I wanted to go out with Liu Yan to watch the snow together, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen. ★ First ★ Send ★ Chasing ★ Book ★ Help ★

Looking at the woman who was so frightened in bed, Nangong smiled angrily.

"You get out of bed, sit here, I have something to ask you."

When Wen Cairen heard the emperor say so, he trembled across from him and sat down.

"Why do you often come to live in the Queen's palace? You just said where are you here? Yanxi Palace, right?" The emperor rubbed her eyes while watching her.

Such a woman in front of her is at most 15 or 16 years old. She seems to be younger than 15 or 16 years old. Her thin body looks completely like a child, and she cannot even be called a woman.

Seeing the emperor looking at him so intently, Wen Cairen whispered, "When I first went to Yanxi Palace, there was a man named Wang Gui who said there was a ghost there. I couldn't sleep all night and all night. Overnight, in the daytime, I will come here to sleep with the Queen Mother. "

The emperor frowned when he heard this. Some time ago, he heard that Liu Ye had executed Wang Guiren in the palace. However, it was because of this.

At that time, he didn't ask the reason, and Liu Ye didn't explain. This was a strange thing.

"What next?"

Wen Cairen swallowed hard, then said, "Wang Guiren will go to me every day and talk about a lot of horrible things. Later, the mother-in-law punished her. I don't know where the mother-in-law sent her, mother-in-law. Did not say or let me ask. "

Hearing Wen Cairen's words, Nangong Yan believed what she said. Liu Yan seems to have been protecting this Wen Cairen. Then Wen Cai sleeps in Liu Ye and can justify it.

At this time, a Taiyi stumbled in.

As soon as he saw the emperor, the prince immediately knelt down, not even the snow particles on his clothes had time to pat.

"Wei Chen see the emperor."

Nangong Yu did not look at him, but said lightly, "Get up."

The Taiyi got up and carefully examined the wound for Nangong Yu. Fortunately, the emperor's eyes were not a big deal, but they were a little swollen.

After the examination was completed, Taiyi prescribes an anti-inflammatory and analgesic formula, and then said to Nangong Yu: "The emperor is playing, the emperor's eyes are not a big deal, just take some decoction for promoting blood circulation and blood stasis, otherwise, the eyes It's very difficult to recover in a short time. "

Nangong also felt that the eyes were swollen, but it did not affect vision.

"By the way, look at Wen Cairen, she is not scared." The emperor looked at Wen Cairen after he said it.

The doctor came to Wen Cairen again, bowed and saluted, and began to take her pulse.

After telling Wen Cairen that there was nothing unusual, the Taiyi retired.

"Emperor, do you want to go back?" Xiao Yexiao asked softly.

Nangong Yan shook his head. Since he came to Liu Yan, and he hasn't seen her yet, how can he go back?

"Wait here for a while, it is estimated that the queen has been out for a while, maybe she will come back in a while."

After the emperor had finished speaking, he poured himself a cup of tea and tasted it carefully, but Wen Cairen, who was standing opposite him, looked at the man in fear.

Queen queen, come back soon.

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