The Dangerous Cultivator

Chapter 3468: Blood heritage

"Well, since little friend Suijie doesn't care about Sui's high name, I am not a person who is innocent. Now I will tell you who is right and wrong. Everyone is arbitrarily. Dare to ask little friend Suijie but accept the benefit of others. , Accept others to buy, to kill people and eliminate disasters."

Dongye Ming's eyes are like torches, staring at Xu Yi, "The dignified Sui family has been passed down for thousands of years. Although it is declining today, the family is still alive. If Suijie feels that it is not easy to make a living, you can open your mouth to the old man. For reasons, it’s impossible for anyone to miss the little friend’s share of rations. The little friend has to do that kind of pickling. The little friend keeps saying that he cares about Sui’s high name. If he really cares about Sui’s high name, he will do it. What's the matter? I dare to ask the princes, and I am willing to accept such people to light fireworks."

With a brush, the faces of the four people in the audience turned pale. "The dog, I knew Xiong Wan was not a good thing for a long time. He has always hated my Sui family, how could he ask the son to kill."

"I have persuaded the son a long time ago and told him not to take this order, and told him not to take this order, but he would not listen."

"I don't blame the son, I only complain that I am incompetent, unable to feed the son, and cause the son to do this." "The Sui family is ashamed, and I will wait to die." The audience and the others are almost crazy in anxiousness. Xu Yi stayed still, his eyelids didn't even blink.

He stared at Akira Higashino in a daze, and sighed deeply, "I have always regarded President Higashino as an elder. I didn't expect that President Higashino would have such a vicious mind to entrap Suijie. I believe that the entrapment of Suijie is not the Dongye Club. Mr. Chang’s original intention was only at the request of others, but I don’t know how much benefit the Lizhi family paid, and President Higashino was willing to help them do this."

Akima Higashino didn't expect to be so calm, Sui Jie could be so calm, he couldn't understand it, "Little friend Sui Jie, if you don’t know what you can do, you don’t reflect on your own past, but you blame the old for piercing you. , Is there such a reason in the world? Lao Xu Ning is one of the conveners of this jade pond. I don’t want this jade pond event to be ashamed. I don’t want people with stains to light up this bright firework. I dare to ask what is wrong? , The old man has hinted several times that if he wants the little friend to step down, the little friend can’t make it. How can he blame the old for not protecting Sui’s face?"

Xu Yi chuckled coldly, "Senior Dongye has always been a gentleman of old honesty, and he is stubborn, but I didn’t expect that he would be so eloquent today. I didn’t say anything else. Since the predecessor has framed Suijie, he asked the senior to provide evidence. Jie didn't believe it, and others could still plant Sui's head for what I did not do."

"Unexpectedly, you really can't cry without seeing the coffin, Suijie, I didn't expect that I would come here." Along with the voice, a majestic figure appeared on the high platform, and the man was dressed in a strong outfit and had a rough face. There was a sly light in the triangular eyes.

"This is Xiong Wan, it's really human as the name suggests, and Xiong and Xiaozi." With Huangmei's guidance, Xu Yi immediately recognized the person and secretly complained in his heart. As soon as Xiong Wan appeared, the four of Ah Da's heart was as dead as death. The four of them were still thinking of luck and in case.

Now, after Xiong appeared, the hearts of the four were cold. Xu Yi said coldly, "Why do you have to come here? However, I remember you Xiong Wan once said that all the inferior witches who participated in the Yuchi meeting were inferior witches, since we are inferior witches. During the meeting, what are you Xiong Wantang doing waiting for the Witch Clan to come here? Could it be that you laughed at me for waiting, or did you take advantage of someone and plan to come here to cheat someone."

After Xiong had settled down, he realized that Xu Yi was wrong. He pointed to Xu Yi and said, "No, you are not Zhu Suijie, who are you?" He shouted, and there was an uproar in the audience. The audience shouted loudly. My son has a new blood heritage and a change of temperament. You didn't know it was normal."

He shouted, and Ah Er, Ah San, and Ah Si all shouted. The four of them are Sui's old vassals, and they know more people in the lower level than Suijie. More than half of them know them in the field. The four of them corroborated the identity of Xu Yi.

"So, it's no wonder that this kid has changed so much. How many years have passed since he inherited the Sui family's bloodline. It seems that it is also the best among the waste." Dongye thought secretly.

Xiong Wan coldly snorted, "I only have blood inheritance now. It's really shameful for the Sui family to have descendants like you. Suijie, since I'm here, don't want to take care of your bad things. A few days ago , You took my order and killed for me, why do you want to deny it now?"

Xu Yi laughed loudly, "Xiong Wan, you are afraid that you are going to pit your mind, I will take your order and kill for you? You Xiong Wan looks down on us lower-level witches, as everyone knows, certain has never seen you directly, instead You kill, you can make it up."

"You, you..." Xiong Wan pointed to Suijie with a distressed expression on his face. How long has it been, how can people fall so fast, and is there any heavenly reason? Xiong Wan was speechless, but Ah Da and the others clamored underneath, and the scene immediately became lively by fans.

For a while, there were scoldings off the field. It was mainly Xu Yi's words that had sprayed the bear before, and was heard by the witches off the court. Although Suijie liked to pretend to be bullies, he had always been grounded. Simple class brotherhood.

In contrast, Xiong Wan's reputation is much worse. The main reason is that this guy has never participated in the Yuchi Club. He was naturally treated as an outsider by the Wu Clan present. After hearing Xu Yi's words, everyone immediately became an enemy. heart of.

"It's all closed to Lao Tzu." Xiong Wan shouted violently, took out a wishful thinking pearl, urged to open the prohibition, light and shadow flashed, overflowing the screen, Suijie's image immediately jumped out, the screen recorded is a cloaked man and In the process of Suijie's transaction, a lot of key information is hidden in the screen.

But Suijie accepted the information of buying a murderer, but recorded it completely. For a while, the audience was silent. Akira Higashino sighed deeply, "Where is this, what is this, Sui Jie, the old man advised you to retreat, you have to be strong, and Sui's last reputation is also corrupted by you."

Xiong Wan laughed, "What else are you talking about, Suijie, what else do you want to say. Sui family is so famous that it has spread to this day, but if I were you, I must find a place by myself and end myself." , I'm so embarrassed to sway the market everywhere, embarrassing."

The powerhouses who had been standing still for a long time also hugged Xu Yi, "Sui's family fell to Sri Lanka, you should reflect on yourself first and then strengthen yourself. Do you still want to fight for this bright firework?" The four majors in the audience were already dumbfounded. Dead ashes.

Only Xu Yi was calm, still smiling, and said loudly, "Unexpected, really unexpected, my Sui family has already fallen to Sri Lanka, and your generation will jointly destroy my Sui family's reputation. Xiong finished, I ask you, When was this scene recorded?"

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