Finally, Ye Chuyun chose District 44.

This district is full of Eagles.

Among them, there are 3 level 5 and 1 level 6.

India, Kimchi, Sakura, etc. currently have only 3 level 5, and no one is level 6.

In this case, we have to challenge the most powerful one and kill the chicken to scare the monkeys in front of other countries.

Let them know how powerful the Dragons in District 118 are!

Moreover, District 44 joined forces with other overseas countries to deal with them, which is obviously targeting them.

Ye Chuyun can't stand this!

In the regional chat channel.

No. 366 Wang Han:"Damn it, how did we Dragon people offend you guys? Why do you humiliate us like this?"

No. 44 Sam:"Oh! Look at how angry you are, so barbaric. What we hate most is you yellow-skinned barbarians. I am a noble royal aristocrat. You low-class people are not worthy of appearing in this chat channel. I advise you to leave quickly and don't appear in front of me." No.

44 Jack:"Humph, I just want to see that you Dragon people are uncomfortable. What can you do to us?"

No. 28 Jin Canyu:"Hehe, No. 366 District? Aren't you defeated by us? It must be hard to lose half of your resources."

No. 55 Gupta Tiwa:"Hahaha, curse me, I love to watch."

No. 156 Nakamura Minami:"I love to watch it too."

No. 25 Liu Jie:"Damn it, I get angry just looking at these dogs. Who will teach them a lesson?"

No. 118 Liu Daqiang:"Don't worry, just leave it to us District 118. Our boss has a resource challenge order in his hand now, and they will be in trouble then."

No. 388 Xiong Lei:"Brother, are you serious? Then you have to be careful. Although the people in those countries are very foul-mouthed, they are not soft persimmons."

No. 55 Gupta Tiwa:"Oh? You from District 118 want to challenge us?"

No. 156 Nakamura Minami:"Yes, choose us. Since someone wants to give us resources, then our great Sakura Empire naturally cannot miss it."

No. 28 Jin Canyu:"Asi, what does your Sakura Country have to do with it? Choose our Village 28. We are the weakest. You will definitely win if you choose us." No. 156 Nakamura Minami:

"Baga, don't compete with us. There are too many monks and too little meat."

However, at this moment, an announcement appeared in the regional chat channel.

【Announcement: District 118 has activated the resource challenge order and designated District 44 to start the resource challenge!】

【Challenge content: Whoever collects 50 challenge orders first will win this challenge!】

【Tip: The person who contributes the most challenge orders in this challenge can obtain 50 points of free attributes and 2 black iron treasure chests as rewards!】

【Tip: Kill any ferocious beast and there is a certain probability that a challenge order will be dropped!】

【Tips: For the winning side of the challenge, all attributes of all players will be increased by 30 points, and all resources will be doubled. For the losing side, all attributes of all players will be deducted by 30 points, and all resources will be halved!】

【Tip: During the challenge, merge the chat channels of zones 118 and 44!】

【Tip: The challenge will start in ten minutes, please be prepared! 】

Ye Chuyun finally launched the resource challenge order!

No. 388 Shi Feng:"Brother No. 118, you are so confused. Why did you choose the challenge order?"

No. 25 Xu Meng:"Why don’t you choose the level battle? There are double energy points for buffs. Choosing this is the most advantageous." No. 156

Nakamura Nan:"Baka is baka. You don’t even know how to choose the content of the challenge. If it were me, I would choose the level battle to see who can level up faster."

No. 44 Jack:"Hahaha, it seems that the winner is already decided. You don’t know what Mr. Sam’s talent is, do you?" No.

44 Sam:"I might as well tell you that the talent I won in the lottery is the D-level talent. Good luck. There is a certain probability that the explosion rate will increase by 25% when killing fierce beasts."

No. 44 Jack:"Oh, respected Mr. Sam, I also have good news to tell you. A gentleman just opened a treasure chest and got a bottle of explosion rate potion, which can increase the explosion rate by 20%. That gentleman plans to give it to you."

No. 388 Xiong Lei:"Fuck, didn’t brother No. 118 make the wrong choice?"

No. 156 Nakamura Nan:"Yo, it seems that District 118 is doomed this time."

No. 44 Sam:"I just want to thank my friends in Village 118 for being so generous and giving us resources and attribute points."

No. 55 Gupta Tiwa:"Oh, great, my Eagle Country allies, go hunt the beasts and defeat those Dragon Country people." No. 156 Nakamura

Nan:"Great Eagle Country, in the words of the Dragon Country people, we from the Sakura Country wish you success." No. 28 Jin Canyu:"Eagle Country dad, we from the Kimchi Country also wish you success." No. 118 Liu Daqiang:"Ah, just wait and see, do you really think you will win? Don't cry when the time comes, I'll tell you." Ye Chuyun sneered and exited the chat channel.

These Eagle Country people are too self -righteous. Even if there is a D-level talent and the bonus of the burst rate potion, so what. A 45% burst rate is infinitely equal to 0. In front of his 100% burst rate, it is still not enough. At this time, the channels of the two major areas 118 and 44 have been merged. Alex No. 44:"Hahaha, you Dragon people are so stupid. You actually chose the challenge order.


"This is simply sending us resources. Thank you so much."

No. 44 Ryan:"Oh, God, the Dragon people sacrificed themselves so much to make us successful. May they go to heaven after they die, Amen."

No. 44 Sam:"The challenge will begin soon. Gentlemen and ladies, I will lead you to victory. Now I need your help to find the beast." No. 44

Ryan:"Oh, respected gentleman Sam, that's natural."

No. 118 Wang Gang:"Everyone, don't pay attention to them, just let them dream. We still can't give up and believe in the choice of Boss Ye." No. 118 Cai Kun:

"Well said, instead of arguing with them, we might as well go and hunt more beasts to see if we can get a few more challenge orders."

No. 118 Huang Li:"Hahaha, everyone, I just opened a treasure chest and got a burst potion. Do you think I should give it to Boss Ye?"

Ye Chuyun:"No need to give it to me, you can use it yourself. I don't need the burst potion at all."

"Don't worry, we will definitely win this challenge."

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience went wild.

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