[Tip: You have been locked by the water monster. When locked, all attributes are reduced by 10%!】

【Tip: Heaven's power is triggered, Heaven's will cannot be offended, attributes are restored! 】

Seeing that the water monster's eyes were about to shoot lasers,

Ye Chuyun decisively used the teleportation stone in his hand and disappeared in the hall with a splash.

【Hint: You have arrived at the Taiyin Temple! 】

Ye Chuyun flashed and used the teleportation stone to appear in a crystal temple

"Phew, that was a close call. If I had been a second slower, I would have died there."

"Damn, that Xiao Gang must have concealed a lot of information."

Ye Chuyun couldn't help but curse inwardly.

For example, the water monster, and that mission

"Xiao Gang only said that he had obtained the treasure in the treasure map, and didn't say anything else. He must have hidden something more important than the treasure. Could it be the mission?"

After the water monster appeared, Ye Chuyun received a unique mission, to destroy the king of Jiulong Lake.

This made Ye Chuyun suddenly remember that in his previous life, after Xiao Gang joined the first-class force [Shen Yao], the leader of [Shen Yao] once led a team to attack Jiulong Lake, which caused a lot of discussion.

At that time, no one connected this matter with Xiao Gang.

They all thought that they were attacking Jiulong Lake and looking for opportunities.

After all, many forces would do this.

"Is it a regional mission?"

Ye Chuyun saw the key to this mission at a glance.

This mission is like the mission of the five-color altar in the poisonous fog swamp.

It can only be triggered when you reach certain areas. It is a unique mission.

Even if the next person comes here, the mission will not be triggered again.

At the same time, these missions are different from those in the poisonous swamp. You only need to collect spirit pearl fragments to synthesize spirit pearls.

Most of them are very dangerous missions, and the difficulty will definitely exceed your own strength.

"No matter, there is no time limit for this mission anyway. At most, I can go back and kill the water monster after I become stronger."

Ye Chuyun thought it through and continued to use stealth skills to move forward carefully.

There are many golden statues standing around the temple, which makes people shudder.

In the middle of the temple is a statue of a saint.

The hands of the saint statue hold a fist-sized five-colored magic stone.

At this time, Ye Chuyun's sight is focused on the five-colored magic stone.

【The Golden Divine Stone: an alchemical holy object that can turn stone into gold and can perform alchemical transformation and elemental refining!】

"Sure enough, this thing is still here and has not been taken away by anyone!"

Ye Chuyun was ecstatic.

His original plan was to teleport directly to this place after getting the teleportation stone and take away the Shining Golden Divine Stone.

However, the sudden appearance of the water monster made him take out the teleportation stone to escape.

However, it happened to allow him to teleport directly here, which can be regarded as achieving his goal.

Ye Chuyun did not believe that the water monster could still chase here.

It was a pity that the clone was still in a cooling state at this time.

And Ye Chuyun could not stay in the Taiyin Temple for too long, and he had to take away the Shining Golden Divine Stone quickly.

This place is more terrifying than the Nine Dragon Lake Too many.

Any ordinary monster might be as powerful as a water monster!

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun gritted his teeth, grabbed the golden stone from the statue of the saint with his big hand.

And just as he took the golden stone away.

The statues in the temple, including the statue of the saint, began to shake.

They all showed red light in their eyes and locked onto Ye Chuyun.

However, Ye Chuyun had already grasped the teleportation stone in his hand before he took action.

After getting the golden stone, he immediately used the teleportation stone to teleport again and disappeared in the temple.

Dark Valley.

Ye Chuyun stumbled and appeared in the mountain where he met Arnold before.

"Wow, that's too scary. Any of those statues must be at least level 60."

"If the statue of the saint is fully revived, it will be even more terrifying."

"As expected of a large-scale level 80 regional instance, the Temple of the Moon"

"Fortunately, I have the teleportation stone, otherwise I would not be able to kill them no matter how many lives I have."

Recalling the scene at that time, Ye Chuyun couldn't help but touch his forehead.

It was already covered with cold sweat.

"But fortunately, everything went smoothly as planned, and I finally got the Golden Divine Stone!!"

"This is the most precious opportunity in the Taiyin Temple!!"

Ye Chuyun's eyes sparkled, and he looked at the colorful divine stone in his hand with excitement.

The existence of the Shining Golden Divine Stone was no secret in the previous life.

In the previous life, the Taiyin Temple was an 80-level super-large regional copy. Many forces were eyeing it and wanted to conquer it and look for opportunities.

At that time, two super forces, more than ten first-rate forces, and more than twenty second-rate forces tried to conquer it.

In the end, it took a huge price to barely occupy it.

The Shining Golden Divine Stone was discovered when they entered the interior of the Taiyin Temple.

In order to seize the Shining Golden Divine Stone, the forces that had worked together before immediately turned against each other and scrambled for it frantically.

In the end, the Shining Golden Divine Stone fell into the hands of a first-rate force called [Nine-story Building].

【The Nine-Storied Tower also soared to the sky and became a super power.

It happened that in his previous life, Ye Chuyun had just sold the three teleportation stones in his hand.

When he heard this gossip, he couldn't help but associate the teleportation stone with the Shining Golden Divine Stone.

Since the teleportation stone can be teleported to a designated location, then can we use the teleportation stone to teleport directly to the Taiyin Temple, take away the Shining Golden Divine Stone, and then use the teleportation stone to escape.

Wouldn't it be effortless to get it this way?

This method may also be applicable to other super-large copies.

Wanting this, Ye Chuyun felt that he was wrong at that time.

The value of the three teleportation stones is much higher than he imagined.

And now the colorful divine stone lying quietly in his hand has indeed confirmed the feasibility of this plan. The

Shining Golden Divine Stone can make gold, turning the stones that were originally just waste into precious metals.

The real"turning stone into gold""!

��Having it is like having a treasure pot.

This item is also an indispensable part of Ye Chuyun's later development of power.

Fortunately, he finally got the Shining Gold Divine Stone, and the subsequent plan can be implemented.

After putting the Shining Gold Divine Stone into the storage space, Ye Chuyun looked around.

He returned to the place where he met Arnold before.

Now he has obtained the Book of the Godcrafter and the Shining Gold Divine Stone.

All he needs is a set of [Forging Equipment].

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