Ye Chuyun looked at the progress bar.

Area 346: 8 Challenge Orders

Area 118: 14 Challenge Orders

It seems that when he was dealing with the three leaders, Wang Gang and his group were also lucky and actually got 4 Challenge Orders.

Ye Chuyun looked at the 15 Challenge Orders in the storage space, and with a smile on his face, he handed them all in!

Originally, both parties in the chat channel were talking passionately, but suddenly they found that the progress bar in Area 118 had changed again, so they opened it to take a look.

Area 346: 8 Challenge Orders

Area 118: 29 Challenge Orders

Kudo Moto:"Impossible!! How come there are suddenly 15 more challenge orders in Area 118 in such a short time? This is cheating!!!"

Idou Shuichi:"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!! How is this possible?"

Cai Kun:"Hahaha, what's there to not believe? It must be Boss Ye who made a move. Now we only need one challenge order to win this challenge. Brothers, stop talking nonsense with them, charge!" Wang Gang

:"Brothers, I saw a blue poison frog. I feel that the last challenge order is coming. I'll charge first!"

Yoshino Hideshi:"No!!! I can't accept it. Why doesn't the opponent have an explosion rate potion? , but was able to collect the challenge orders so quickly!!"

Kitahara Sosuke:"Shuichi, you bastard, it's all your fault! If you hadn't started the resource challenge, we wouldn't be so embarrassed!""

Huang Li:"Swear, scold, it's this Shuichi, why did he give us such a big gift for no reason, he's such a nice guy.""

Ido Shuichi:"Shut up, you bunch of bastards, playing double standards, right? Okay, I don't care, you can scold me as much as you want, anyway, I'm not the only one who bears the punishment.""

Kudo Ben:"You selfish devil!! You will kill us like this!!"

At this moment, everyone in District 346 went crazy, and they all stood up and scolded Ido Shuichi.

How enthusiastic they were before, how fierce they scolded now.

But even so, they couldn't change the outcome of failure.

Not long after, the last challenge order was filled by Wang Gang and others.

District 118 completely won the challenge!

【Announcement: District 118 collected 30 challenge orders the fastest, and District 346 failed the challenge!】

【Announcement: In Area 118, you will immediately enjoy a 24-hour doubling of energy and a doubling of all resources in the Trial Land!】

【Announcement: Area 346 will be punished by halving the energy obtained for 24 hours, and all resources will be halved!】

【Announcement: The person who contributed the most during this challenge was Ye Chuyun, who contributed a total of 25 challenge orders, and was rewarded with 30 attribute points and a black iron treasure chest!】

【Tip: The challenge is over, and the chat channel will be disconnected from Area 346. 】


As soon as the voice fell, the entire poisonous swamp began to tremble violently.

Various spiritual herbs, spiritual fruits, treasure chests, and ferocious beasts appeared in multiples.

In addition, there are many more minerals and mountains.

These are all resources!

At this moment, everyone was boiling.

Cai Kun:"Haha, so cool, there was suddenly a gray treasure chest next to me, I opened it and got a first-level equipment and God and Demon Coins."

Huang Li:"A lot of spiritual herbs appeared directly here, hehe, I picked them all and sold them to Boss Ye."

Liu Daqiang:"Haha, there are a lot more green claw beasts, are there any other level 1 friends, let's team up to hunt ferocious beasts, don't waste the double 24-hour energy!"

Wu Jun:"Hey, brothers, I'm ashamed to say that I was too scared. I have been hiding since I came to the world of gods and demons. Now that I see that we have won, I know how cowardly I am. I have decided that I will cheer up."

"Are you still short of people upstairs? Let's do it together."

Huang Peng:"Okay, okay, our District 118 will get better and better."

Ye Chuyun:"Continue to collect special props, spiritual herbs, ores and other materials, everything!"

Wang Gang:"Boss Ye has appeared!! Boss, I happen to have five spiritual herbs here, I don't want money, I'll give them all to you!"

Zhuang Liang:"Boss Ye, I want to follow you, our captain is too worthless."

Liu Mengran:"Boss Ye, I just grabbed a handful of spiritual herbs, I'll sell them all to you!!"

At the same time, there was a wail in District 346.

Gao Yequan:"I don't believe it, how could our Great Sakura Empire lose to the Sick Man of East Asia? ?"Kudo Ben

:"Damn, a gray treasure chest in front of me disappeared directly in front of my eyes, my treasure chest!!"

"Xiuyi, you bastard, compensate me for my treasure chest!!"

Kitahara Sosuke:"It's all because of Xiuyi. If he hadn't taken the initiative to start the resource challenge, how could we end up in such a situation? Where is he now? I want to kill him!!"

Otoha Nobuko:"Where are my spiritual herbs? How come all my spiritual herbs are suddenly gone!!!"Ozhai Shen

:"I just killed a level 1 beast and got 1 energy point. What the hell is this? ? ?"Sao

Mami:"Oh my God, the three beasts in front of me have all disappeared. Our resources are really decreasing."

Kudo Moto:"Idou Xiuyi, don't let me see you, or I will chop you to death!!!"

For a while, everyone in District 346 was looking for the whereabouts of Idou Xiuyi, vowing to make him pay the price.

The victory and welfare that originally belonged to District 346 in the previous life.

Now, with the intervention of Ye Chuyun, the ending has changed.

District 118 began to flourish.

Ye Chuyun held the black iron treasure box in his hand and took a deep breath.

【Black Iron Treasure Box: After opening, there is a 100% chance of receiving God and Demon Coins, a 20% chance of receiving Tier 3 equipment, and a 20% chance of receiving a skill book or special item. 】

Slowly open the treasure box.

The next second, a flash of white light appeared, and a huge explosion

【[God and Demon Coin]*1000

【Sage's Chain: Spirit +30, wearing it can shorten the skill's cooldown time, third-tier equipment, wearing conditions, level 4, spirit greater than 100】

【Primary Whetstone Blueprint: Can be used to make primary whetstone】

【Skill Stone]*10

【Strengthening Stone]*10

"Wow, this necklace is awesome!"

Ye Chuyun quickly took off the [Spirit Necklace] and put on the [Sage's Chain].

By the way, he put all the 30 free attribute points he just got into [Spirit], and his mental power soared to 289.

Then Ye Chuyun looked at the [Primary Whetstone Drawing] in his hand with a fiery look, muttering to himself

"This is going to make a fortune."

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