[Linzhou City]

In the large barracks, He Hua and his party stared at the giant creature on the screen in confusion.

Since the birth of this thing, the entire satellite's attention has been focused on it, and even the spectacular scene of the two zombie armies fighting outside the town has become secondary.

The whole barracks was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. No one spoke or made a sound.

All the officers present were big bosses who held great power and commanded heavy troops.

At this moment, their expressions were like middle school students who were impressed by the physics teacher's wonderful experiment. Their mouths were slightly open and they were staring at the screen intently.

The Goliath on the screen was rampaging all the way, like a bulldozer, destroying half of the buildings on the street.

Previously, I still harbored illusions that all the officers whom this big man looked down on had fallen into the bottom of the valley.

This is useless, he is clearly a world-destroying demon!

Such a terrifying monster cannot even be dreamed of. For a moment, everyone present had an illusion at the same time.

Is such a huge monster beyond the reach of conventional weapons?

I'm afraid even small missiles can't destroy it.

Report! The top ten evolution masters, Maple Leaf, Shadow Tiger, Rui'er, Jing Liang, bring them here!

A report from the guard outside the barracks interrupted the quiet atmosphere in the room.

In order to figure out the origin of the big monster in the video, He Hua mobilized all his strength and invited four of the top ten masters who had always seen the dragon before it came to an end.

Needless to say, Maple Leaf and Shadow Tiger were both members of the military. One is the navy and the other is the army.

Among them, Maple Leaf is the strongest, ranking fourth among the top ten players.

Shadow Tiger ranked sixth.

The identity of the woman named Rui'er is the most mysterious. Although she is ranked ninth, no one has ever seen her take action, and no one has ever fought against her.

Two months ago, the military raided an underground Umbrella laboratory and found an instrument for testing power fluctuations.

Later, after improvements by military experts, a device for detecting evolvers appeared. The top ten evolvers in Linzhou City were also born from that time.

As for Jing Liang, Chen Chong would definitely recognize him if he were here. This person is the long-haired man who followed Su Long of the Xingyi League not long ago, A Liang.

Jing Liang's ranking is one level higher than Rui'er, ranking eighth.

The appearance of A Liang at this time also represents the direction of the major civil forces in Linzhou City.

Regarding Zhang Zhongxian's death, it was a secret in the eyes of ordinary people, but for the upper-class people in Linzhou City, it could not be concealed at all.

After Zhang Zhongxian's death, the trend of differentiation among the three military giants became increasingly obvious.

Dai Jianfeng's faction was under house arrest, and although Ren Guodong's faction had strong naval power, they only controlled one area.

The army, which occupied most of Linzhou City, was divided into two major camps.

On the one hand, there is the establishment faction headed by Ouyang Cheng, and on the other hand, the young and strong faction headed by He Hua.

However, because Zhang Zhongxian approved He Hua's battle plan before his death, and Dai Jianfeng suddenly delegated power, he went all out to He Hua.

All of a sudden, the big forces in Linzhou City began to make moves and move closer to He Hua.

The Xingyi League was the first major force to send representatives to support He Hua's faction.

Please come in quickly!

He Hua waved his hand, and four evolution masters walked in one after another.

Congratulations, Commander!

Maple Leaf and Shadow Tiger both greeted He Hua. With their status as evolvers, they had a transcendent status in the military, especially Maple Leaf, who was only one military rank lower than He Hua.

In addition to saluting the former, he only said a slightly polite hello to the others in the room.

Rui'er, who came in later, only bowed slightly to He Hua and did not speak.

Among the four, only Jingyang was polite and greeted all the bosses one by one.

The other officers in the barracks didn't say it openly, but they already felt disgusted with these evolvers in their hearts.

As evolvers become known to people, their status is getting higher and higher.

Juniors like Liu Feng, Maple Leaf, and Shadow Tiger were promoted from unknown people to high positions in just a few months after the end of the world.

This made them, a group of old people who had worked hard in the military for half their lives, quite unhappy.

What's more, there are rumors in the military that evolvers are the future of mankind, and ordinary soldiers should serve the ranks of evolvers.

Thanks to the current external pressure, the struggle between the new humans and ordinary people has not broken out.

However, the faint smell of gunpowder between the two sides is getting stronger and stronger.

Okay! Let's get straight to the point. These are all masters who have been fighting infected bodies outside all year round. This time I invited a few of them here just to show you whether you have seen this kind of monster before.

He Hua opened the door and walked in, stepped aside, and brought the four of them to the screen.

Several people looked at the screen in confusion. When they saw the demon-like Goliath, all four of them had a look of 'You're kidding me' on their faces.

Commander He, are you kidding me? Show us a video of special effects synthesis?

Maple Leaf spread her hands towards He Hua half-jokingly, and the other three people also had the same expression.

Yes! Commander He didn't take a video of a monster from Ultraman, did he? Haha

Shadow Tiger also laughed heartily, looking cheerful.

He Hua narrowed his eyes slightly, and the veins on his angular face suddenly jumped.

Do you think I'm kidding you?

He Hua's tone was cold, and a pair of sharp eyes swept across the faces of the four people.

The powerful aura of a superior person is too much for evolved people like Maple Leaf.

Several people's expressions changed slightly and they quickly became serious:

Excuse me, Commander He, I have never seen such a tall monster. The tallest biochemical weapon I encountered in a mine before was only over four meters tall.

Are you sure the monster in this video is real?

Maple Leaf answered politely, and then looked at He Hua with a look of verification.

Adjutant, show them the satellite communication.

As soon as He Hua opened his mouth, blue jumping numbers appeared on the screen.

Everyone present knows that this number is the band signal monitored by satellites in real time. Anything in the world can be faked, but the real-time band cannot be faked.

If the band is real, then this monster

Oh my god! Is there really such a big monster?

In the video, Goliath raises his hand to destroy a building, causing rubble to fly from the concrete wall.

Seeing this, the four people's faces turned pale. The flying gravel didn't seem to be in the video, but actually hit them.

Not getting the news he wanted, He Hua shook his head in disappointment:

Even you have never seen it. Alas! To be honest with you, this monster is in our Daxia, and it is not far from Linzhou City.


how so?

Then how about destroying it quickly? If it rushes to Linzhou City, it won't be over yet?

What the hell is this?

Just as the four people were exclaiming, the soldiers who were debugging the satellite surveillance footage discovered something strange.

There's someone! There's someone underneath that monster!!

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