Ye Chuyun looked around very calmly.

The whole hall was very lively, with about a hundred people.

No, these hundred people should not be called"people", but more like some kind of creatures.

There are werewolves with wolf heads and human bodies, elves with pointed ears, giant octopuses, and strange creatures with dark blue skin all over their bodies. There are even more alternative robots and dwarves.

There are also humans in ancient costumes, but when they see Ye Chuyun, they look down and show their arrogance.

The same is true for others.

In the eyes of these guys, it seems that Ye Chuyun is an inferior person, and they are superior people.

How could he, a"barbarian" from a lower world, be looked up to by them.

Ye Chuyun naturally understood.

This group of people all came from the middle world or even the higher world.

Of course, the Heavenly Dao not only summoned their Blue Star, but also summoned many people from other worlds to descend to the world of gods and demons.

There is only one purpose, which is the survival of the fittest. Those who survive will only become stronger and stronger until they live forever.

Some worlds may have descended into the world of gods and demons very early, and have developed to a terrifying scale.

Some are just like Blue Star, who have just entered the world of gods and demons, and have to start from scratch.

Fortunately, the Heavenly Dao has divided each world into an area for"fairness".

If you don't have"heavenly level" strength, you can't cross the area.

Under normal circumstances, each area is safe and sound, and no one interferes with the other.

There is only one exception.

That is the battlefield of all races!

The battlefield of all races will randomly draw challengers from different worlds and let them compete with each other. Those who survive in the end will get unimaginable rewards.

However, the opening time of the battlefield of all races is not fixed.

It may be opened tomorrow, or it may not be opened for a year, two years, or even ten years.

So in order to welcome the battlefield of all races that may come at any time, people in all worlds are working hard to improve their strength.

In the previous life, the Blue Star Domain entered the battlefield of all races a year after it descended into the world of gods and demons.

And what happened after the battlefield of all races, Ye Chuyun no longer wants to recall it.

Because the result is too tragic.

The strength of their Blue Star is much worse than that of other worlds.

This time, he must improve his strength as much as possible.

Only by reaching the heavenly level of combat power can one perhaps have a place in the battlefield of all races.

"Hey, fellow tribesman, is this your first time at the Temple of Destiny?"

Just as Ye Chuyun was thinking, a 2-meter-tall strong man wearing animal skins came to his side.

He spoke in an obscure language, but in Ye Chuyun's ears it automatically turned into the language of the Blue Planet.

""Huh?" Ye Chuyun was very surprised.

He didn't expect that someone would talk to him at this time.

After all, he was regarded as a"barbarian" from a lower world by this group of people.

They didn't even have time to mock him, so how could they talk to him?

But when he saw that the person who came was also a human, he was not surprised.

The hatred between the same race is far less than that between other different races. Most of them are still very friendly.

【Name: Mohu (human)

【Level]: Second level

【[World]: Yunxing (lower world)

It turns out that this person also comes from a lower world, but it seems that they came to the world of gods and demons earlier than they did on Blue Star.

"That’s right, we have just arrived in the world of gods and demons not many days ago." Ye Chuyun said with a smile. Mo Hu was shocked when he heard it:"So your world has just arrived in the world of gods and demons?"

"How many days has it been since it came?"

Ye Chuyun said calmly,"Less than three days."

"Less than three days?"Mo Hu exclaimed, with a look of disbelief on his face.

People from other worlds were also shocked when they heard their conversation.

"It only took less than three days to come to the Temple of Destiny for the Heavenly Dao Assessment?"

"Logically speaking, when a lower world descends upon the world of gods and demons for the first time, wouldn't it take at least ten days or even a month to enter the Temple of Destiny?"

"Haha, it seems this human is quite capable."

Mo Hu calmed down and asked again:

"Fellow tribesman, are you planning to conduct the Heavenly Dao Assessment now?"

Ye Chuyun nodded:"Yes"

"You are quite amazing. You have only been in the world of gods and demons for less than three days, but you have already reached the level of a first-class warrior."Mo Hu looked at him in disbelief.

"Haha, you are too kind."Ye Chuyun smiled modestly. When the level reaches 10, he becomes what Thor calls a"first-level warrior".

Level 20 is the second level, level 30 is the third level, and so on.

However, this strength division is not absolute.

If one's own combat power exceeds too much, even if it is level 20, one can become a third-level, fourth-level, or even a tenth-level warrior.

"Awesome! Normally, it would take at least ten days for someone from a lower world to reach the first level."

"I didn't expect you to achieve it in less than three days."

Mo Hu kept praising.

As soon as this was said, it immediately caused dissatisfaction among others.

"So what if you have reached the first level? For you humans from the lower world, it is already great to pass the F-level Heavenly Dao evaluation."

"Hehe, at least so far, these low-level creatures from the lower world have only passed the E-level evaluation at most."

"What's the use of upgrading quickly? If the combat power cannot be improved, it's useless even if you reach the first level."

"Haha, our advanced world is really powerful. We can at least pass the E-level evaluation."

"Bah, you look down on people." Hearing this, Mo Hu's face looked very bad.

He also came from a low-level world and was often ridiculed by this group of people.

Because there was no fighting here, this group of people could only talk nonsense.

"Don't bother with them, they are just talking nonsense at best."Ye Chuyun consoled her.

"You are right."Mo Hu recovered and nodded.

"I will first show you the situation of the Heavenly Dao Assessment."

Mo Hu said as he led Ye Chuyun to the center of the hall.

In the center of the hall there were ten stone tablets emitting a stream of light.

These stone tablets were exactly the same size from left to right, and were all ten feet high.

They were engraved with inscriptions and strange runes.

Under each stone tablet there was a huge light gate.

The two came to the stone tablet on the far left, and Mo Hu began to introduce

"Have you seen these ten stone tablets? These are the Heavenly Dao Divine Tablets."

"These stone tablets are arranged in levels, from left to right, from level one to level ten."

"If you are at the first level, you must choose this first-level Heavenly Dao Monument for the Heavenly Dao Assessment"

"However, before the evaluation, you need to place your hand on the monument for evaluation."

"The Divine Monument will assess your combat power and determine which level of Heavenly Dao Assessment you can take."

"The grades are from low to high, from F to S."

Before Mo Hu could finish his words, there was a commotion in the hall.

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