The creator of the black light virus in Resident Evil

Chapter 176 0110. Wesker’s conspiracy

Oh! Are you kidding me?

Upon hearing the news, all the congressmen present had expressions of disbelief, and even Wesker, who was in the audience, was stunned for a moment.

Regarding the ability to destroy the king's heart, except for the scientific research department responsible for the project, other members of Congress are not very clear about the power of the heart.

From a living heart to such a huge mountain of flesh in front of you, no matter how rich your imagination is, you won't be able to come up with such a ridiculous scene.

The fat congressman also frowned and said under great pressure: Although I don't really believe it, this is the fact.

The genetic data stored in the database cannot lie.

Wesker interrupted everyone's discussion and asked: Isn't the heart of the King of Destruction an energy converter? How did it change its appearance?

The fat congressman shook his head and said proudly: No, no, no, Chairman Wesker, you underestimate it too much.

Back in Raccoon City, Kane had unleashed the Evil God of Vengeance to attack Alice. Later, the Evil God of Vengeance was destroyed by the force of the helicopter explosion, but its heart was taken out by the USS.

Are you saying that the heart of the King of Destruction comes from the Evil God of Vengeance? Wesker asked.

Yes. Based on the Revenge of the Evil God, our scientific research department incorporated some G-virus to mutate it twice and become a storage device that can continuously convert energy.

After the King of Destruction was born, its power continued to expand. And its expansion speed is even more powerful than Alice's. In less than a week, it broke through from a level two energy category to level four.

The lab was afraid it would lose control, so the heart was removed while it was growing. However, the laboratory was later breached by an unknown enemy, and the heart and the G virus samples inside were missing.

Wesker paused for a moment. He was fully aware of the situation in the laboratory, but he never knew that the King of Destruction's heart was also locked inside, let alone that this heart was so powerful.

It seems that the guys on the board of directors have started to be wary of me. Such an important thing actually bypassed me, the chairman of the committee!

Wesker's heart trembled, but he had a puzzled look on his face: I really want to know, why does this heart become like this?

This time, the fat congressman did not give an accurate answer: Not long ago, the Scientific Research Department sent a team to this town to capture a black infected body for research, but there was no news after that.

The fat congressman waved again, and the screen switched to the exit of Wanjiang City Provincial Highway.

The broken cars and blood stains on the ground spoke volumes.

This was captured by our satellite this morning. The team has been completely massacred, and it was a black infected body that massacred them.

The scene changed, and the moment the fighter landed on the roof of the car was captured by the camera installed in the car.

The video only lasted three seconds, but everyone could clearly see the black monster with thick forelimbs and sharp claws.

With just one claw of the monster, a hole was torn open in the roof of the bulletproof car. The dense bullets fired at him could not even penetrate his skin.

A member of the House of Representatives looked at the monster in the video with a pale face. Such a thing is already comparable to the advanced biochemical weapons produced by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

However, judging from satellite images, there are countless monsters like this in a small town.

Ladies and gentlemen, I think everyone should know the seriousness of this matter. Therefore, I suggest that the USS troops sent to Daxia be dispatched and let them assist the scientific research department in capturing the black creatures.

I suspect this is a mutated new virus, and we must get a handle on it as soon as possible. Do you agree?

This time, the 12 congressmen raised their hands in a rare collective manner without even the slightest hesitation.

Seeing this, Wesker showed a satisfied smile: Very good, that's it for today's meeting, adjourned!


A slight buzzer sounded, and the projections of the 12 MPs disappeared instantly. At this moment, a red projection of a little girl appeared in front of Wesker in the center of the conference table.

Anyone familiar with her knows that this projection is Umbrella’s artificial intelligence system ‘Red Queen’

The first time she saw Wesker, the Red Queen asked him in a childlike girlish voice:

Mr. Wesker, Chairman of the Congress, where have you been recently? Why have you blocked the surveillance system at the headquarters?

Wesker sat in the main seat calmly, with the corners of his mouth slightly curved, as if teasing a little girl, and looked at the Red Queen:

Your mission is to protect Umbrella's interests, and you have no right to interfere with my affairs. You also have to transfer all authority of the Wuchao underground base to me.

Wuchao Base belongs to the fourth area and is not within your jurisdiction.

No, I need the authority there now to figure out what happened in that town.

The Red Queen said expressionlessly: As you wish, all the authority of Wuchao Base has been transferred to your hands.

The corner of Wesker's mouth curved slightly and he nodded to the Red Queen:

very good!

[Daxia Empire·LS City]

Outside the main street of the city, a man and a woman walked into the city side by side. In a street full of zombies, the two of them seemed to be wearing invisibility cloaks. Not a single zombie attacked them.

What a terrifying method. These zombies actually don't attack us.

The woman who spoke was none other than Mo Qingning. Needless to say, the man was Chen Chong.

Yes! Umbrella's mastery of the T virus is unimaginable. Otherwise, Ada Wang and Liu Feng would have been bitten to death by those infected bodies when they sneaked into Songchuan City.

Chen Chong also admires Umbrella from the bottom of his heart. If this company doesn't use these things in evil ways, I'm afraid it can lead the world's technology to a new level.

By the way, was Liu Feng killed by you?

Mo Qingning looked at Chen Chong in confusion. She knew Liu Feng's strength very well. Even Andy, the number one player in Linzhou, dared to say that he could beat him.

Chen Chong gave the other party a thoughtful look: To be precise, he used some means. He is very strong.

After receiving the answer, Mo Qingning felt a little bit disgusted.

She remembers that when she first met Chen Chong at the exit level, he did not give her a sense of oppression.

But in just a few days, the other party has grown to a point where people feel frightened.

What are you going to do? Do you really want to control the biochemical weapons here and lead evolved zombies to attack the town?

Chen Chong smiled and shook his head: You are only half right.

Oh? Do you have another plan?

That's right.

What is it?

Destroy the virus nest!

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