The Dangerous Cultivator

Chapter 3426: Red cause

Just born with a red name, there was a cursor on Xu Yi's head and a map on the number plate. The map was marked with countless light points, which counted as over a thousand.

Obviously, these light spots are the coordinates of the testers, and they are one of the benefits for the red-named ones.

The second benefit, the red-named person has two chances of random teleportation.

In addition, there is an additional progress bar in his number plate, which is expected to be the red name time of that stick of incense.

After the progress bar, there is a special mark, the red name is captured, gifted, and the progress bar is transferred.

After Xu Yi finished scanning the news, he immediately covered Xu Yanzhi with a cloak, hugged her, and began to rush forward, but in a short while, Xu Yi found himself surrounded by heavy encirclement.

The direction in which he rushed was originally the weakest direction indicated by the cursor diagram, but as he rushed forward, the weak direction quickly made up for it.

Xu Yi knew that he could no longer change direction, because no matter where he changed, he would immediately replenish the thickness there. Repeated tossing like this would only shrink the encircling circle at the fastest speed. "Over there, good fellow, this one is a fat copy."

A big bald man roared, and the Liuyun Zen stick in his palm swept wildly. Not waiting for the poisonous dragon to burst out of the stick, a palm thunder swept out, and the poisonous dragon dissipated. Then, there was another palm thunder, and the bald man screamed. The sound dissipated.

Xu Yi ignored the floating light after the bald man disappeared and rushed forward. If he can persist until the end of the red name, whether there are these floating lights, he must be the first. Naturally, he can't waste time on these floating lights. .

Right now, Xu Yi madly incited thunder in the palm of his hand. For a time, the thunderstorm raged, and when he met, more than ten people were accounted for.

Xu Yi's offensive was so fierce, beyond everyone's expectations. For a while, no one dared to stun him, but only one hesitation, Xu Yi actually rushed out of the encirclement.

Out of the encircled circle, Xu Yi crazily turned to the southeast. That place was not a safe place, but a weak spot.

For him, the current Chang'an Realm, where there is peace, is just a circle of large or small, or being formed.

He can only rush to kill in the encirclement circle one by one, just to prevent the encirclement circle from shrinking and tightening quickly.

It has to be said that the Chaos Thunder Art is a wonderful technique, which exerts the power of thunder to the extreme.

Hidden in the depths of the cloak, Xu Yi had long since turned into a red flame thunder monkey and began to control a large area of ​​magnetic mines.

No matter how he rushed forward, the use of Lei Fa naturally lacked concealment, and it could always attract people everywhere. No matter how he broke through the encirclement one after another, the encirclement began to shrink and compact, which is an indisputable fact.

The palm thunder was not long enough to support him to deal with that endless mana attack, two thunder electric spears were summoned by him, and Qianyuan's real art of Yulei was used to the extreme.

He broke through the formation thirteen times in a row, and the number of trials that were eliminated and killed was countless.

However, his own consumption was extremely large, the mana in his body was empty, and the spirit body pill was completely exhausted.

Thirteen times through the formation, he faced the most ferocious attacks launched by hundreds of monks, and there was no offense or defense. This required that he was able to output the maximum mana almost every moment.

What's more, he had to protect Xu Yanzhi, and in the last two rushes, the enemy had completely mastered his combat mode, and many attacks did not come at him, so he simply attacked Xu Yanzhi.

Several times, he really couldn't defend himself, so he could only take his place and resist a few attacks that he couldn't avoid.

The spirit body pill is basically consumed in this situation.

After thirteen bursts, Xu Yi was tired and dying. Even if he was nourished by the spirit pill, he could not recover immediately.

The more he rushed, the colder his heart became. Since it was a dead end, he would fight to the death, but Xu Yanzhi shouldn't be affected by himself.

He wanted to put down Xu Yanzhi, but there was no chance at all. The encirclement was getting smaller and smaller. Everyone knew that he had a drowsy cloaked man in his hand. As long as Xu Yanzhi dropped him, he would be spotted immediately.

Even if the cloak is removed, Xu Yanzhi's countless enemies here will definitely not give her good fruit.

Suddenly, there was a drop of chill on the back of Xu Yi's hot hand. He was startled, but saw a drop of tears on the back of his hand slipping off.

He stared, but saw tears overflowing from the corner of Xu Yanzhi's eyes. He was overjoyed and shook continuously, "Wake up quickly, run away, I can't protect you anymore."

Xu Yanzhi's tears flowed terribly, but she couldn't open her eyes anyway. She was only a short ray before she could regain the chaos in her body, but she always couldn't achieve this.

Xu Yi guarded her, rushing into the battle again and again, but she could perceive it clearly, deep inside, it was boiling.

Through this drop of tears, he finally realized that Xu Yanzhi was wrong, and immediately reached out his inner breath and poured into her body. The inner breath entered into the body like a clay cow into the sea. When his thoughts turned, he burst into Yunhe's clear breath.

Yunhe cleared the qi into the body, Xu Yanzhi finally recovered the chaotic qi in her body if he had a divine help, brushed it, and opened his eyes.

Xu Yi was overjoyed and immediately released her, "It's really time for you to wake up, now it's okay, Xu can let go and do a big job, Fellow Xu Daoist and find a quiet place to escape, I'll go."

Although he is still in the cloak at the moment, he knows that Xu Yanzhi must have guessed his identity, "I and Daoyou Xu are also fortune-telling friendship. Daoyou Xu has been my bodyguard for a long time. This time, it is even. "

With this explanation, he didn't want Xu Yanzhi to have any psychological burden.

Abandoning these words, Xu Yi floated away. From the cursor map on the number plate, he already knew that the closest person to him was no more than three hundred miles away.

He needs to draw people away and give Xu Yanzhi some space. This time, whether he can rush or not, he is finally at ease.

Unexpectedly, he just floated away, Xu Yanzhi fell to the ground softly. At this moment, she was still weak, her turbulence was restored, her body movement was not smooth yet, and it took some time to recover.

She just fell to the ground, Xu Yiyou withdrew, hugged her, trying to take out something, only some spiritual liquid remained, and barely poured into her mouth, frowning with anxiety.

"Let me go and get out of here."

Xu Yanzhi's voice was cold.

Xu Yi said angrily, "Now let it go, what did I do earlier, don't step on nonsense, adjust your breath quickly, and quickly recover. You said **** or not, but I got a red name. I really don’t know which **** is offended. Up."

According to his analysis, the organizer tossed out the red name and made it clear that it was either to help someone make a marvelous achievement, or to help someone harm others. Now, it is his turn to make a red name, and he immediately confirmed who was doing it. Demonize him.

After all, he didn't have a great friendship with a big man, and they couldn't make such a big effort to make him face.

"It's Yuwen Tuo that hurt you."

Xu Yanzhi's eyes were cold, hiding all his emotions.

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