It took Ye Chuyun and his clone more than 20 minutes to walk up this seemingly endless staircase.

At the bottom was a wide hall.

The entire hall was the size of a football field, magnificent and luxurious.

There were many pictures and words carved on the rock wall.

In the center of the hall was an altar.

In the center of the altar was an ancient book hanging in the air, emitting golden light.

Ye Chuyun looked around.

There was nothing else in the entire hall except this ancient book.

Then he set his sights on the ancient book hanging in the air.

It seemed that this ancient book was the treasure marked on the treasure map.

He just threw an [Identification] over.

【Book of the Godsmith: Forging holy objects. After equipping, it can increase the success rate of forging first-level equipment by 80%, second-level equipment by 60%, third-level equipment by 40%, fourth-level equipment by 20%, and fifth-level equipment by 10%.10th level equipment 1%, every time you successfully forge a piece of equipment, you will definitely gain proficiency】

"Hiss, the Book of the Divine Craftsman? ?"

After seeing the amazing effect of the Book of the Divine Craftsman, Ye Chuyun finally understood why Xiao Gang could become a forging master in his previous life.

Whoever is equipped with the Book of the Divine Craftsman can become a forging master. If you become a junior forger, you will have a 10% success rate in forging first-level equipment. Add the 80% success rate of the Book of the Divine Craftsman, and you will have a 90% success rate.

In other words, as long as your luck is not too bad, you can succeed nine times out of ten forging first-level equipment.

Although the success rate of the second to tenth levels gradually decreases, the tenth-level equipment still has a 1% success rate, which is already It is pretty good.

And this 1% success rate ignores the level of the blacksmith.

Even if a junior blacksmith is equipped with the Book of the Godsmith, there is a 1% success rate in making tenth-level equipment.

But what really terrifies Ye Chuyun is that as long as he successfully forges a piece of equipment, he can gain proficiency.

This means that even if he keeps forging first-level equipment, he can still gain proficiency.

Isn't it a matter of minutes to become a forging master?

Without the help of the Book of the Godsmith, it would not be so easy to gain proficiency.

Perhaps forging ten first-level equipment, with good luck, You may only gain 2-3 points of proficiency.

And as the blacksmith's level increases, if you want to gain proficiency in the future, you must forge high-level equipment.

The problem is that the materials for forging high-level equipment are expensive and time-consuming.

You may not be able to gain proficiency after forging.

From this point of view, the Book of the Godly Craftsman is really amazing. Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun commanded his clone to walk towards the altar without saying a word.

After all, he didn't know what dangers there would be here, so it's better to be careful.

Although he has a resurrection crystal and a chance to revive, he doesn't have to worry about death.

But he can't Put such a precious chance of resurrection here.

The clone walked up to the altar and clearly felt a chill.

Ye Chuyun, as the original body, naturally felt the chill as well.

He didn't know where the chill came from.

Maybe it came from the altar.

Presumably, there would be some terrible consequences if he took out the Book of the Divine Craftsman.

But at this time, Ye Chuyun had no choice.

He couldn't just look at the Book of the Divine Craftsman and turn around and walk away, right?

Who could do that?

Let the clone get the Book of the Divine Craftsman first.

Regardless of anything, the clone immediately took the Book of the Divine Craftsman in his hand, and then threw it into Ye Chuyun's hand.

"Got it!"

Ye Chuyun's eyes flashed with excitement, and he quickly put the Book of the Divine Craftsman into the storage space.

However, at this moment!!

【Tip: You have touched the seal of the altar, and the King of Jiulong Lake is about to appear!】

【Tip: Automatically accept the task and destroy the King of Jiulong Lake!】

【Mission content: Please destroy the water monster living in Jiulong Lake and completely lift the seal!】

【Tip: This task has no time limit and no penalty.】

【Tip: The mission is unique. Once you accept it, no one else can accept it again. Unless you die, other people can accept it again.

Countless golden chains appeared from the altar and tied up the clone tightly!

Then bursts of roars came from the top of the stairs.

At the same time, an extremely powerful pressure surged from the altar.

A huge figure appeared directly in the hall.

Ye Chuyun widened his eyes when he saw it.

This is a strange beast that looks completely different from the fishman.

This strange beast is about 4 meters tall and 10 meters long. It has a lion-like head and a pair of antlers on its head. Its eyes are like a tiger, its body is like a horse, its tail is like a cow, and its body is covered with blue scales.

Seeing this, Ye Chuyun suddenly thought of the mythical Qilin.

However, he has never really seen a Qilin, he just thinks it looks like one.

【[Name]: Water Monster (Overlord Level)

【Level: 40

【Combat Capability Assessment】:???




【Explosion rate】:???

""What the hell!!! What is this?"

Ye Chuyun's face changed.

It turned out to be a level 40 Overlord-level beast.

He was only level 11.

If the enemy's level was more than 20 levels higher than his own, the identification skill would not be able to explore the opponent's information.

At present, Ye Chuyun only knew that its name was the Water Demon Beast, and it was the King of Jiulong Lake.

This should be similar to the existence of the Swamp King, the Overlord of Jiulong Lake.

Good guy, Xiao Gang didn't mention any information about the Water Demon Beast in his previous life.

If taking away the Book of the God Craftsman would attract the appearance of the Water Demon Beast, how did this Xiao Gang hide?

The moment the Water Demon Beast appeared, its sight shifted to the tied-up clone.

At this time, Ye Chuyun was still in stealth mode, and the clone had been exposed.

"Human, die!"

The water monster roared, and a white laser shot out from its eyes.

The clone had no power to resist, and after being hit by the laser, the whole person turned into ashes.


Ye Chuyun took a deep breath when he saw this.

Fortunately, he did not go to the altar to get the Book of the Divine Craftsman himself.

Otherwise, he would have been the one who turned into ashes.

"There are humans too!"

At this time, the water monster suddenly turned its head towards where Ye Chuyun was sneaking, staring at him who had already become invisible.

""Oh no, I've been discovered."

Ye Chuyun's face changed drastically.

Although he didn't know how the water monster found him.

Maybe it had the perception of darkness or some other talent that could sense his whereabouts.

No matter what, he had to find a way to escape.

He couldn't beat this water monster now!

"Oh, there's no other way. I have to use it now!"

Ye Chuyun sighed inwardly and took out a purple-red stone.

It was the teleportation stone he had obtained before.

With just a thought, he could be teleported to any place.

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