The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 194 0128. The virus spreads! Human forbidden zone!


Ada's eyes were stern, her whole body was extremely soft and she clung to the wall, and instantly hid in the house.

Sure enough, a burst of shots followed. The masonry walls were shattered by bullets and debris.

Ada, who was hiding in the house, was not happy about surviving the disaster, but showed a puzzled expression.

No! This gunshot is not the gun carried by the USS members. Is there anyone else here?

Soon, as if in response to Ada's thoughts, another burst of gunfire came from the west.

Ada tensed up and stuck her head out from the corner of the window to observe the situation.

The man who had just shot himself was forced to roll behind a big tree by the bullets fired from the west.

The man's reaction was very quick, and the sudden bullet did not hurt him at all.

Looking at the familiar short hair, Ada showed a little smile on her face.

Chris, it's you.

Chris, who was hiding behind a big tree, tilted his ears and listened intently to the sounds around him.

It was too dangerous just now. As soon as he ran over, he saw a red figure turning into the house. He didn't see the specific appearance of the figure clearly, thinking that the person was in the same group as Hank.

Unexpectedly, there are still two people on the other side alive, and the man in red has pretty good skills.

If he and Hank were one-on-one, he would still have some confidence, but now that he was caught in the same shooting corner by two people, it would not be fun.

Time passed by second by second, and the three parties hidden in the dark were waiting quietly.

Hank, who was lying behind a billboard, moved gently to get his body as close as possible to the shops on both sides of the road.

At this moment, there was a slight tremor in the street. The Goliath that was attracted by the helicopter appeared at the end of the street.


The huge roar attracted the attention of three people at the same time.

Chris was startled by the sudden sound, and he couldn't help but turn his head to see what was going on.

But as soon as he reached out a little, two bullets were fired accurately.

The hair on Chris' body stood up, his head tilted slightly, and the bullet grazed his temple, leaving a scratch mark on him.

At the same time, Ada, who was hiding in the house, suddenly shot at the billboard where Hank was.

A bullet accurately penetrated the wooden sign and hit Hank's chest.

Feeling a pounding in his chest, Hank smashed through the glass of the store and rolled in without even thinking.

In the blink of an eye, Chris had already judged the situation in front of him. The person in red who was attacked by him was not Hank's teammate, so who was she?


bang bang bang bang

When Goliath heard the gunshot, he spread his legs like a mad bull and ran straight along the horse's path.

At the same time, the black light creatures wandering on the edge of the town had long been attracted by the sound of airplane explosions and had already approached this street. Guided by gunfire, they quickly found their target.

Several strange infected bodies with green backs, like frogs, climbed onto the roof several times. They are agile and light-bodied.

It almost makes no sound when running, which is much better than the Licker.

One of the monsters happened to land on the roof behind Ada.

Its colloid-like nose twitched slightly and quickly locked onto Ada's location.


The monster shot toward the wall like a sharp arrow with a clear target, and suddenly there was a burst of shooting.

Three consecutive bullets were accurately shot into its brain, twisting the monster's head into pulp.

Pa da ~

The monster's body fell limply to the ground, startling Ada.

She glanced in the direction of Chris with lingering fear. This strange-looking infected body could actually lurk behind her silently.

Ada raised her eyebrows, and the sense of crisis in her heart suddenly became stronger. A hidden Hank is definitely not that easy to deal with.

This time the assassination failed, I don’t know if the other party will think of me.

Although he and Wesker are in a relationship of mutual use, if Hank finds a flaw, he will report it to the higher-ups. Then the situation that he and Wesker managed would probably go up in flames.

If something happened to Wesker, the Umbrella board might wake up early. At that time, the resources available to his subordinates will be greatly reduced.

Hank must die!

Thinking of this, Ada forced herself to run in the direction of Chris.

Unexpectedly, when she got close to the big tree, Chris could not be found at all.

She was about to turn around when suddenly the muzzle of a slightly hot gun was pressed against the back of her head.

It turns out to be you! Tell me where Wesker is!

Even Chris didn't expect that the person he saved just now was actually Ada Wang.

If you ask what Chris wants to do most right now, the first is to go to Antarctica to save his sister Claire.

The second is to kill Wesker.

Now Wesker's number one agent is right in front of him, how can he not be excited.

Ada slowly raised her hand, but her face was extremely calm, as if she had expected this reaction.

Would you believe me if I said I didn't know?


Suddenly another green monster appeared on the roof and rushed towards them as soon as it spotted the two of them.

Ada hooked her toes, swung her long snow-white legs into an upright position, hooked the pistol from the ground into her hand, and then fired two shots at the charging monster, killing it instantly.

Chris' expression changed, and he lowered the muzzle of his gun slightly: It's not safe here, let's leave first.

Chris didn't know much about Ada, the female agent. I had only heard it from Leon a few times before.

Especially in the mission to destroy the tyrant, Ada was a big help.

This woman, who is both good and evil, is always unpredictable. In Lyon's words, she is a very charming and mysterious woman.



On the streets, the roars of zombies became increasingly dense. If viewed from the air, the street where the three were located has been surrounded by dense black light creatures.

This way!

Chris killed a blade-armed zombie blocking the road with one shot, then led Ada across the street and rushed into an alley at extremely fast speeds.

The two came to an external hanging staircase. Chris pointed to Ada and asked her to go up first.

Ada didn't hesitate, jumped lightly, grabbed the handle, and then climbed towards the roof of the building with both hands.

Chris pushed down two trash cans to block the entrance of the alley, and then climbed up after them.

Unexpectedly, just halfway up the climb, a fighter with thick arms and sharp claws suddenly appeared at the entrance of the alley.

The pair of dead fish-like eyes were staring at him and letting out a low roar.

Seeing this familiar monster, Chris' whole body twitched. A monster that could withstand bullets and couldn't even be killed by a grenade thrown into its mouth was unexpectedly encountered by him again.

Quick! The monsters are coming!

Ada climbed to the top of the building and shouted back to Chris.

Chris's heart trembled, and the movements of his hands couldn't help but speed up a bit.


The fighter at the street entrance roared, pressed his two forelimbs hard to the ground, arched his whole body slightly, and lunged towards Chris on the escalator.

The fighter's body drew an arc in the air, and his huge claws approached the escalator with a cold light.

catch me!

Ada reached out to Chris below with one hand, and at the same time took out a hook gun and shot a hook lock at the building next to her, nailing it firmly into the wall.


Chris roared, kicked his feet hard, jumped more than three meters high, and grabbed Ada's little hand.

The fighter's sharp claws instantly tore the escalator where Chris was before into pieces.

Hurry up!

Ada dropped a word hastily, and without giving Chris time to react, she pressed the hook lock gun.

A huge force of inertia came, and Chris barely reacted, and was pulled into the air by Ada.

The hook lock nailed into the wall was stretched bit by bit. Suddenly, with a soft bang, the entire hook lock could no longer withstand the force and was pulled out of the wall.


The two of them screamed at the same time and fell rapidly downwards. Looking at the zombies gathering below, Ada's heart was filled with despair. She closed her eyes quietly and felt the process of her body falling.



Suddenly there was a dull sound of flesh and blood being broken apart, and Ada felt her body light up, and a strong arm wrapped around her waist.

Ada opened her eyes suddenly and saw a face that surprised her.

It's you?

It's you?

Chris and Ada's voices sounded at the same time.

The visitor was none other than Chen Chong who sneaked out.

What Chen Chong said at the barracks door was completely deceiving Mo Qingning. In his eyes, a Goliath with his eyes blinded is simply a moving black light energy reservoir.

How could he wait until tomorrow for such delicious food? The reason why he didn't want to take Mo Qingning with him was because he didn't want her to see his ability to devour.

But he never expected that as soon as he sneaked into the town, he saw Chris and Ada falling.

Seeing the strange looks in their eyes, Chen Chong didn't know what he felt in his heart.

It was just a coincidence that I was able to catch such an opportunity to save people. If it hadn't actually happened, I would have felt a bit unscientific.

Before the two of them could express anything, the fighter who had missed the point had already angrily rushed toward Chen Chong.


Chen Chong stood quietly and punched the fighter without any fancy.

The monster that looked like a nightmare to Chris was beaten into pulp with just one punch.

Until the ugly head exploded and two dead fish-like eyeballs rolled down in front of him, Chris still couldn't believe it was true.

Ada, who was standing behind Chen Chong, shrank her pupils. Although he had long known that the other party was strong, he never expected that Chen Chong could be so strong.

It's terrible. It seems that he has become stronger again.

If it weren't for the last conversation in the cabin, she would have thought that the other party was a biological weapon.


The zombies surrounding them did not fade away because of the fighter's death.

On the contrary, after seeing Chen Chong, these zombies became even more violent than before.

Seeing more and more zombies gathering, Chen Chong planned to send the two of them out of the town first. Just as he was about to turn around, a green zombie clinging to the roof caught his attention.

【Picture Book】

[Race: Corruptor]

[Status: Alienation, Evolution]

[Level: 2]

【Life: 60】

【Strength: 9.3】

[Defense: 5]

[Stamina: 11]

【Speed: 6.3】

[Talent skills: 1. Spread of infection: Carrying a high-intensity deadly virus, causing target genetic mutation through biting and scratching. Ineffective against organisms with higher viral resistance.

2. Corruption: Carrying a high-intensity corruption virus, it will cause irreparable corrosion damage to creatures within a radius of five meters.

3. Lightness: By changing the shape of the limbs, reducing ground friction, speed +15%]

[Danger level: 2 stars]

Chen Chong was a little surprised by the appearance of this monster. He had never seen such a monster before in Resident Evil or the Killing Prototype.

It seemed to appear out of nowhere. Although it was not very powerful, it was still frightening.

Huh? That's it?

There was more than one thing that surprised Chen Chong. As more and more zombies gathered around him, several strange-looking blade-armed black-light creatures with sarcomas on their backs appeared in front of him.

Under the observation of the illustrations, their levels have been improved, and there is an additional diffusion ability in the ability column.

[Diffusion: Spread the black light virus in the body to the surrounding areas through the scales and flesh sacs of the face. 】

Quick! Cover your mouth and nose and get out of here!

Chen Chong's tone suddenly became anxious. If these monsters are spreading viruses around all the time, then this town will become a forbidden land for humans!

If the wind changes direction one day, then the entire Linzhou City.

Chris trusted Chen Chong so much that he immediately tore off half of his sleeve. Divide it into three pieces and hand them to Ada and Chen Chong.

Chen Chong shook his head and said seriously to the two of them: I don't need this. You two remember my words. If you feel unwell, tell me immediately.

Ada looked at Chen Chong doubtfully: What does this mean?

Chen Chong thought for a while and decided to tell the other party: This town has been covered by the virus. You two may have been infected with the virus in the town.

What Chen Chong said was not bluffing. Just now he used the illustrated book to observe the two of them and found that both of them had the words Infection, Evolution in their status bars.

In other words, these two people will have three possibilities in the next time. One is to become a black light zombie, and the other is to evolve into a member of the black light evolvers. The third type is to resist the virus and still be an ordinary person.

However, what surprised Chen Chong was that the two people did not show panic after hearing his words, but accepted the reality calmly.


Several zombies that rushed over were kicked away by Chen Chong one by one. Chen Chong pointed to the park on the left side of the street, turned around and took the two of them away.

At the same time, in a factory in the northwest corner of the town, Hank, wearing a USS uniform, was stumbling to the ground, holding his bleeding left arm.

The intense tingling sensation constantly stimulates every nerve in the body. Lying on the ground, Hank gritted his teeth and rolled his body in pain.

The temperature in the body alternates between hot and cold. One second it was like walking into a stove, and the next second it was like falling into an ice cellar. The bulging black blood vessels spread from the ankle to the top of the head at a speed visible to the naked eye, until a painful cry came out of Hank's mouth, and the black blood vessels faded away like a tide, dissipating from the skin in an instant.

At this point in the story, it has completely entered a new background era. New infections will continue to appear, and they will be more powerful than those in the murderous prototype and Resident Evil.

Species such as tyrants, pursuers, and parasites will also complete secondary evolution as the virus spreads.

In addition, Alice, who has been playing soy sauce, will also make her official debut.

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