When Gu Rufeng came back with a shovel, Liu Ye had cooked. At this moment, she was tinkering with the young radish sprouts. First www.NovelMTL.com

After Ma Liu picked up the yellowed and rotten leaves that could not be eaten, she soaked them in the water.

Gu Rufeng looked aside and reminded her quickly: "Mother, haven't you removed these dishes?"

"I'm going to soak it for a while, and now remove the root, it's easy to lose nutrients."

Gu Rufeng was suddenly surprised.

Liu Ye turned his head to Gu Rufeng and asked, "Is there any news from Brother Gu?"

Gu Rufeng shook his head.

"This kind of thing can't be rushed. The more this time, the less anxious it is, maybe the good shop is waiting for us later." Liu Yan smiled and said.

"Mother, you're really not an impatient person."

Liu Ye didn't know. What did Gu Rufeng mean by saying this? If you praise her, then you should consider it as praise.

"Go and boil me some boiling water, not too much."

Listening to Liu Yan's instructions, Gu Rufeng went to boil the water, Liu Yan began to pluck garlic.

Later, Liu Yan removed the roots of the small radish seedlings, burned them with boiling water, and then cut them into pieces.

Put the oil in the pan, add the garlic seeds, and add three peppers to the willow root. Stir-fry the radish leaves for about three minutes. The dish will come out.

"I didn't expect that the lady could make the radish leaves so fragrant, it really made me know." Gu Rufeng couldn't help complimenting the dish.

Maybe I haven't eaten this kind of dish for a long time.

After dinner, Liu Rong did not ask Gu Rufeng to help clean up the chopsticks, but let him continue to paint his paintings.

Ten horses have drawn seven, and three more have been completed.

In the past few days, Boss Chen sent the second child to come over twice.

For the first time, Xiao Er said to ask if they had any intention of continuing to supply him.

For the second time, the second child came to preach. He said that Boss Chen was willing to add 12 grains of silver to each horse, depending on whether they would like to continue to cooperate with him.

The results were the same twice, and Liu Ye refused.

It wasn't Liu Yan's ruthlessness, she just thought very clearly. If she continued to supply him, she would open a shop on her own, and she would encounter more conflicts and troubles in the future.

Gu Rufeng strongly agrees with her approach.

She was also encouraged to say that when it is time to be decisive, you should be decisive.

Liu Ye said to Gu Rufeng: "You praise me like this, I really can't stand it. I guess that boss Chen, I don't know how many times I have been scolded in the back."

For people like Boss Chen, Liu Ye had seen a lot in the previous life. On the surface, he was kind to others. In fact, there was only one word of money in his heart. In front of his interests, he could obey you. Once there is no interest , He will become ruthless.

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, when he scolds you, he will definitely carry me. With me and you, you will not be alone." Gu Rufeng was still joking.

I really didn't expect such people in the world, even being scolded!

This is also called blessing and sharing.

Feeling moved for a while, Liu Ye patted Gu Rufeng's shoulder and said, "Thank you, Brother and I will bear it together."

"Speak well, call Xianggong." Gu Rufeng's tone was firm.

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