Just as Mo Hu was introducing the function of this monument to Ye Chuyun, a huge figure came to their side, attracting the attention of others in the hall.

Ye Chuyun and Mo Hu were also attracted by this huge figure.

It turned out to be a human!

However, this person was 3 meters tall, bald, wearing leather armor, and his skin was slightly pale.

At this moment, he was looking at Ye Chuyun and the others with contempt.

【Name: Titan (Human)

【Level: First level

【[World]: Tianze Star (medium world)

"Are you done yet?"

Titan looked at them with disdain.

"If you don't want to do the Heavenly Dao Assessment, please make way and I'll go over."

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Look, it’s someone from the middle world, and he’s going to undergo the first-level Heavenly Dao assessment!"

"They were from Tianze Star. They were quite famous in the world of gods and demons. It was said that their area had entered the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield twice and had entered the top 1,000."

"What, you made it into the top 1,000? There are at least 7,000 or 8,000 or even tens of thousands of people participating in the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield. If you can make it into the top 1,000, that's really amazing!"

"Tianzexing has lived in the world of gods and demons for at least fifty years. This Titan should be a newborn. This time he came to participate in the first-level Tiandao evaluation, probably aiming for a level above C."

"C-level assessment? That requires a combat power of more than 6,000. If you can really pass it, then becoming a Earth-level expert in the future is a foregone conclusion, right?"

"That's not so exaggerated. That's the Earth Rank. Even if he can pass the C-rank assessment for the first rank, it doesn't mean he can pass the C-rank assessment for the second rank or even the tenth rank."

"Moreover, less than 10% of them can pass the C-level evaluation, so it is not certain that this Titan can pass."

"Hehe, wait and see the show."

Everyone was talking.

Ye Chuyun and Mo Hu also looked at Titan curiously.

Then Mo Hu pulled Ye Chuyun aside.

"Fellow tribe, this person is from the middle world, and is from the famous Tianze Star, we should not provoke him for the time being."

Mo Hu said in a low voice

"Since he is also going to participate in the Tiandao evaluation, I will use him as an example to show you how to do it."

"Good idea."

Ye Chuyun nodded, and then continued to look at Titan.

He naturally knew how to conduct the Heavenly Dao evaluation.

It was just that this Titan got there first, so it would be okay for him to watch the excitement.

He had heard of the name of Tianze Star in his previous life.

In his previous life, their Blue Star Region was selected to participate in the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield, and the Tianze Star region was also included.

However, their Blue Star Region was too weak at that time, so they could only hide and barely survive until the end of the battlefield.

Tianze Star, on the other hand, killed people everywhere, and finally won the top 500 and received many rewards from the Heavenly Dao.

Ye Chuyun wanted to see what this person from How powerful can the Titan from Tianze Star be?

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Titan.

Titan just stared at the monument.

If you want to start the Tiandao evaluation, you still need to conduct a verification evaluation first.

Just put your hand on the monument to evaluate.

Thinking of this, Titan decisively placed his big hand on the monument.


The monument emitted a dazzling light and began to evaluate.

Titan had a very confident smile on his face.

After about a minute, the light disappeared, and a"B"The symbol of the level.

This means that the level of Taita's Heavenly Dao evaluation this time is B-level. It is one level higher than the C-level that everyone guessed before!

After seeing this level, Taita's smile became even bigger, and he strode into the light gate.

Only the people in the hall were still in shock.

After a while, they recovered and began to discuss.

"Did you see it? It's B-level. I just guessed that this Titan was C-level. It seems that I underestimated him."

"Hey, if I pass the B-level assessment, I wonder what kind of professional talent I can get. I'm so envious."

"Are you envious? I envy you. Hurry up and complete your first-level assessment. Aren’t you level D? If you pass, you can also obtain a powerful professional talent."

"Uh, I don’t dare. If I fail, I will be downgraded to E-level evaluation."

"Even if you don't dare, you have to complete it. Otherwise, do you want to stay in this Temple of Destiny forever?"

"That's not impossible."

Ye Chuyun watched silently, with a slight flash of shock in his eyes.

He didn't expect that this Titan had something.

The B-level evaluation requires a combat power of at least 8,000.

As expected of a medium-level world, he reached a combat power of 8,000 at level 10.

The upper limit is much higher than their Blue Star.

He was able to reach a combat power of 12,000 because of his SSS-level talent and the help of various adventures.

The medium-level world and even the high-level world can reach it easily.

They worked hard to reach Rome on Blue Star.

And the people of these worlds were born in Rome.

This is really infuriating.

And the higher the difficulty of the evaluation, the smaller the probability of passing.

In his previous life, when he was evaluated at the first level, he was evaluated as E-level.

But he failed the evaluation.

After the failure, the E-level was directly downgraded to F-level. He barely passed the evaluation and got a warrior-type professional talent.

I wonder if this Titan can pass the B-level evaluation.

Ye Chuyun thought with interest

"Fellow tribe member, he has already gone in to start the evaluation, why don't you follow him?"

Mo Hu asked in surprise when he saw that he did not take any action.

Ye Chuyun smiled:

"Don't worry, let's see if this Titan can pass the B-level evaluation."

Mo Hu's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard this.

"I see, now that you mention it, I really want to see if he can pass the assessment."

Others also thought so.

Some people who came to the Temple of Heavenly Destiny were not in a hurry to take the Heavenly Dao Assessment.

They also wanted to see if there were any masters here.

Everyone didn't have to wait long.

After about an hour, the light gate began to tremble violently.

The huge Titan staggered out of the light gate, as if he had been driven out.

"No way, how could I fail!!"

"It’s just a little bit more!"

Titan turned his head unwillingly and roared at the light gate.

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