The Dangerous Cultivator

Chapter 3425: Red name

Xu Yanzhi fell to the ground on one knee, with her cold face raised high, staring at the cloaked man who was still beating the five-star Forbidden Luo formation in confusion.

"What is he doing? To avenge those trash?"

This last thought flashed, and Xu Yanzhi passed out.

Above the air, Xu Yi was completely anxious, and simply revealed the image of the Chiyan Thunder Monkey. With the thunder monkey guarding thunder method, the power of Qianyuan's thunder guarding technique was finally brought to the extreme.

Two thunder electric spears were directly dropped by him, and with one stroke, the entire forbidden formation collapsed. Xu Yi made a big move and hugged Xu Yanzhi. The thunder was all over his body, and he resisted the invading Cangming smoke.

He escaped for more than five thousand miles in one breath, and he stopped after guessing that Cang Mingyan was about to rush over.

At this moment, Xu Yanzhi's situation had been so bad that Xu Yi couldn't understand why she didn't crush the number plate in that situation.

Would it rather die in the formation than retreat?

He reviewed Xu Yanzhi's situation, and he was really not optimistic. Fortunately, he had a four-color printed treasure, which was used to remove poison, which had a miraculous effect.

At this stall, he didn't care about the danger, chose a no one, called the light gate, and hugged Xu Yanzhi to escape into the four-color printing space.

The light door was disillusioned, and the four-color printing fell into the brown grass, silently.

Before entering the four-color printing space, Xu Yi went to Xu Yanzhi's starry sky ring and turned his back.

At this time, to use the decomposing power of the four-color printing to remove the poison, he naturally cannot cover Xu Yanzhi with Yunhe's fresh air. Therefore, it is inevitable that Xu Yanzhi's clothes will be decomposed.

As for Xu Yi first taking Xu Yanzhi's starry sky ring, it was not because of greed, but to avoid the trouble of recycling many rays.

After only a moment of decomposition, Xu Yi heard Xu Yanzhi's breathing gradually calming down, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He heard her hissing bitterly. He turned his head and saw that Xu Yanzhi's face began to be filled with black air on his body. Transformed into five-color light, floating in the four-color printing space.

Xu Yi guessed that this black qi must be Xu Yanzhi's evil tricks that he cultivated into the body. It already coexists with the body and cannot easily be separated.

He hurriedly shot Yunhe Qingqi, enveloped Xu Yanzhi, organized the four-color printing space to continue to draw the black energy away from her body, and then hurriedly gathered those five-color lights back into Xu Yanzhi's body.

Xu Yanzhi stopped screaming and continued to fall asleep. Xu Yi quickly took out a blue shirt and put it on Xu Yanzhi's body. Then, she carried her out of the four-color printing space.

Fortunately, the four-color printing is still lying in the brown grass.

Xu Yi took the four-color seal and stuffed Xu Yanzhi's mouth with a high-grade spirit pill, waiting for her to wake up.

However, he clearly saw Xu Yanzhi's eyelids beating rapidly, and he couldn't open his eyes alive and well. He had no choice but to put a high-grade spirit pill into Xu Yanzhi's body, which made Xu Yanzhi's face flushed and picturesque, and his eyelids were still beating rapidly. But there is still no sign of waking up.

What Xu Yi didn't know was that she was sober after removing Cang Mingyan from her body due to the decomposition ability of the four-color printing space.

Even after the decomposition ability of Si Se Yin stripped the Nine Nether Qi that she had smelted, she screamed in pain and "fainted," she was still sober.

Her "fainting" was only because of the loss of the Jiuyou Underworld Qi in the body, which was violently fluctuating. She was trying her best to recover the violently fluctuating Nine Nether Qi in the body, and the body was in a closed state.

But the ability to perceive externally has not been lost.

When she realized that the cloak was saving herself, she guessed the identity of the cloak. In Chang'an, apart from Xu Yi, she really had no acquaintances.

As soon as he figured out that Xu Yi had saved him, Xu Yanzhi felt the wonder of good fortune in his heart.

After that, she began to hate it wildly, and she remembered that her clothes had been stripped, and she was naked to let the **** look at it.

Immediately afterwards, she felt that Xu Yi was feeding her medicine to help her heal her injuries. With two consecutive high-rank spirit body pills, her state was rapidly recovering, even with the recovery of the fluctuating Nine Nether Qi. Not a small help.

But once Nine Nether Qi is not tamed, recovery is not instantaneous, she can only continue to endure and recover quietly.

Just being held by this guy, she felt awkward in her heart, don't mention it.

Holding Xu Yanzhi, the skin touched, and the elasticity was surprisingly greasy. Xu Yi also felt that it was wrong. He took out a thin blanket, spread it on the ground, and put Xu Yanzhi on it.

It took a while for Cang Mingyan to run over. After tossing for a long time, he was really tired. Eat and drink first.

The 118th meat bun was not finished. Xu Yi found that the number plate was moving and his consciousness sank, but he saw new news released on the number plate. The so-called red name rule came out. The details are divided into the following several aspects.

First, the celebrity selection will be selected immediately among the remaining 1,300 trials.

Seeing this, Xu Yi also knew the original 50,000 trialists. At this moment, there were only one thousand people left. The elimination rate was so high that no one was left.

Second, the person selected for the red name will have a floating light mark on his head and will be chased by everyone without any rules.

Third, the person selected for the red name will not be allowed to smash the number plate, automatically withdraw from the trial, and save the dead.

Fourth, if a person with a red name survives half a stick of incense, the red name is automatically released and will receive a reward of 500 merit points.

Fifth, the successful pursuit of red names will be rewarded with one hundred merit points.

Sixth, red names can be taken and given. The merit points will be cleared to those who are taken away from the red name, and to those who donate the red name to others, the merit points will also be cleared.

In the end, killing the red-named person and being killed by the red-named person does not have to bear any responsibility.

After interpreting the rules, Xu Yi gasped. Whoever had a feud with the organizer, this red name rule is clearly the rule of murder.

Wearing a red name sign, being chased by thousands of people, and holding a stick of incense, this is clearly a death mission.

What's more, it can't withdraw automatically, which is clearly a dead end.

It looked like it was given a way to remove the red name, but the testers present were not stupid. Whoever would grab the red name would just be a gift, and others would not want it.

The rules of winning and giving red names are clearly a fig leaf for this **** rule.

"But it's okay. After any unlucky ghost gets a red name, I will kill it to get merit points. He won this hundred merit points, and the first place is mostly stable."

With an understanding of his thoughts, Xu Yida lay down, quietly waiting for the birth of the hapless ghost.

Unexpectedly, he was lying on the back of his head with his hands folded, the number plate moved again, and a lot of words were clearly added.

After rubbing the ground, he stood up, and if he was struck by lightning, he could not believe that he was the hapless ghost.

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