As soon as these words came out, everyone in District 118 was furious.

No. 118 Cai Kun:"You have such a foul mouth, be careful not to be killed by your foul mouth. We don't just have 2 people who have reached level 5, we have 3 people who have reached level 5, don't talk nonsense."

No. 55 Sharma Rafi:"Thin Dragon people, you don't need to worry about this. Haven't you drunk the holy water of our Indian country? We drink it every day. We are descendants of God."

No. 44 Sam:"Oh! Seeing you so angry, I thought you were so powerful, only 3? We have 4 people who have reached level 5 in Eagle Country,"

No. 156 Yamada Village:"Baka, why are you Dragon people again? Why are there so many sick men of East Asia in Dragon Country, but not one from our Sakura Country?"

No. 28 Park Zhengcan:"Ah, you Sakura Country drink nuclear waste water every day, people have died a long time ago, isn't it normal that there are not many Sakura people?"

No. 44 Sam:"Oh! Fellow overseas compatriots, I think at this time we should unite and face the outside world, listen to our Eagle Country, stop arguing, the Dragon Country is our enemy."

No. 156 Yamadamura:"You are worthy of being Baron Sam, you are right, the Dragon Country, the sick man of East Asia is our target."

No. 28 Park Zhengcan:"I listen to Eagle Country's father."

No. 55 Sharma Rafi:"Huh, I am a noble Brahmin from India, Eagle Country is nothing, I don't listen to anyone, but I just hate Dragon Country people, I agree with Sam's opinion, haha."

No. 388 Shi Feng:"Fellow compatriots, don't waste time talking to them, this group of people is deliberately targeting us Dragon Country people, just ignore them."

No. 25 Xu Meng:"Yes, they currently have no resource challenge orders, and they can't threaten us. They are just a bunch of keyboard warriors, don't pay attention to them." No. 118 Wang Gang:

"This group of rubbish really makes me angry."

The people in District 118 were extremely angry and began to curse at other countries.

Unfortunately, there is a time limit for speaking. After cursing, you have to wait for 10 minutes, which is extremely inefficient.

Ye Chuyun was also very angry.

In the previous life, their District 118 suffered a serious blow. When they entered the regional chat channel, there were already more than 600 people.

At that time, the regional chat channel was dominated by India, Eagle Country and Kimchi Country.

As soon as the people of Dragon Country showed up, they would be sprayed with dog blood.

If it was just a quarrel, it would be fine.

The other party would deliberately use the resource challenge order and specifically choose their district of Dragon Country to challenge.

Later, when the camp war started, they united to deal with their Dragon Country.

Ye Chuyun sneered.

This group of self-righteous guys really thought that their District 118 was a soft persimmon that could be squeezed at will?

He immediately exited the regional chat channel and returned to No. 118's own chat channel.

Sure enough, No. 118's own chat channel had long been extremely angry.

Cai Kun:"Fuck, I'm so pissed off. Did I kill those bastards? They hate us Dragon people so much."

Huang Li:"Good fellow, you guys can't pretend anymore even in this world of gods and demons. No, I'm going to level up and slap these people in the face."

Wang Gang:"Fuck, I'm going to level up to 10. Every ten minutes I'm going to go to the regional chat channel and curse these bastards."

Zhuang Liang:"Fuck, level up!"

Wang Yun:"Level up!"

Ye Chuyun:"Everyone, we have to level up, but do you want to vent your anger?"

Wang Gang:"Of course I do. The problem is that we can't hit each other, so how can we vent our anger?"

Cai Kun:"Do you have a resource challenge order?"

Ye Chuyun:"【Resource Challenge Order】"

"What do you think?"

Wang Gang:"Fuck, resource challenge order, what else is there to say, fuck him!"

Zhuang Liang:"Fuck him, let those bastards see how powerful we Dragon people are!!"

Cai Kun:"I agree with it with both hands and feet, and if we win the bet, won't we get double resources and double energy rewards? We must use it." Huang

Li:"Yes, if we win, we can get rewards and hit those people hard, don't mention how cool it is, I support it."

Liu Daqiang:"Well, but if we lose, then won't our resources and energy points be halved? Let's not be so impulsive." Cai

Kun:"You can't be so pessimistic, the worst case scenario is that we will go back to the time before liberation, but I don't think we will lose. As long as we unite, the possibility of winning is very high!" Wang

Gang:"That's right, we Dragon people are definitely not cowards. No matter what, I have to disgust those dogs."

Almost everyone in District 118 supports the use of resource challenge orders.

Everyone is united in purpose and wants to vent their anger.

Ye Chuyun:"Okay, in that case, the resource challenge order can designate a novice village in the regional chat channel for the challenge. Which one do you want to choose?"

Cai Kun:"Choose that Asan! That Asan is the most disgusting."

Huang Li:"Choose the one from Sakura Country. Before they crossed over to the world of gods and demons, the Sakura Country discharged nuclear waste water into our country every day. They deserve to die!"

Wang Gang:"I hate the one from Eagle Country more."

Wang Yun:"The one from Kimchi Country is also disgusting."

Ye Chuyun watched them chat for a long time and found that their answers were not the same.

Some chose Asan Country, some chose Eagle Country, and some chose Sakura Country and Kimchi Country.

It was a mess for a while.

Ye Chuyun:"Okay, okay, we haven't come up with a unified answer after talking for a long time, so I might as well choose it myself." Cai Kun:

"Hehe, listen to Boss Ye, Boss Ye, whoever you say to fight, we will fight."

Wang Gang:"Hahaha, sorry for the joke, Boss Ye, you decide for yourself."

Ye Chuyun exited the chat channel and took out the resource challenge order.

【Use resource challenge?】


【Please choose one of the following three modes to challenge】

【1: Collect all challenge orders. According to your current level, you need to obtain 50 challenge orders. The first person to collect 50 challenge orders wins.】

【2. Level Challenge: Based on your current level, whoever reaches level 8 first will win.】

【3: Points battle, kill beasts of different levels to get corresponding points. According to your current level, challenge both sides. Whoever gets 300 points first will win.】

"Choose the first option!"

Without even thinking about it, Ye Chuyun naturally chose to collect 50 challenge orders.

It just so happened that there were a bunch of iron turtle beasts in front of him, plus the 100% explosion rate.

It would be a waste if he didn't choose this.

【It is detected that zone 118 has been connected to the regional chat channel. Please specify the challenge opponent.】

"Who should I choose? ?"

Ye Chuyun secretly opened the regional chat channel and observed carefully for a long time.

Finally, he made a decision.

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