A few days later, the prince went on patrol, this was a good opportunity, I quietly packed up my things with Xiaohong and Xiaolu, and walked on the street, people came and went!

"Why is it so lively today?" I asked Xiaohong Xiaolu curiously, Xiaohong shook her head, and then, Xiaolu ran over and said, "Miss, today is the Lantern Festival!" Seeing that she was very happy, I asked her, "What is the Lantern Festival?" "The Lantern Festival is not every year, it is only once every ten years, so it is very important, on this day, everyone has to buy lanterns!" Shopping, in short, today is a fun day! Xiaohong patiently explained to me, I nodded, touched my stomach and said, "I'm a little hungry, go find a tavern to eat some food, and then let's go!" Xiaohong and Xiaolu nodded, and then, Xiaohong carried the bag, it seemed that she was struggling, I wanted to help her carry a bag, but she refused: "Miss, are these not made by Miss." I still smiled and snatched the bag in her hand, she wanted to grab it, but I said to her seriously: "Xiaohong, don't make me angry, besides, this bag is really not heavy!" It's true. Looking at me, Xiaohong nodded, but when I was about to carry it, a person grabbed the bag, thinking it was a thief, I hurriedly held his hand, and when I looked up and saw him, I was stunned and hurriedly wanted to salute, but the fourth elder brother hurriedly waved his hand and signaled not to! I smiled at him and said, "Fourth Brother, what's the wind!" Blow your old man here! "Am I old?" As I spoke, stroking my face with my hand, I smiled, "Hehe, not old!" Following him, he then asked, "Where are you going now?" "Tavern! I'm a little hungry. I stroked my stomach and he smiled, "Then come with me!" He took my hand and refused to allow me to refuse, and the two maids followed behind, originally wanting to ask Midori to find the tavern, but it was too much to think about! Simply, give her the fourth elder brother's bag, and she took it with a smile.

After a while, when I arrived at the tavern, inside the tavern, people came and went, and from time to time someone saluted the fourth elder brother, and after looking at their clothes, he must also be a third or fourth official!

"Fourth elder brother, please inside!" The boss said respectfully to the fourth elder brother, the fourth elder brother nodded, took my hand and walked to the seat and sat down, "According to my usual order, by the way, add a mare's milk cake pastry!" The boss nodded, saluted, and took his leave.

Looking at him, I said, "Fourth Elder Brother, why are you here today?" "

"When I'm in a bad mood, I always like to wander around this alley!" The fourth elder brother said lightly, I looked at him with a smile and said, "Fourth elder brother, isn't it good to be an elder brother?" "

"Okay?" Looking at me, he smiled wryly and stroked my face: "I thought you would understand me!" "

"Fourth elder brother, do you have the courage to ask?"

The fourth elder brother looked at me and said suspiciously, "Ask!" "

"Fourth elder brother, you like Mulan, right?" He nodded, and I continued, "The magnolia flower is the noblest flower, but I always feel that the fourth elder brother is not like it!" "

"And what kind of flower do you think I look like?" The fourth elder brother asked curiously, and I opened his hand and wrote "Confidential!" on his hand. "

Then he smiled slyly, and the fourth elder brother nodded my forehead, "You! Then, wanting to hug me, I stood up, "Fourth brother, the maids are here!" What do you want to do with the slaves? "The fourth elder brother grabbed my hand violently, so I leaned into his arms!" So, or? I glared at him, he let go, I stood up shyly, leaned against the wall, 10 meters away from him, only to find that the maid was gone, the fourth elder brother stood up, wanted to get close to me, I blocked him, "Fourth elder brother, don't come here!" "

"You're so afraid of me?" The fourth elder brother looked at me in a daze, and I also saluted him and said, "Fourth elder brother, I am not afraid of you!" Because, I just. "

"Just what?"

"It's just."

I paused for a moment and replied, "It's just that I don't like you!" "

I don't know why I said this, but this sentence can't be taken back, the fourth elder brother shrugged his shoulders and left the room, watching him about to leave, I grabbed his sleeve and ran to him: "Fourth elder brother, are you angry?" The fourth elder brother shook his head, stroked my face and said, "I want to go out quietly!" Take a break. "I froze where I was, what the hell am I doing? Do you like him, or what?

Only then did I realize that I was so contradictory!

The fourth elder brother stood outside the door, blowing the cold wind, looking at the sky, unable to speak, just unable to say anything.

The thirteenth elder brother ran over, "Fourth brother! So you're here. The fourth elder brother looked at him and said, "Thirteenth brother, is there something wrong?" "Fourth brother, look at what you said, it's okay, I can't come to you."

Standing outside the door, I suddenly heard the voice of the thirteenth elder brother, and hurriedly ran outside the house, "Thirteenth elder brother! The thirteenth elder brother glanced at me, walked over, and said with a smile: "Fourth brother, how can I say that you are not in Fujin?" It turns out that he is sweet with Xiao? I blushed half of my face, "Thirteenth elder brother, what do you say?" "What do you mean by me?" I'm telling the truth. Isn't it? The fourth elder brother glanced back at me and said, "Xiao! So you're so blushing! I looked up at him and was shy again, "Hehehe... The fourth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother looked at each other and smiled.

Looking at them, he said, "Although it's winter now, it's still cold, so go back to the tavern!" "

When they heard me say this, they nodded, and went back to the tavern, back to the house, only to find that the dishes were ready! Then he laughed happily, "That's great! So many dishes! "

"More than just these dishes?"

I asked curiously, "And what's so delicious?" "

"You'll find out later." The fourth elder brother sold Guanzi,

"Well, I know that I will sell the guanzi and ignore you." I pretended to be angry and said, and the fourth elder brother hurriedly persuaded me and said, "Wait a while, people will know!" "

"Hmm!" I still pretend to be upset.

"Xiao! I ask you," the fourth elder brother looked at me, I nodded, and he continued: "If you like a scene very much, when you ask what the ending of that person is, when you ask what the ending of that person is, is it still interesting when you watch this scene?" I nodded and said, "It's boring!" The fourth elder brother smiled, I nodded, understood the meaning, and the thirteenth elder brother looked at us and said, "So it's mysterious!" "

"Here comes the pastry!" This voice is very familiar, but I can't see his face clearly, the moment he puts the plate down, I know that it is - Brother Ten!

"Ten Elder Brothers!" I said in surprise and walked up to him, "Brother Shi, why are you here?" "

"Come and have fun!" Brother Ten smiled, it didn't matter

I sighed, and the tenth elder brother looked at the thirteenth elder brother and the fourth elder brother, and saluted the fourth elder brother, "It turns out that the fourth elder brother is also here!" I'm also here only for Gualga's. Xiao is alone! The fourth elder brother smiled, "I happened to meet her on the road, and it happened that she was also going to the tavern, so we walked together!" The thirteenth master saluted the tenth elder brother, "Tenth brother." I came to look for the fourth brother, but I didn't expect Xiao to be here. Brother Ten nodded and sat down in the chair, "Then I'll be with you?" The fourth brother and the thirteenth elder brother nodded, I don't have any rights, I just nodded.

"It's mare's milk cake!" I took a bite of it, and after eating, I didn't forget to lick my fingers, "Well, it's delicious." "

The fourth elder brother, the thirteenth elder brother, and the tenth elder brother smiled when they saw me like this.

"Hehehe!" When Brother Ten saw me like this, he nodded at my forehead and said, "It's really like a child!" In this way, who will dare to marry you in the future! "

"Hey! It's called kawaii, isn't it? I rebelled against him

"Kawaii? What do you mean? When the Thirteenth Master heard my words, he said curiously.

"This one!" I touched my chin and thought, "I can't tell you this is the buzzword of the 21st century!"

"Oh, it's called cute!" I stuck out my tongue and said

"You know so many foreign languages! Like the first time I said it, that word," the Thirteenth Master looked at me with a smile and tapped his finger at me, "Fortunately, I understand!" Fourth brother, if you marry her in the future, she will talk to you in a foreign language every day, don't you ask every time! "

When I said this, I lowered my head, the fourth elder brother looked at me, looked at the thirteenth elder brother again, and pretended to scold: "Thirteenth brother, never do this again in the future!" Otherwise, don't blame the fourth brother for being ruthless! "Okay, okay," I raised my head, and the thirteenth elder brother looked at me and said, "Xiao! Look how much the fourth brother loves you, if you become my sister-in-law in the future, I can't help it. "Hey! You say again. I ran over and hit him, "Don't say any more, be careful that I turn against you!" Pointing her finger at him, she nodded and said, "I can't stand you two!" "

I shrugged helplessly, and sat back next to the fourth elder brother, the tenth elder brother was already eating, I didn't know how to speak, I was also eating food, occasionally looked up at the fourth elder brother, and saw that he was also looking at me, and I was shy again.

After eating, Brother Ten said, "Guerjia. Shaw! I'll go first, but don't forget our bets! See you on the prairie in three days! "Hey!" If you want to stop him, he has already gone away, but he has not learned to ride a horse yet! What to do! Turning in circles, the Thirteenth Master stepped forward and patted me on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, the tenth brother is also in the initial stage of equestrianism, three days, I believe you can!" "I believe it too!" The fourth elder brother said the first sentence after the meal, and the three of them high-fived and said, "Come on!" Then, the three of them laughed, and the fourth elder brother said, "Let's go for a walk on the street, the lanterns are about to start!" I nodded, he took my hand and walked down the street, regardless of other people's eyes, walking on the street, looking at him from time to time, he saw my gaze and smiled: "Xiao! What's wrong? I shook my head, "Fourth brother, this is not good, if it is seen." The fourth elder brother shook his head, "Not good?" I'm my brother, but they don't know each other, this is not the palace, relax! I nodded, thinking that he would be the current emperor in the future, and I didn't say anything more.

The Thirteenth Master followed to the side, looked back at him, he was still there, and looked at each other and smiled.

There were people on the street, the maids were resting in the tavern, and I was just led by the fourth elder brother all the way, but the lanterns on the road were not very beautiful, I don't know how long it took.

"Hey! That lantern. I shook off the fourth elder brother's hand and ran to the vendor, and the fourth elder brother saw me running, and also quickened his pace and pursued me.

"This lantern is so beautiful, how much does it cost?" I asked the lantern vendor

The peddler just shook his head, "I'm sorry, girl, we don't sell this lantern!" "

"Oh!" I looked at the lantern, sighed again, and when I wanted to go away, the fourth elder brother grabbed my hand, "Vendor, how do you sell this lantern?" "

"Sorry, we don't sell!" The peddler shook his head, and the fourth elder brother reached into his sleeve and pulled out a token

"Fourth Elder Brother!" The vendor immediately knelt down, and the fourth elder brother said, "Excuse me!" "

"How do you sell this lantern?"

The vendor shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, Fourth Brother, I really can't sell this lantern, it's very important to me, if it's any other lantern, I can give it to you!" "

The fourth elder brother wanted to be angry, so I quickly held his hand and said, "Fourth elder brother, don't be angry, wait for me to ask!" "

"Vendor, why isn't this lantern sold, can you tell me the story?"

"Story?" The vendor looked at me and said: "Girl, this lantern is made by me, I am Tibetan, this year, my sister went to the capital to be a show girl, I know that she may not be able to come back if she goes, so I set up this stall, I know that this day, the show girl will go out of the palace to play, I want her to see her brother, her favorite lantern!" "

I nodded, "What's your sister's name?" "

"Yin Hanxue!" He said lightly, but he didn't know that when he said those three words, I would help him, and a series of things would happen.

After the fourth elder brother heard what he said, he was obviously also moved, looked at me, I nodded and said, "Fourth elder brother, let's go." "

"Wait a minute!" The peddler stopped us when he saw that we were leaving.

I glanced back at him, "Is there anything else?" "

"This!" He brought me a lantern, as well as an unequipped lantern, "Girl, tell you, the lantern I bought is not as good as my own, and if I make a wish, it will come true." "Thank you!" I took the lantern, smiled at him, and left.

looked at the fourth elder brother, the fourth elder brother looked at me, looked at the lantern, and took the unequipped lantern, "I'll help you!" I shook my head and snatched the lantern, "You have to do this yourself!" The fourth elder brother heard me say this, and he didn't say anything, and the thirteenth master said: "Fourth brother, Xiao! Now let's go there to see the lanterns, make the lanterns, and taste the food, okay? I looked at his finger, nodded, and said, "Okay! "Take the fourth elder brother's hand, run all the way, and get to that attic!

"Thirteen masters!" A woman ran over, and the Thirteenth Master smiled at her, "Is there something wrong?" "

"Thirteenth Master, let's go see the lanterns together, the lanterns here are very beautiful!" The girl said sweetly, and the thirteenth master shook his head and said, "Go by yourself, I'm not free!" The girl looked at the thirteenth elder brother and said, "Thirteenth master, did I do something wrong?" The Thirteenth Master shook his head, "You did a good job, you didn't do anything wrong!" "Then why?" The girl looked at the thirteenth master, but the thirteenth master wanted to leave, the girl grabbed his sleeve and said, "Thirteenth master, don't go, for the last time, Hanxue begs you, don't go, okay?" The girl's tears fell, I really couldn't look past it, and said to the thirteenth master: "Thirteenth master, what's going on?" How can you make a girl cry? You're still not a man! The Thirteenth Master looked at me and said, "What do you know! I. The fourth elder brother walked over, patted the thirteenth master on the shoulder, and said to the girl: "Yin Hanxue! Since the thirteenth brother doesn't like you, why should you force it? Twisted melons are not sweet! He didn't say it was okay, but as soon as he said it, the girl's tears flowed even more. I said comforting words vigorously, but I was broken by his two words, and walked up to him hatefully, "Fourth elder brother, don't think that you are a brother, just say such ugly and hurtful words!" Then, he pulled Yin Hanxue and left.

The fourth elder brother looked at my departing back, sighed, and looked at the thirteenth elder brother: "Thirteenth brother! Think about your own business. Then he left.

"Hey! Your name is Yin Hanxue, right? I looked at the girl, and she nodded and said, "Well, you can call me Hanxue!" I stroked her hair and said, "You've got beautiful hair!" She smiled, looked at me and said, "I envy you!" "Envy me? What do you envy me? She looked at me word by word and said, "Envy all of you!" "All?" "I envy you for being so cute! I envy you for being the second lady of the Guerjia clan! I envy that you and the Thirteenth Elder Brother can talk about everything! I envy the thirteenth elder brother who often returns to his grandmother and mutters your name, envying you. As she spoke, she actually started crying, I looked at her, patted her on the back and said, "Cold snow! Don't be sad, I'll help you! "You help me? Are you really willing to help me? She looked at me and said, I nodded, "But! Yours tell me, the story of you and the thirteenth elder brother. "

"Me and him." She thought for a long time, nodded, and said

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