When Ye Chuyun had advanced about fifty meters, his face suddenly froze and he hid behind a big tree, hiding his figure.

"There is a sound of fighting!"

Ye Chuyun turned his head slightly and looked over, with a look of surprise on his face.

Three meters in front of him, five humans were besieging a green-clawed beast.

Ye Chuyun's eyes were instantly attracted by the green-clawed beast.

This green-clawed beast was obviously different from ordinary green-clawed beasts.

Ordinary green-clawed beasts were only about 1.5 meters tall and had light green skin.

Now this green-clawed beast was 1.9 meters tall and had dark green skin.

Ye Chuyun immediately knew that this green-clawed beast had mutated and was an elite monster.

【Name: Green Claw Beast (Mutation)

【Level: 1

【[Combat Power Assessment]: 300

【Features: Great strength, swift speed, cunning, run away if you can't win

【[Skill]: Speed Boost LV1

【[Explosion rate]: 1%

After reading the data, Ye Chuyun's heart skipped a beat.

It is indeed a mutant elite monster. Its level has not changed, but its combat power is very abnormal.

Moreover, this mutant green claw beast is still a sixth-rate monster. It has the characteristic of running away if it cannot defeat it. With the skill of speed increase, if you don't pay attention, these five people may fight in vain.

Then Ye Chuyun set his sights on the five-person team and found that they were familiar people!

It was Wang Gang's team.

Zhuang Liang had a first-level shield and was still at the forefront.

Once the mutant green claw beast's attack fell, if he couldn't dodge it, he would use the shield to block it.

There was also a man in a black leather jacket with a wooden shield made temporarily from a chair board tied to his hand.

He and Zhuang Liang stood together to resist the attack.

Wang Gang and Liu Qian looked for opportunities to attack.

Wang Gang is worthy of being a Sanda champion. When Zhuang Liang and the leather jacket man couldn't resist, he replaced the two and acted as a deputy tank.

The mutant green claw beast's attacks were dodged by him one by one, and Wang Gang was able to counterattack during the period, causing the mutant green claw beast to suffer a lot of injuries.

Liu Qian used a bow and arrow to attack from the back, and a girl with a medical kit on her back hid behind her. The mutant green clawed beast was extremely angry, and hit Wang Gang's head with the big bone stick in its hand.

But Wang Gang reacted quickly, dodged the attack by turning sideways, and took the opportunity to punch the mutant green clawed beast, intensifying his hatred again.

In this way, Wang Gang, Zhuang Liang, and the man in leather clothes took turns, and Liu Qian continued to attack.

The scars on the mutant green clawed beast's body continued to increase, green blood flowed all over the ground, and its condition became more and more sluggish.

Ye Chuyun hid in the dark and observed quietly.

The next second, the mutant green clawed beast let out a howl, and its body flashed with green light. Then it greased its feet, turned into an afterimage under the eyes of Wang Gang and others, and ran away quickly.

Wang Gang and others just stared at the mutant green clawed beast's fleeing figure in amazement.

""Shit, Captain, should we chase after it?" Zhuang Liang asked hurriedly.

Wang Gang covered his chest and gasped, and raised his hand to stop it, saying,"It can't run far, let's heal our wounds first.""

"Wang Yun, please."

After saying that, the girl hiding behind Liu Qian stood up, opened the medical bag on her body and began to bandage everyone.

Ye Chuyun continued to hide behind the tree, intending to wait for Wang Gang and others to leave before coming out to continue looking for the treasure chest. He moved his feet inadvertently.

However, the girl who was treating the others moved her ears slightly, as if she had discovered something, and suddenly looked up in the direction of Ye Chuyun.

"Who is it?"

The girl's name is Wang Yun, she is a nurse. She won a skill book in the lottery at the beginning of the advent, which increased her hearing.

So she can hear all the movements within a radius of ten meters, and naturally she can hear the subtle footsteps of Ye Chuyun.

Wang Yun's scream also made Wang Gang and others alert, looking in the direction where Ye Chuyun was hiding.

Seeing this, Ye Chuyun couldn't help but sigh and walked out from behind the tree silently.

But he was not worried about what Wang Gang and others would do to him.

If the situation was not right, he could use stealth to escape.

"Huh? It's you?"

Seeing Ye Chuyun, the man in leather jacket was slightly startled, as if he recognized him.

"Hmm? Lei Chen, do you know him?" Wang Gang asked in surprise.

The man in leather jacket was Lei Chen. Hearing this, he smiled awkwardly:"Hey, I just have some impression of him."

The reason why he could recognize Ye Chuyun was because when he threw the chair he won in the lottery and hit the monster in the square, Ye Chuyun was the first to rush out, which left a deep impression on him.

After Lei Chen told Wang Gang what happened, he also understood it.

Then Wang Gang looked at Ye Chuyun:"Brother, what's your name?"

"My name is Ye Chuyun. Please rest assured, I am just passing by here."

Ye Chuyun said lightly.

Wang Gang nodded and looked at Ye Chuyun secretly. After seeing the green claw machete in his hand, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"Brother Ye, I see that you are quite strong. Do you want to join my team and level up together?"

"Don't worry about the distribution, we will distribute according to work."

Lei Jun also agreed:"Yes, yes, you will never have to worry about not having meat to eat if you follow the captain. He is a level 2 warrior, and his combat power is almost 190."

Zhuang Liang and the other two did not speak, but just looked at Ye Chuyun indifferently.

In their opinion, with the strength of their team, many people would beg to join, and Ye Chuyun had no reason to refuse.

But unexpectedly, Ye Chuyun shook his head:"Thank you for your kindness, I'm used to solo, so I'd better say goodbye first."

After that, he left in the direction of the treasure chest.

This move once again made Wang Gang's team confused.

"Shit, he actually refused? Lei Chen almost doubted his ears.

""The more handsome a person is, the more confident he is?" Liu Qian also muttered silently. Wang

Gang shook his head:"Forget it, since Brother Ye is unwilling to join, I won't force him."

"Let's catch up with the green-clawed beast."

After saying that, Wang Gang's team left quickly.

【God and Demon Coins +200】

【Wind Boots: Agility +10 after wearing, first-level equipment】

【Skill Stone】

opened a gray treasure chest, another great harvest.

After equipping the Wind Boots, his combat power reached 237.

Just as he was about to look for the next treasure chest, Ye Congyun's eyes suddenly flashed, and the whole person rolled to the left!


A big bone stick fell down where Ye Congyun was standing.

A mutant green claw beast appeared behind Ye Congyun

""Ahhh!" The mutant green claw beast looked at Ye Chuyun coldly, with a trace of contempt in its eyes.

This weak human dared to break into its territory and steal its treasure.

It wanted to tear this human to pieces!

With a low roar, the mutant green claw beast raised the big bone stick and smashed it at Ye Chuyun again!

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