Area 388, Tiankeng Forest, Level 5 Ferocious Beast Area.

Shi Feng was looking at the points progress of the faction battle with a shocked face.

Blue team: 489

Red team: 416

"The red team only had 188 points just now. How come it suddenly increased to 316 points in just a few minutes?"

"Could it be because of the person named Ye Chuyun from No. 118?"

The total score of their No. 388 Novice Village was only over 100 points.

Fifty percent of them were provided by Shi Feng.

Shi Feng originally thought that the Red Team was going to lose this time.

Unexpectedly, such an unexpected change happened.

Shi Feng's mouth curled up slightly, thinking of what Ye Chuyun had said before.

"It seems that I have found a golden thigh this time."


Then we in District 388 cannot bring shame to Longguo.~~~

At this time, two white tigers as tall as three feet rushed out from the woods.

When they saw that Shi Feng was the only one there, they showed contempt in their eyes.

Shi Feng also noticed them and showed a mocking look in his eyes.

"Haha, I was just wondering where to find a ferocious beast, and now it's delivered to my doorstep!"

""The Martial God is possessed!"

Shi Feng roared, and a huge shadow of five feet tall suddenly appeared behind him.

He punched down, and the shadow behind him also punched down.


The two level 5 beasts were smashed into meat paste by this punch.

Area 25, Misty Forest.

Xu Meng stood calmly behind a dozen men and women. In front of them were a dozen weird-looking beasts.

""Captain, do you want to take action?" A handsome man holding a huge shield asked.

Xu Meng was looking at the progress of the points in shock. Hearing this, he exited the channel and nodded.


As soon as the voice fell, more than a dozen men and women in front of Xu Meng roared and rushed towards the beast.

Xu Meng, who was standing behind them, shouted

"The power of the stars, obey my command"

"Seven Killing Stars, fall!"

Countless red stars fell on more than a dozen men and women and merged into their bodies.


Suddenly, the dozen men and women seemed to be injected with chicken blood, with infinite strength and momentum.

In a few minutes, they killed all the dozen beasts in front of them.

Compared with District 388 and District 25, District 366 seems a bit confused.

Feng Tao:"Fuck, it's a sudden turn of events, brothers, the red team's points suddenly skyrocketed."

Huang Zhize:"Oh my god, I thought we were going to lose, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it."

Lu Yu:"Uh, our District 366 currently has only more than 50 points, which is a drag."

Meng Qi:"Good guy, this wave is a win without effort." Feng Tao

:"We must not let our guard down and play badly because of this. We have to take action too, don't let the big guys look down on our District 366!!!"

The red camp is harmonious, while the blue camp is a little broken. Sharma Rafi, No. 55

, Regional Chat Channel

:"You bunch of losers, this can make the red team rush up, are you serious about hunting the beasts?"

Sharma Rafi, No. 55:"Our District 55 has contributed 88 points, who is slacking off?"

Sam, No. 44:"Fuck, our District 44 is not bad either, contributing more than 80 points. It must be District 346 who is slacking off. Don’t they only have one level 5? How many points can they get with this?"

Sosuke Kitahara, No. 346:"Baka, we fought hard to hunt the beasts to avenge our previous shame, and we have more than 60 points. Do you still have the nerve to criticize us?" Nakamura Tadashi,

No. 156:"We have fought a lot, and we have more than 80 points. It is you who are slacking off, right, Kimchi Country?"

Park Jung-chan, No. 28:"Shit, what are you talking about? We have worked hard too, and we have scored more than 70 points."

No. 44 Sam:"Sharma, you are so shameless, don't you have three level 6 people in India? How come you only have so few points?"

No. 55 Sharma Rafi:"Humph, we are noble Brahmins. How can we do such hard and tiring work as hunting beasts? We let Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras do it."

After asking, the highest score of India on the blue side was only 88 points, and other countries were even worse.

The lowest score was even only 10 points.

No. 118 Cai Kun:"I am dying of laughter, you are still talking about Brahmins at this time, you blue team deserve to lose, you are all slacking off!"

No. 346 Kitahara Sosuke:"Kuso, we are ten against four, you are all slacking off, I don’t accept it!!!!"

No. 44 Sam:"Fuck, stop slacking off at this time, go hunt the beasts!"

No. 55 Sharma Rafi:"Huh, I am a Brahmin, I still have to wait for those people to drive the beasts to me."

No. 28 Park Jung Chan:"Shit, we are finished!!"

An hour later.

In the poisonous fog swamp, in the cave.


The whole cave was shaking constantly.

Ye Chuyun was sweating profusely. He kept shuttling through the forks in the cave. He was so fast that he almost turned into an afterimage.

Behind him, more than seventy fire lizards were chasing him.

The forks in the cave were chaotic, complicated, and seemed endless.

He had to observe the map every time to choose the best path to avoid the pursuit of the fire lizards.

The fire lizards chased Ye Chuyun angrily.

The flames they spewed burned the walls of the cave, making crackling sounds.

At first, after Ye Chuyun entered from the leftmost fork, he found that the fire lizards inside were particularly scattered.

There might be only two or three fire lizards in a fork passage.

And there are at least thirty or forty passages in the cave.

This is too inefficient.

It took him a lot of time to clear five passages.

Looking at the remaining forks, Ye Chuyun simply gritted his teeth.

���He simply led all the fire lizards in all the forks together and solved them all at once!

So he was now being chased by dozens of fire lizards.

Facing so many fire lizards, even Ye Chuyun felt a little tingling on his scalp.

Looking at the map, Ye Chuyun found that there were only a few fire lizards left.

Almost all the fire lizards in the cave were led here by him.

""Let's fight!"

Ye Chuyun gritted his teeth and simply led all the fire lizards to the original cave entrance.

As soon as he arrived at the cave entrance, Ye Chuyun stopped immediately.

Seeing this, the fire lizards behind him also sped up.

This hateful human had slipped away from them for most of the time. They swore that they must burn this hateful human to death!

Ye Chuyun turned his head and saw this group of aggressive fire lizards. He took a deep breath.

Then, steam began to emerge from his whole body, and mist gradually appeared around him.

"The Sea King is angry!"

Ye Chuyun thought to himself.

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