
Countless fire lizards attacked!

In the next second, something strange happened!

The sea water seemed to surge out from the ground, forming several water tornadoes around Ye Chuyun, rushing towards the fire lizards.

You know, water can overcome fire.

When the fire lizards saw so many water tornadoes rushing towards them, they quickly turned around and ran away.

However, in just one or two breaths, the water tornadoes arrived in an instant, sucking all the fire lizards into it.

""Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The fire lizards let out a shrill roar, and their bodies were torn apart by the waterspout.

Gradually, red filled the entire cave, filling the cave with a bloody smell that made people shudder.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

One by one, the fire lizards turned into blood mist and merged into the waterspout.

【Kill a level 6 Salamander and gain double energy points +600】

【Kill a level 6 mutant salamander and gain double energy points +800】

【Kill a level 6 Salamander and gain double energy points +600】

Ye Chuyun felt that his mental power was draining away in large quantities.

The waterspout was still reaping the lives of the fire lizards.

When he felt it was about time, Ye Chuyun retracted his skills.

As the waterspout gradually dissipated, the red blood mist in the cave gradually dissipated, revealing the torn remains of the fire lizards.

In addition, there were more than a dozen tenacious fire lizards that were still wailing and twisting.

Ye Chuyun showed no mercy, and without saying a word, he raised his knife and chopped them one by one, reaping all their lives.

White light kept flashing in the cave.

At this moment, Ye Chuyun's energy value was soaring wildly, and his personal points were also soaring.

The grids in the storage space were constantly occupied by spoils of war.

In the end, all the fire lizards were wiped out.

【Congratulations, you have been promoted to level 9】

【Your strength increases by 10 points】

【Your Agility increases by 10 points】

【Your Constitution increases by 10 points】

【Your spirit is increased by 10 points】

【You gain 5 free attributes.

The white light that emerged from the fire lizard's body was constantly absorbed by Ye Chuyun's body.

Finally, Ye Chuyun's body shook, and a powerful force emanated from his body.

"Finally, I've leveled up again."

Ye Chuyun's eyes were filled with excitement.

If he leveled up one more level, he would be level 10.

Once he reached level 10, he would be able to obtain a golden treasure chest!

At the same time, he would be summoned by the Heavenly Dao to go to the Heavenly Fate Temple to take the job transfer assessment.

That would be the beginning of his transformation!

At the same time, Ye Chuyun's personal score was also rising rapidly, and had already broken through to 406.

【Tip: If your personal score reaches 200 points, you can get extra rewards if you win the camp battle.】

【Tip: If your personal score reaches 400 points, you can get extra rewards if you win the camp battle.】

【Tips: 200 points reward 20 attribute points, 1 black iron treasure chest】

【Tip: 400 points reward 40 attribute points, 2 black iron treasure chests. 】

Ye Chuyun looked at his personal points ranking.

1st place: Ye Chuyun, 406 points

2nd place: Wang Gang: 60 points

3rd place: Zhuang Liang, 35 points

4th place: Lei Chen, 30 points

Total score: 608 points

Ye Chuyun was very pleased.

Except for him, everyone in District 118 was working hard.

Even if his score was removed, the total score was 202 points.

District 118 was truly reborn!

Let's look at the total score of the camp.

Blue: 538

Red: 986

The Red has completely surpassed the Blue!

In addition to District 118, the other three districts were also working hard.

Ye Chuyun even felt that even if he didn't go to hunt the beast, he could still defeat the other side with the strength of others.

We Dragon people are awesome!!

At the same time, the chat channel went completely crazy.

Cai Kun:"Ahhh, look at the scoreboard, Ye Shen’s points just now suddenly skyrocketed like crazy."

Wang Gang:"I was wondering why Ye Shen’s points suddenly stopped, it turns out he was waiting here?"

Feng Kang:"Ahhh, look, Ye Shen’s personal points have soared to more than 400, and our District 118’s total score is actually 608!!" Liu Daqiang:

"Woo woo woo, our efforts have not been in vain, the other Dragon Country districts are also very powerful, with an average of about 100 points."

Huang Li:"We Dragon Country people are awesome!"

Zhuang Liang:"With 14 points left we will win, let’s go hunt the beast!"

The regional chat channel exploded.

No. 55 Sharma Rafi:"Waste, waste, you are all waste!"

No. 44 Sam:"Waste, it’s been an hour and you only gained these few points. The red team is only 14 points away from victory."

No. 28 Park Zhengcan:"Shit, it’s over, the gap is so big, the other side only needs to hunt a few more beasts to win." No. 346

Kitahara Sosuke:"It’s completely over now. The losing side will deduct 80% of the resources and 60 points of all attributes. It’s dead now."

No. 55 Sharma Rafi:"Damn it, Sam, it’s all your fault. What a stupid idea you came up with. Let us challenge Area 118 at the same time. Now we’re doomed by you."

No. 44 Sam:"What’s the point of blaming this Baron? It’s because you are too useless. You can lose even if you are ten to four. You are useless, you are all useless!!"

No. 118 Cai Kun:"Hahaha, keep arguing. In the time you were arguing, we have increased our points by another 4 points."

No. 55 Sharma Rafi:"Oh, no, please don’t, I beg you not to, I will give you equipment and God and Demon Coins, okay? Please let us go."

No. 44 Sam:"You Indians are such a piece of shit, you lost and what’s the point of begging for mercy."

No. 346 Kitahara Sosuke:"Baka, oh, no, Dragon Country dads, we were wrong, please let us go, if we keep losing our District 346 will be finished."

No. 388 Shi Feng:"Humph, don’t even think about it, when you challenged us, did you think of letting us go?"

No. 25 Xu Meng:"Just wait to die, everyone."

The entire regional chat channel was filled with wailing.

In the cave, Ye Chuyun sat casually on a piece of fire copper and began to count the harvest.

There were more than 70 fire lizards in total. Together with the ones killed before, this time, there were no less than 100 pieces of spoils.

The God and Demon Coins exploded, and more than 2,000 pieces were harvested.

Skill stones and strengthening stones were harvested 10 each. More than 30 first-level equipment were also harvested.

The spirits of fire lizards were countless.

More than 90 pieces of fire spirit beads.

5 talent engravings.

There were also several first-level skill books, but unfortunately they were all duplicates.

Looking at so many spoils, Ye Chuyun also showed a satisfied smile on his face.

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