The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 177 0111. Controlling the body of Rodilia

If he hadn't seen the other party's madness long ago, Mo Qingning would never have believed that the other party dared to do it.

On the top of the building in Matsukawa City, she witnessed the tall Dominator single-handedly fight against millions of evolved zombies.

The terrifying strength of the black infected body has already left a mark on her heart.

Just one Dominator is so powerful. Even if Chen Chong can mobilize the zombies in the city, how can he fight against tens of thousands of black infected bodies?

Are you really going to do this?

Chen Chong nodded simply and said: Yes, no matter what, I must destroy the virus nest.

You don't know how scary that thing is. If it is allowed to develop, Linzhou City will definitely not be saved.

In this way, the two of them strode towards the direction of the biological weapons. Occasionally, a zombie would grin at the two of them, but the next second they would be forcibly restrained from eating.

The controller that Ada Wang handed over to Chen Chong was a device similar to a bracelet, with several marked red dots on it, emitting ring-shaped bands outwards.

Following the instructions of the bracelet, the two came to a mountaintop park. The density of zombies here is obviously higher than outside. Obese zombies wandered among the corpses and exploded, continuing to sacrifice themselves to evolve their own kind.

A strong stench hit their nostrils, and the zombie's sharp claws and yellow teeth were almost touching their faces.

Mo Qingning wrinkled his nose, his face full of displeasure.

I never thought that one day I would be teammates with zombies.

Chen Chong slapped away a zombie who came up to look at him and responded with a smile: Any situation in this world is possible. Well, our commander-in-chief is right in front.

A pink mountain of meat appeared on the top of the mountain. From the illustrated book, it was found that it was a level 5 biochemical weapon. It is the same as the biological weapon that killed the first person in Matsukawa City.

They all have 16 tentacles, and they can create obese zombies faster than level four ones.

Chen Chong didn't know how these monsters were upgraded. Logically speaking, monsters like this that couldn't move or eat couldn't get a trace of external energy at all.

On the contrary, they continue to produce obese zombies and export the T-virus in their bodies, which will only lead to a decrease in the T-virus content inside them.

But now this thing has been upgraded, and its illustrated book still shows the word evolution.

After approaching Roshan, information about the monster quickly popped up on the display of the bracelet.

This information is more detailed than what Chen Chong observed in the illustrated book.

[WH-10 Body of Rotilia (T-virus concentration 79%)]

[Life: Good]

[Number of infected individuals controlled: 1.347 million]

[Energy fluctuation: 30]

According to the infographic, there is a limit to the number of infected individuals this biochemical weapon can control. The higher the level, the more control you have.

The minimum level of such a biochemical weapon is level 3, and the number of infected individuals it can control is approximately one million or less.

Level 4 is between 1 and 2 million, while level 5 is between 3 and 5 million.

The reason why there are three biochemical weapons in Songchuan City is because Umbrella was worried that the zombies from the Central Plains would go south and the individual control was not strong enough, so they placed three of them.

Moreover, the levels of these biochemical weapons also affect the level of evolved zombies they create.

For example, a level 4 biochemical weapon injects its own T-virus into the belly of an obese zombie. The content of these viruses does not exceed Level 4, so there is no way to catalyze the emergence of infectious bodies with a higher level than it.

However, the most powerful thing about this guy is that although it cannot catalyze infected bodies that are higher than itself, it can control infected bodies that are higher than itself. However, the king level is no longer within the control range.

After reading the information about this monster, Chen Chong shuddered subconsciously.

I don’t know if this kind of thing can be mass-produced endlessly. If it can, then there is really no hope for mankind.

I simply clicked a few buttons and quickly entered the control panel. It is said that the control panel is actually a frequency band connector for detecting brain waves.

The bracelet will automatically detect the brain wave frequency of the wearer, and then adjust the frequency to the same band as the biochemical weapon.

Since the brain waves of intelligent biochemical weapons are very developed, brain wave instructions issued by humans will be processed in an instant.

In this way, the person who owns the bracelet indirectly controls the zombie army.

How was it? Was it successful?

Mo Qingning said slightly anxiously.

Their technology is terrible!

Chen Chong sighed deeply in his heart, and then issued the first command to the smart weapon in his mind.

[All infected bodies gather and move forward at full speed southwest of the target. 】

Just as the order was given, Roshan's skin slowly began to squirm, and then the dense army of zombies in the city began to change direction and set off in the direction of Elm Bay Town.

Tall Licker elites climbed rapidly between the buildings, and from time to time a few hellhounds ran past the torrent of zombies.

The ghost-faced bloodthirsty bat hovering in the sky roared upwards and flapped its huge wings to fly towards the southwest.

It's a success!

Mo Qingning looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, even stammering when he spoke.

Chen Chong, who was wearing the bracelet, was even more excited and could not speak to himself.

There is no doubt that this is an army! And it’s a strong team!

Chen Chong, who was just a college student in his previous life, never thought that one day he would be able to command an army.

And it’s a terrifying zombie army!

Giant Lickers and Predators are tanks, and Ghost-Faced Bats are airplanes!

For a time, Chen Chong's confidence in destroying the virus mother nest increased several times.

[Linzhou City]

In a quiet library, Ada Wang, who was dressed as Liu Manli, was sitting at the desk and quietly reading a copy of Mulinder's Diary

The book was very thick and large, standing on the table, so that the open pages completely covered half of her upper body.

Under the cover of the book, a light blue communicator suddenly lit up.

Wesker - Tomorrow at 02:50, a USS team will depart from the southeastern coast of Daxia and head to the town of Elm Bay. Its mission is to capture the black infected.

Ada Wang glanced at it incomprehensibly and quickly captured the information. To outsiders, her eyes did not move, and she kept staring at the writing.

A second message popped up soon after.

Wesker - Your mission is to eliminate everyone in this team immediately after they succeed. Bring the black infected body back to the Wuchao underground base. This time you can choose your partner as you like. Note that the person leading the team this time is Hank. This is an extremely difficult opponent. If you are not sure about getting rid of him, don't do it easily.

Ada Wong - Got it!

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