
The wind blew in the face, and the mutant green claw beast raised a huge bone stick and smashed it down.

This attack had at least a hundred pounds of force. If there were no defensive measures, if you were hit by this stick, you would be seriously injured if not dead.

In the critical moment, Ye Chuyun was very calm, and all his skills had been cooled down.

Decisively turned on [Vision Enhancement] and [Strength Amplification]!

In Ye Chuyun's eyes, the mutant green claw beast was at least twice as slow.

He took a wrong step and dodged the attack of the bone stick with a slight deviation.

Then he went around the back of the mutant green claw beast and stabbed it in the waist.

Unlike ordinary green claw beasts, the mutant green claw beast's head was extremely hard, and it was useless to chop its head.

Only the waist was the weakness of the mutant green claw beast.

Under the strength amplification skill, his strength reached an astonishing 57 points at this time!

Although this skill can only last for 30 seconds, it is enough to deal with the mutant green claw beast.


Blood surged out.

The power of this knife was amazing, and the green claw machete easily sank into the waist of the mutant green claw beast.

Finally, the bone got stuck, and Ye Chuyun pulled out the green claw machete violently, and blood splattered everywhere. Aa...

""Woo woo woo!"

When the mutant green clawed beast saw Ye Chuyun disappear, it did not try to attack or look for Ye Chuyun, but turned around and ran away!

How could Ye Chuyun let it go?

He knew that the mutant green clawed beast would definitely escape, so he blocked its retreat early and slashed it on the other side of the waist!

This time, the mutant green clawed beast could not bear it at all, and it could not hold the big bone stick in its hand, and fell directly to the ground.

Ye Chuyun took the opportunity to slash a few more times, and then killed the mutant green clawed beast.

Then a dazzling white light flew out of the mutant green clawed beast and sank into Ye Chuyun's body.

【Kill level 1 Green Claw Beast (mutation) and gain +100 energy points】

【100% explosion rate triggered, the item has been automatically placed in the storage space, please check it】

【Congratulations, you have been promoted to level 2】

【Your strength increases by 10 points】

【Your Agility increases by 10 points】

【Your Constitution increases by 10 points】

【Your spirit is increased by 10 points】

【You gain 5 free attributes. 】

At this moment, Ye Chuyun felt that his body seemed to be transformed.

A mysterious force traveled throughout his body, and his body began to become strong.

The loose fat disappeared, and even the outline of muscles appeared.

The upgrade is not just an upgrade on the panel, it can really be reflected in the body.

It can be seen that as long as you can keep upgrading, immortality may not really be a dream.

Ye Chuyun was about to open the panel to check his information, but suddenly his ears moved and he heard a noise coming from a distance.

After the body was transformed, his five senses were strengthened a lot.

Ye Chuyun left this place decisively.

Not long after Ye Chuyun left, Wang Gang's team arrived here.

When they saw the mutant green clawed beast that was almost split in half, they were shocked on the spot.

There was still green blood flowing everywhere on the ground. The mutant green clawed beast was almost gutted and died miserably.

Everyone was stunned for a long time before Lei Chen on the side spoke

"This one is the same as the one we just killed, a mutant green claw beast."

Wang Gang looked around:"There are not many footprints on the ground, and they are all the same size. They are all from the same person." Liu Qian stepped forward and checked the body. A trace of shock flashed in her eyes:"The knife marks on this mutant green claw beast are almost the same, which means that it was challenged by someone and killed without any resistance."

After saying this, the people present were shocked again.

"Oh my god, a one-on-one duel?"Zhuang Liang shook his head frantically without even thinking about it.

"This is impossible. The five of us can only barely deal with a mutant green claw beast. How can anyone be able to fight alone?"

Liu Qian:"Besides us, there seems to be no one else around. Who is it?"

At this time, Wang Yun seemed to remember something and muttered:"Besides us, there should be only that handsome guy named Ye Chuyun around."

"Ye Chuyun?"

Lei Chen looked strange:"Now that you put it that way, it's really possible."

"Hiss, so he doesn’t want to join us, is it because he is strong enough to fight alone?"

"Could it be that his combat power is already over 200?"

Everyone looked at each other, and Wang Gang's eyes showed a complicated look.

Just now he had wanted to invite such a big man to join his team.

Good guy, the clown turned out to be himself.

On the other side, after Ye Chuyun moved away from Wang Gang and others, he came to a secluded place and opened the panel.

After the upgrade, his four dimensions increased by 10 points each, a total of 40 points, and he also got 5 free attribute points.

Ye Chuyun thought about it and added all these 5 free attribute points to spirit.

The higher the spirit, the more skills can be used.

So adding spirit is definitely not a loss.

And he has an ulterior purpose, which must be achieved by increasing spirit.

Name: Ye Chuyun

Level: Level 2 (80/300)

Strength: 47

Agility: 34

Constitution: 41

Spirit: 29

Combat Power: 327 (302+25)

Now his combat power is higher than that of the mutant green claw beast. He should be able to walk sideways on the periphery of this poisonous swamp.

Ye Chuyun looked at the storage space.

The things exploded by the mutant green claw beast are similar to those of the ordinary green claw beast.

【[God and Demon Coin] *5

【Green Claw Beast's Spirit】

【Green Claw Machete]

There is also a skill book

【Speed boost: First-level skill, after use, agility +20 points within 30 seconds, cooling time two minutes. 】

The green claw machete has been strengthened to the limit, and Ye Chuyun plans to keep the extra one.

This is a first-level equipment, which is a good choice to sell or exchange for supplies.

At this time, the roar of the green claw beast came from not far away.

Ye Chuyun looked up and saw five ordinary green claw beasts rushing towards him.

He looked down at his pants and saw some blood of the mutant green claw beast.

The blood of the mutant green claw beast has a special attraction to ordinary green claw beasts. It seems that it attracted these five ordinary green claw beasts.

Ye Chuyun smiled and clenched the green claw machete in his hand.

Now that his combat power has increased greatly, he can use these five green claw beasts to verify his strength.

In just a moment, five green claw beasts pounced on him.

Ye Chuyun did not activate any skills, and directly chopped one of the green claw beasts with a knife!


The head of a green claw beast was easily chopped off by himself.

Then Ye Chuyun's figure shuttled among the green claw beasts.

Suddenly screams broke out and blood flew everywhere!

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