"Me and him." She thought for a long time, nodded, and said, "I met him on a winter evening!" I guess I met last year. "


"Huh! Oh, I want to paint, Amma? Can you teach me how to draw? The girl sat down in a chair, and Amma nodded and said, "Draw it like this!" "Teach her to draw word by word.

At that time, the girl was 7 years old, and at that time, she was the pearl of Amma's palm, Amma taught her to write, taught her to draw, taught her to play the piano...


At that time, the boy was 10 years old, and he heard the cry of a girl and was busy chasing it.

"Hey! Are you crying? The thirteenth elder brother ran to the girl, the girl looked up and saw him, nodded, and the boy said, "Is there anything sad?" Tell me about it! "I'm dead." Then the boy took the girl and put her in his arms, "Don't cry," and after a long time, the boy wiped away the girl's tears and said, "Don't cry!" If you cry in the future, look up at the sky, and you won't cry. The girl nodded, and the boy smiled and stroked her face and said, "Look! How beautiful you look when you're not crying! "Huh! Really? The boy nodded, "Well, I'll teach you how to ride a horse!" "Okay!" Then the girl and the boy got on their horses, and the days passed slowly in joy.

The boy was leaving, and the girl ran over: "Are you leaving?" The boy nodded, the girl sighed, and the boy said, "When I leave, will you make a request to me?" "What?" The girl looked up at him, and the boy said, "From now on, I'm not there, no matter what happens, I can't cry!" The girl nodded, and the boy took a jade pendant from his sleeve and gave it to the girl: "In the future, when you see this jade pendant, it is equivalent to seeing me." The girl nodded, smiled and hugged the boy, "You're going to come back sooner!" The boy nodded, waved at the girl, and left...

The girl looked at his departing back and said, "I'll wait for you!" "

Subsequently, every year, the girl would go to the place where she would race horses with the boys, and she would often blow Xiao and hum the songs that the boy taught her, and when she was about to cry when she encountered a setback, the girl would look up at the sky every time and think of the boy!

The girl, you know, the first second she met the boy, she fell in love with the boy, the bravery he gave, the smile he smiled, and the song he hummed.

"That girl is me, and the boy is the thirteenth elder brother!" After she finished telling the story, I looked at her, I squeezed her hand and said, "So, you like Brother Thirteen, right?" She nodded and said, "Yes!" Later, I met him, but I became someone else's concubine! "Who?" "Brother Jiu!"

When I heard Brother Jiu, I glanced at her and said, "Brother Jiu, I don't know him very well, is he good to you?" "

"Huh! Good and bad, what's the difference? She smiled bitterly, "At the beginning, I was a celebrity in front of the emperor, and the emperor could listen to me for a few points, but the emperor only had love for his children, he said that he wanted me to choose one of his brothers, I smiled and said whatever, at that time, Brother Jiu met me a few times, and Brother Jiu said to the emperor that he wanted to give marriage, so, hehe." I looked at her and couldn't help but feel distressed, "Later, the thirteenth master asked me, why did you marry him?" I smiled wryly and said, I do, I just want him not to worry about me so much! But, today, I. I looked at her and said, "Maybe the thirteenth master is tired." "Really? Hehe. She smiled, but her heart hurt. Hehe, don't talk about it, tomorrow is my big day, you have to come! Unconsciously, I actually walked to the Ninth Elder Brother's Mansion.

"Let's go in and sit!" Yin Hanxue looked at me with a smile, I shook my head and said, "Okay?" "

"What's there, let's go in!" She took my hand and walked to the mansion, and saw the ninth elder brother, the tenth elder brother, the eighth elder brother, and the fourteenth elder brother, and the two of them saluted, and the ninth elder brother walked in front of Yin Hanxue and said, "Hanxue, you are back." Han Xue nodded and said, "Brother Jiu, if it's okay, the slave will go back to the house first." "Cold snow..." Brother Nine shouted her name, "Xiao! You wait. "Eighth brother stopped me, I didn't know what was going on, I was stunned.

Before I could say a word, the eighth elder brother, the tenth elder brother, and the fourteenth elder brother had already pulled me away

"Eighth Elder Brother, what's the matter?" I asked him, and he shook his head, "It's nothing, just wanted the two of them to talk." "Fool, I know you don't know!" Brother Ten looked at me with a smile and nodded my forehead, and I also looked back at him with a smile: "Brother Ten, because I'm not a fool, and someone is!" "You!" Brother Ten can't say anything about me, only he is angry with himself, "Hehe! I smiled and looked at him, what a straw bale!

The fourteenth elder brother pulled the tenth elder brother to the entrance of the garden.

"Brother Ten, you can." The fourteenth elder brother said something in the ear of the tenth elder brother, I don't know, a person quietly looked at the sky, "Eighth elder brother, the sky here is so beautiful!" Hey, look, there are stars! "Hehe, you like to look at the stars?" Eighth Brother looked at me with a smile, and I nodded. "There are a lot of grasslands, I'll take you there another day." "Really? Great, thank you, Brother Ba! I jumped up with a smile, and the eighth elder brother looked at me and shook his head, I don't know what he meant by shaking his head, just laughing!

"Eighth Brother, what do you like?"

"I like little stars, twinkles and twinkles, and they're cute."

"What else?"


"Roses? Why? "

"Because roses are very beautiful, but with thorns, I don't know when, they will hurt you, but they still make people love it!"


"What about you?"

"Me! I love mimosas! "

"Hehe, it's very similar to you!"

"Huh? Really? "

After chatting for a long, long time, knowing what he liked, he said, "It's not early, let's send you home!" I nodded and ordered a sedan chair.

"Eighth Brother, I'm a little tired, can I?"

Eighth Elder Brother nodded and said, "Yes." "

I leaned on his shoulder, so strong, so warm.

When I arrived at the Prince's Mansion, I waved to the Eighth Elder Brother, walked into the house, looked at everything around me, and waited for the Eighth Elder Brother to go away, then called a sedan chair and went back to the tavern.

Back at the tavern, I was a little tired and lay down on the bed.

It's dawn.

Open the window, breathe in the fresh air, and "Hmm! "

"Miss, are you up?" Xiaohong ran to me with a smile, I nodded, and Xiaohong then sighed and said, "Miss, you're in trouble!" "

"What's wrong with me?"

Xiaohong then said, "Miss, did you quarrel with the fourth elder brother yesterday?" I looked at her and nodded.

After telling her what had happened, she shook her head, looked at me and said, "Miss, the slave doesn't understand, why do you quarrel with the fourth elder brother because of someone?" Is it worth it? "

"Worth it?!" I questioned.

"Miss, do you know that the fourth elder brother didn't sleep all night yesterday, and yesterday he asked the slave to look for you all day?"

Hearing this, I immediately stared into her eyes and asked, "Fourth elder brother?" He, looking for me? "

From that moment on, my sky changed, he was looking for me, he wasn't angry, wasn't he a little angry?

"Little Red, what time is it?"



I went downstairs and saw the boss come up and asked, "Boss, can you lend me the kitchen?" "

The boss nodded, led me into the kitchen, and said, "Please!" "

"Hey! Chef, can you teach me how to cook a dish? "

"Miss, I don't know which one?"

"Yes, let me think about it." I held my head and thought for a moment, "Dishes to replenish energy!" "

"That's it."

The chef asked me to make a dish, and by the time it was finished, it was already dark, and I thought that the fourth elder brother would come back to me, so I went upstairs, and as expected.

"Fourth Elder Brother!" The first time I saw him, I immediately ran in front of him, "Fourth brother! "

The fourth elder brother couldn't help but say that he hugged me tightly, "Xiao! "

This kind of warmth is so warm, so secure, and then, the fourth elder brother let go of me, looked at me again, shook his head and said, "Xiao! What should I do with you? "

"Fourth elder brother, let's not talk about how to treat me for offending, let's try the dishes I made for you first!" I looked at the fourth elder brother and said, the fourth elder brother looked at me suspiciously, and I pointed to the plate in my hand.

"Huh! Then you have to try it! The fourth elder brother immediately picked up the chopsticks and tasted them, tasted them, and his face changed a little, but finally said, "It's delicious." "

"Really? I'll try it too! I tasted it greedily, but spit it out, "Bah, it's so unpalatable, Fourth Brother, why are you?" "

"Because, my heart is very sweet!" He put my hand on his heart and suddenly, blushing.

I looked at him and said unhappily, "Fourth brother, I don't understand!" "

"What?" The fourth elder brother froze in place

"I don't understand, why do the thirteenth elder brother and Han Xue love each other so much, why in the end, a holy decree of the emperor can break up a couple who love each other so much!" I said indignantly.


I nodded and said, "Fourth Elder Brother, do you know? I yearn for someone who can truly love each other, don't have the right to fight, as long as there is someone who loves you deeply, really, anything can be lost. "

The fourth elder brother stroked my hair and said, "You know a lot, but this era is not something we can decide!" "

"Then why didn't the Thirteenth Master fight for it?"

"He fought for it, how do you know he didn't? He also likes cold snow, but what's the use? Could it be that if they love each other, will Emperor Ama be able to take back the holy decree? "

Looking at him, I didn't speak, I thought of myself at once, and cried.

The fourth elder brother looked at me and hurriedly hugged me tightly, "Xiao! You don't cry. "

"Fourth elder brother, we will too." I fell into his arms.

He shook his head and said, "When you turn 15 years old, I will ask Emperor Ama for marriage in a few years after entering the palace, believe me." I nodded, and he kissed me on the lips.

Fourth brother, I want us to be together!

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