The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 193 0127. Ada King VS Death Hank

Claire! Get down!

Brother! Go quickly and leave me alone!

Kennedy, get her out of here!


elder brother.

Chris stared at the disappearing helicopter, memories of the past reappearing in his mind.

In 1998, the Umbrella biochemical virus was first leaked in Raccoon City. Chris, Jill Valentine, and others belonging to the STARS Alpha team, led by captain Wesker, went to the aquarium to control the situation.

Due to the sudden incident, the unprepared STARS team was seriously injured by the infection in the aquarium. During the hasty retreat, he ran away from everyone in order to cover his teammates. In an underground control room, he saw a mysterious figure who was fully armed and wrapped in a gas mask.

That was his first encounter with Hank, but Chris didn't know the other person's identity at the time. The entire STARS team suffered heavy losses in that operation. It was not until the end that they understood that the entire virus leak was actually caused by the collusion between their captain Wesker and Umbrella.

Its purpose is to test the spread of the T virus and the data on its harm to humans.

After understanding the situation behind the scenes, Chris resolutely left Raccoon City and embarked on the road to fight against Umbrella and kill the inner ghost Wesker.

It wasn't until the Raccoon City virus broke out completely in 2002 that he infiltrated Hank's USS team on the way back to Raccoon City. However, Hank discovered his identity on the way, and the two sides fought unsuccessfully, but Chris escaped.

At this point, the conflict between the two began. After arriving in Daxia, the two had fought against each other more than once. I didn't expect to meet him again this time.

Chris? Chris what's wrong with you?

Yang Zihang on the side gently touched Chris' shoulder.

Chris slowly withdrew his gaze, and slowly loosened his white fists: Yang, take everyone to Linzhou City.

What about you? Aren't you going with us? Yang Zihang was anxious, I know you want to find your sister, but now the sky has been occupied by those zombie birds. Even if you fly at low altitude in a helicopter, it's easy Attract other zombie birds.”

Chris shook his head with firm eyes: No! I still have one more thing I must do now. If I can survive, I will go to Linzhou City to find you.

After getting along with him for such a long time, Yang Zihang knew this man's character very well. Once he decides something, it is difficult to change.

Okay, I still have a magazine of bullets here, take it with you.

Several mercenaries beside him also took out a few magazines and handed them to Chris.

Looking at these enthusiastic Daxia people, Chris felt warm in his heart.

Thank you! Good luck!

Along the way, the automatic weapons on the Falcon helicopter never stopped. When we set off, only one of the three Falcons was left.

Yaluohu is not interested in low-altitude helicopters, but those ordinary zombie birds are welcome.

While passing several small bases, the helicopter team was attacked intensively by a flock of birds. If it weren't for the powerful firepower they were equipped with, they would have been almost wiped out halfway.

Today's sky is no longer a human sky. Zombie birds are not only a threat to humans in Daxia, but even Umbrella is also deeply affected.

The sky above the sea was blocked by more zombie birds. The USS special team sent to Daxia was no longer able to receive material support from the headquarters.

And their proud fleet of Osprey fighter jets could not take off. The two sides can only fight brutally on the ground.

The reason why they are frantically attacking the Daxia base now is to obtain resources for survival. Waiting for the headquarters to come up with a solution to the zombie birds.

If it hadn't been for the committee's mandatory order to search for black infected bodies, they would never have risked their lives and traveled so far by helicopter.

Getting closer and closer to the town of Elm Bay marked on the map, a tall flesh-and-blood mountain appeared in Hank's sight.

Sir! An unknown infected creature has been found. Do you want to take action?

Hank looked solemnly at the virus mother nest and shook his head: Let's take a closer look first and find the lone black infected body before taking action.



As soon as he finished speaking, a thunderous roar came from the small town.

what's the situation?

The six USS members on the plane were all startled by the roar, and even the pilot was so frightened that his hands shook.

The next second, a giant monster with a height of twenty meters stood up in front of the flesh and blood building.

The monster looks like an iron tower and is as strong as a thunder god. Although the USS and others are well-informed, they have never encountered such a shocking monster.

Oh God! Is it Hercules?

A USS team member sighed subconsciously. The monster was seen beating its body angrily and dragging its huge left arm towards them.

Seeing this, the driver was so frightened that he quickly fled. They don't know what this monster is capable of. If this big guy suddenly jumps onto the plane, it will definitely be a disaster.

Wait a minute! Don't be nervous, that monster doesn't seem to be able to see us.

When Hank said this, everyone reacted. The giant monster's eyes have turned into two large black holes. If you look closely, you can still see the fragments of flesh and blood tissue inside.

When they set out, they received no information about this monster at all. Now Hank had to approach cautiously.

This Goliath reacted extremely strongly to the sound of the helicopter. Because yesterday when Chen Changchong blinded its eyes, it was this annoying sound.

Now that it heard the helicopter approaching, it naturally thought it was Chen Chong.

Raise to a height of fifty meters and scan the energy fluctuations of this monster.

Didi didi

On the blue display screen, a series of data began to grow wildly.

Everyone sitting in the cabin stood up collectively, their mouths open in a daze, they couldn't believe their eyes.

130? It's actually 130?

A USS team member vibrated and looked at the monster below in disbelief.

Hank stared blankly at the data in front of him, fear rising in his heart.


The strongest biochemical weapon Tyrant I saw back then only had a power fluctuation of more than 50%. The strength of the monster in front of him was beyond his comprehension.

Perhaps only the legendary perfect life form - the ultimate product of the Queen's plan can be compared to it.

Upload the information obtained from this monster to the headquarters. In addition, bypass this monster and pay attention to controlling the information band of electronic equipment. This is close to Linzhou City, so we need to move faster!

Orders came out of Hank's mouth one after another. The Falcon hung a large number of ammunition slots without firing a shot. It deftly avoided Goliath and flew towards the other side of the town.

At the edge of the town, the battle between the black light creatures and the T-virus infected bodies has already decided the winner.

The army of millions of infected bodies brought by Chen Chong has been completely wiped out by the black light creatures. Black light creatures lie down one by one

Biting crazily on the remains of the infected body.

The dark red carrion remains are like delicacies in the mouth of the black light creature.

Half of its body was a black light creature with blade arms. The arms slowly grew longer, and rows of fist-sized tumors gradually appeared on its back.

There were even several cracks like fish scales on his face. This weird change was not unique.

In the black light army, except for the advanced creatures such as the Dominator and the Fighter, which have not undergone obvious changes, the other monsters have undergone various forms of mutation.

Sir, a black infected body was found below at 7 o'clock.

This monster was an ordinary black-light zombie that somehow got into the yard and was currently scratching in vain against the wall.


Hank gave an order, and two thick ropes were thrown down from both sides of the airport.

The four team members quickly slipped into the small courtyard before the black light zombies could react.

The first two USS members to go down quickly took out their rope guns and wrapped up the zombies.

Then one of the team members took out a purple injection syringe and stabbed it into the back of the black light zombie's head.

The black light zombies that were still struggling and biting a second ago suddenly became quiet as if they were in shock.

Hehehe, this nerve-blocking potion really works.

The team members hiding under the gas masks let out a dull laugh. After the failure of their last operation, they learned from their experience.

They brought two precious nerve-blocking reagents with them for this operation.

Whether it is the black light virus or the T virus, their way of controlling the host goes through the brain. This nerve-blocking agent can easily block the connection between the brain and the limbs, preventing the virus from controlling the body and attacking other people.

Because this reagent is expensive, it will only be used in special circumstances.

The two team members hung the packed black light zombie on the hook lock of the aircraft and slowly pulled it up.

At this time, Hank, who was standing in the cabin, discovered a small group of black light creatures surrounding the yard where the team members were.

There are 8 infected bodies approaching, use the machine cannon to kill them.

da da da da

The cannon mounted on the helicopter immediately rotated, and a series of thick bullets instantly blasted the team of black light zombies into pieces.

But before they could relax, more black-light zombies seemed to have made an appointment and surrounded the courtyard from all entrances in the alley.

No! How did it come so fast? Was it attracted by the sound of the helicopter?

Fortunately, the packed zombies have been hoisted up. With this monster, the mission is complete.

Quick! Move faster!

Hank greeted the special operations team below, and the two soldiers immediately climbed onto the rope and began to climb up.

At this moment, a black figure flashed across the roof. The rubble on the roof broke instantly under the monster's stampede, stirring up a mass of fragments.



The black figure jumped up high, swinging its two huge claws at the rope with precision.

The two soldiers screamed and fell hard to the ground from mid-air.

The individual qualities of the USS members were extremely high. The moment the monster attacked the rope, the two soldiers guarding below had already shot at the black figure.

However, the bullet hit the opponent's flesh and was unable to cause any damage.

The monster ate more than a dozen bullets in a row, and only twitched a few times before swallowing the head of a team member who fell to the ground.


Shoot! Shoot!

Looking at the bloody scene below, the cannon on the helicopter began to rotate again.

The combatants who came to attack roared and rushed towards the nearest soldier. The next second, he was hit by the rapid firepower of the machine gun and was pushed backwards.

Oh my god, these black monsters can actually resist the attack of the machine gun! Hank looked at the clawed monsters roaring below and was shocked.

After a while, the zombie crow in the sky was flying towards this side, and Hank silently glanced at the USS team members below.

Then he waved to the driver: Let's go! They are finished.

Captain, we can't leave you alone


A crisp gunshot sounded, and the team members in the cabin fell straight backwards and out of the cabin.

The pilot trembled with fright and hurriedly controlled the helicopter to leave in the distance.

The three team members who were fighting the fighter suddenly panicked when they saw the helicopter leaving, and a loophole appeared in the original triangle formation.

Oh no!!

Hey! Don't leave us! Come back!


As the three of them shouted, a group of zombies poured in from the gate of the courtyard. Desperate screams suddenly sounded in the yard.

However, this scene was noticed by the short-haired woman in red who was standing in a building. She looked at the helicopter woman who was gradually going away and raised the corner of her mouth in an arc.

Ha! As expected of Hank, the God of Death. But you are destined to stay here today.

The woman in red was Ada Wang who had sneaked into the town. She turned her palm and a small blue button appeared in her hand.

At the same time, Hank, standing in the cabin, was controlling a cannon and firing wildly at the flock of zombie birds.

Suddenly, a crisp electronic beep sounded in the cabin. Hank's body froze, and then he suddenly turned his head to look at the black infected body next to him.

He kicked the infected body to the side and saw a blue timing device stuck to the monster's back, and the number on it had reached the last second.



A blue arc flashed, and the helicopter's body shook violently.

Drip. Drip. Drip. Drip.

The red hazard lights kept flashing, and various data and buttons on the instrument panel failed one after another. The driver swung the lifting rod in a panic and kept shouting.

Because the height of the helicopter is less than 70 meters from the ground, even parachuting from this height would not have time to deploy.

Compared to the panic of the pilot, Hank standing in the cabin was extremely calm.

Seeing the helicopter falling downwards, Hank hugged the back of the black light zombie, placed the zombie under him, and jumped outside.


A small mushroom cloud rose from the distance, and the black Falcon helicopter burst into flames in an instant.

The cockpit had already been deformed by the impact, with only a burnt arm hanging silently on the metal blade.

Ada, holding the gun in one hand, cautiously approached the helicopter wreckage, relying on the surrounding buildings.

Not far away, I saw a black zombie tied up with a net rope and smashed to pieces. The broken flesh and blood tissue was wrapped in mesh ropes, which looked particularly disgusting.

What puzzled her was that there was no trace of Hank around the zombie bodies.

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