The Dangerous Cultivator

Chapter 3467: stop

Zhu Suijie is a shabby young man, but his temperament is always tight. It is not easy for the witches at the bottom to obtain resources. There are often some ordinary Xuanhuang Pills, which is a good harvest for them. After walking all the way, I sent out a lot of Xuanhuang Pills and enjoyed a lot of respect.

A short time later, a melodious bell rang, and the thousands of witches who were present were all standing around a platform formed by a huge dark black rock. More than a dozen people stood on the platform and received a reminder of the desolation. Xu Yi hurriedly Leaping up to the high platform, there is a dark black copper furnace standing in the center of the high platform, and the pattern is clear.

What Xu Yi had to do was to light the copper furnace, and after a few senior citizens finished speaking, the entire Yuchi meeting officially began. Unexpectedly, Xu Yi just stepped onto the high platform. Doubts appeared in the eyes of everyone on the stage. Xu Yi took out the source card and lit it, clasped his fist and said, "Recently Xiao Chao, I'm sorry."

The red-robed old man in the middle said loudly, "You must take care of your health. In the past years, I always bothered my little friends to light up the lights. It was really annoying. This year, I won’t bother my little friends anymore. I have invited the little friends from Liezhi’s family to light up the lights. If you are interested, you might as well wait with me."

After brushing it, Xu Yi's face flushed. He didn't think there was anything in his heart, but since the performance started, he had to perform well. Lighting up the bright fireworks was originally a special benefit belonging to Zhu Suijie, and it was also Zhu Suijie's decent. There was no sign that he would change when he said that he changed. Zhu Suijie should not be upset.

"Chairman Dongye, isn’t that right? The surname Zhu is the descendant of the twelve ancestor witches, and the Sui clan is the descendant of the great **** Zhu Rong. I have the same blood line of the witch clan, and we respect the twelve ancestral witches. The complete pedigree is the Sui clan. Although the Sui clan has declined, the Sui clan is still an important testimony to the long-lasting blood of my witch clan and the eternal line. This is why the Sui clan ignites bright fireworks. Change people rashly." It was the middle-aged white-faced middle-aged man who stood second to the left of Akira Higashino. His name was Nujiang, his **** was like a fire, and he was extremely prestigious among the witches at the bottom.

Akira Higashino said with a smile, "Brother Nujiang is right. The Sui family is indeed both honorable and noble. It is an important testimony to the eternal family of my witch clan. Therefore, the Yuchi Club has been held for more than 20 years and has always invited the little friends of Suijie. Ignite this bright flame. Originally, a few days ago, the old man also believed that the person who ignited the bright flame was not the one who lit this bright flame. However, a sad thing happened recently that made the old man had to change his mind. Little friend Jie, since you are the Sui clan, you represent the glory of the Sui clan. If you really don’t want the Sui clan’s reputation, I won’t say more. I also ask my little friend to quit."

Xu Yi secretly said, a very insidious old man, it seems that after endless years of evolution, which clan has these curious goods. He was so mindful. When he turned his thoughts, he guessed what went wrong. It was mostly Suijie who took Xiong's order and intercepted Xu Yanzhi.

At first, Xu Yi didn't think this was a hidden danger. Now that he understood Sui Jie's status, he knew that this guy had been holding a golden rice bowl and begging. Obviously, he can become a representative of the totem of the Witch clan, so he has to do things that are not on the stage.

In the same way, once someone puts on the stage for this unpretentious matter, his Sui's aura is about to be weakened to the darkest as soon as the stigma comes on him. Without Sui's aura, Suijie was nothing but a crowd. At this point, Xu Yi felt that Suijie's identity really needed to be rescued.

Xu Yi looked directly at Dong Ye Ming and said, "Everything cannot be said to others. President Dong Ye holds Sui Jie whatever handle, just show it. Sui Jie is a human, one is one, and two is two. Of course, if President Dong Ye doesn’t Suijie is willing to light up this bright firework, Suijie can let the wise, but Suijie must not let Sui's stigma because of Suijie. Therefore, in front of all the brothers and sisters present, I also ask Senior Dongye to explain clearly. ."

Akira Higashino was stunned. Zhu Suijie’s change was completely beyond his expectation. He had known Zhu Suijie this person before. He knew that this person had the best face and was bold and courageous. He would never dare to confront him. Besides, he really grasped Zhu Suijie's handle.

Under these circumstances, he could not find the reason for Zhu Suijie's sudden attack. Nu Jiang sneered, "There is nothing to say to people. Brother Dongye has something to say, just say it directly, so that it is concealed, and it is true, but I don't know what to do."

Higashino said clearly, "Brother Nu, forgive me for not agreeing with this. Sui's high name, Brother Nu doesn't care, but X does. A certain thinks that Sui Jie is not suitable for lighting up bright fireworks. Naturally, there is a reason for this. Little friend Jie, please retreat. The old man cherishes Sui's reputation more than he can and cannot bear to be ashamed."

Xu Yi said, "Senior Dongye keeps saying that Sui’s humiliation does not want Sui’s humiliation. You can comfort me in private. In front of these many people, the more senior Dongye doesn’t say anything, the more people will be suspicious, as if what Suijie really did. It’s a matter of anger and grievance. If Senior Dongye is really thinking about Sui’s sake, it’s better to just show the knife. Suijie’s disrespect has made Sui’s decline to this day, but as long as Suijie’s breath survives, he will continue to fight for the restoration of Sui’s reputation."

"Well said, the son said well." In the audience, Xu Yi's four major ministers all applauded loudly and excitedly. They had never heard their son say such a boost. "I said, elders, I think there is something wrong with the son." Round face Ah San said with thoughts.

Ah Da, Ah Er, and Ah Si were stunned, and all said that something was wrong. They couldn't be more clear about the situation of their son. They said that he had any ambitions. The four of them didn't believe it first. All the sons thought all day was how to get more Xuanhuangjing and how to participate in the next banquet.

"I know, I know, the son must have inherited the blood, and he has begun to cheer up, it must be like this, you see, the son is very different from the past, let alone, in the past, the son did not dare to be like Dongye. When the chairman speaks, he must have inherited the blood line and become enlightened." Ah Da was so excited that he was about to cry. The other three people were in a panic, and then they danced like crazy. At the moment, the four of them all conveyed their thoughts to Xu Yi on the stage and congratulated him. After receiving Xu Yi's response, the four of them completely fell to the ground with tears in their eyes.

As everyone knows, Xu Yi on the stage has also lost his heart. He wants to make a comeback. It is impossible not to flip the persona. Others say that those who are familiar with him will definitely find out what is wrong. There is no reasonable excuse. It really doesn't work. He was thinking whether to find an excuse, but he didn't expect his four retainers to make up for it. Xu Yi's hard top made him extremely uncomfortable. He wanted to kill with a soft knife, but he didn't expect it to be forced. It really made him hold his breath. But things have reached this point. If you want to withdraw, there is nowhere to withdraw. He is a villain.

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