With a huge roar, the surrounding air flowed rapidly, and a large number of black and red bloodshots condensed rapidly under his feet. Chen Chong used his greatest strength to jump towards the distance.

A strong wind roared behind his head, and Goliath waved his huge left arm to bring up the airflow, forming a brief hurricane.

The moment the giant arm hit, the building where Chen Chong was located shattered like pieces of paper.

After the impact, Goliath continued to wave his left arm and hit the building hard.


The ground collapsed, and the flat ground seemed to have experienced an eight-magnitude earthquake. The huge building was instantly shattered.

The floorboards shattered, boulders rolled down, and the entire building collapsed like a dying giant under the attack of Goliath's arms.

A rock the size of a truck fell from beside Chen Chong. Chen Chong's face turned pale. Facing such a monster, he couldn't think of any resistance at all.

run! Can't stop!

He gave up jumping between tall buildings and instead landed on the streets and ran fast, using the winding alleys of the town to get out of Goliath's sight.

The Goliath behind him obviously didn't want to let go of the culprit who absorbed its flesh and blood. If Chen Chong hadn't devoured it, this Goliath would have been even more powerful than it is now.

Chen Chong kept moving and quickly dodged the falling rocks. Just as he escaped from the falling rocks, another building behind him made a loud noise, broke apart under the load, and tilted and collapsed in an instant.

A mushroom cloud made of dust rose into the sky, and the entire Banpo street was covered in thick dust and smoke.

Goliath's bald head shook, and its shrunken scythe arm flicked the dust in front of its eyes, as if it wanted to confirm whether the culprit was dead.

However, the next second, a black and red figure sped out from the thick smoke. Chen Chong's speed was extremely fast, and there was a faint dark red shadow following him as he ran.

Covered by the dust, he was a thousand meters away from Goliath in an instant.

Chen Chong secretly breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but feel happy.

But when he looked back behind him, the scene in his eyes scared him so much that he almost jumped.

Seeing Chen Chong escape, Goliath raised his head and let out an angry roar. The sound was like thunder from the nine heavens, soaring straight into the sky. The glass showcases on both sides of the street were actually shaken to the point of bursting at the same time, turning into crystal particles and scattering down.

Goliath's huge arms were stretched in front of him, and his whole body was pressed tightly to the ground. His body was slightly tilted, like a horizontal mountain range, and it was heading straight towards Chen Chong.

I rely on your grandma’s daughter!


The streets shook violently as Goliath strode forward. Cars and trees along the way suddenly stood up and turned into powder.

Goliath's hind limbs moved so fast that even the building was not dodged and it crashed straight through, turning it into ruins.

Avatar! Huge power!

Chen Chong's whole heart was trembling. Just a level four Goliath could overwhelm the city and was unrivaled.

When I encountered this kind of monster in the killing prototype game in the past, I didn't feel as scared as I do now.

After all, you can start over once the game is over, but if it's over now, it's really over.

Chen Chong did not stop at all. He kept changing directions, not giving Goliath a chance to collide.

But this monster has listed Chen Chong as a must-kill target. Regardless of whether it can see Chen Chong or not, whenever it encounters a building in front of it, it will use its giant force to push it all the way.

Goliath kept roaring and chased after him. Looking from the heights of the town, half of the originally densely populated streets with high-rise buildings had been flattened.

Even the solid road collapsed by as much as five meters.

Under the terrifying blessing of the brutal collision, even Chen Chong's proud speed could not get rid of the opponent.

With those huge lower limbs, one step was equivalent to Chen Chong running a dozen steps. Seeing that he was about to be overtaken, Chen Chong gritted his teeth and made an extremely risky decision.


He suddenly stopped running forward, turned around in an instant, and actually rushed straight towards Goliath.

Goliath, who was pursuing, was obviously confused by Chen Chong's actions.

However, its IQ is not high. When it sees prey coming to its door, it has a reason not to accept it.

It roared violently, and while running, it raised its huge left arm and slammed it down at the running Chen Chong.

The huge shadow of the fist covered the sky and sun like a mountain of tai, falling steadily.

Chen Chong rolled over without even thinking. In an instant, his arm turned into a heavy hammer, protecting his head.


Chen Chong, who was huddled under the heavy hammer, spurted out a mouthful of blood. Just being shaken by the strong wind around the giant arm, Chen Chong's body was uncontrollably blown more than 20 meters away from Goliath's crotch.

After dodging the blow, Chen Chong was not surprised but overjoyed.

Looking at the virus nest in the distance, a bolder idea appeared in his mind.

Neither Goliath nor the virus mother nest can be destroyed by me now, but what if Goliath is allowed to deal with the mother nest?

Once this thought appears, it cannot be eliminated from my mind.

Two extremely harmful monsters, Chen Chong would feel uneasy unless one of them fell.


A large amount of black and red bloodshot quickly repaired the cracked hammer. With the flesh and blood energy accumulated in the storage organs, Chen Chong can repair himself without any damage without devouring the target.

Chen Chonglun lifted the hammer and hit Goliath's calf with all his strength. Pretty much what he imagined.

His full blow only knocked out 20 points of Goliath's health.

That’s right! It's 20, not 20%.

For a monster with 10,000 HP, 20 points of damage is like being bitten by a mosquito.

Goliath's body was huge. After feeling the blow, it turned around clumsily. Just turning around took more than twenty seconds.

Only then did Chen Chong realize how correct his idea was. There was no need to compete with this kind of thing in terms of speed.

As long as you avoid its sight range, you can escape.

For a moment, Goliath could not find Chen Chong. He roared angrily and waved his left arm as if to vent his anger, knocking down a large part of a building next to him.

Unexpectedly, this kind of venting gave Chen Chong an opportunity to take advantage of it, and those walls hitting Chen Chong did not cause much damage.

As a large amount of smoke and dust rose, Chen Chong retracted his heavy hammer and relied on the cover of the smoke and dust to distance himself from Goliath again.

This time Chen Chong did not run away blindly. He shouted at Goliath behind him while running, for fear that the other party would not see him.

Come on! Chase your dad! Dad will take you to demolish a fun building!


I don’t know if Goliath really understood Chen Chong’s shouting, but this time he was obviously angrier than before.

Like a gorilla, it raised its left arm and punched the ground a few times, then lowered its entire body and assumed a charging posture again!

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