Cairen was a depressed Nangong.

Said it was depressed, and some said it was lighter. Nangong Yu's right eye was actually purple and black.

"What's going on? How did you get it?" Seeing what Nangong Yan looked like, Liu Xie was worried and didn't salute him. He walked directly to Nangong Yan and looked at his eyes carefully.

Nangong Rong didn't answer his question, but asked, "I've been going out for so long before coming back. Must be crazy outside?"

Liu Yan smiled embarrassedly, but his eyes kept on Nangong Yan's face.

"I went out for a while, when did the emperor come over?"

"You went out with your front foot, and I came over on my hind foot. If you don't believe me, you can ask Wen Cairen."

After the emperor finished speaking, he turned his head to Wen Cairen, who then dared to raise his head and looked at Liu Ye for help.

Seeing two people not talking, Liu Ye kept thinking in his mind, and the situation where the two were alone in the room, and saw Nangong Yan's face turned purple, she seemed to imagine something.

In this warm room, the lonely man and the widow are together, and it must be what Nangong Yan wants to do, and Wen Cai is disobedient, so it was only in a panic that he hurt Nangong Yan's eyes.

Another thought, this conjecture should be unreasonable. After most people see the emperor, they want to be too late to show up. Why would Wen Cairen not be willing?

"Don't think about it there. I'll tell you what happened. I saw no one in the room and thought you were sleeping in bed. I wanted to tease you. As a result, this Wencai man was frightened and suddenly On my eyes. "

After the emperor finished speaking, he looked at Liu Ye's face again.

Liu Ye strongly resisted the desire to laugh out, because when she turned to look at Wen Cairen, Wen Cairen would cry.

"Don't be afraid, the emperor won't hurt you." Liu Ye comforted her softly, as if she was coaxing a frightened child. This situation made Nangong Yan look awkward.

Doesn't it mean that the women in a house have only calculations with each other? How did Liu Ye and this girl get along so well?

Hearing Liu Yan comforting herself, although Wen Cairen didn't cry, the tears were dripping on her clothes, and soon her clothes became wet.

"You are really nice to this little one." Nangong said with a smile.

Liu Xun looked at Nangong Xun unclearly, and only heard Nangong Xun said, "Otherwise, why would you be willing to send Wang Guiren away for her?"

Liu Yan knew that Nangong Yan was helping to hide Wen Cairen, and he smiled gratefully.

Seeing Liu Yan smile, Nangong Yan also laughed.

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