[Storm Bear's Essence: After taking it, Constitution +4, Strength +4] *5

【Storm Blade: Attack power +30, strength +15, can increase defense damage by 50% when attacking, second-level equipment, wearing conditions, level 4, strength reaches 50 or above】

【Talent Imprint: After use, you can obtain F-level talent and enhance your physical fitness!】

【Frenzy: The user will fall into a frenzy state, combat power will be improved, learning conditions, physical fitness greater than 50, spirit greater than 50】

【Challenge Order] * 5 or more, it is the spoils obtained by killing the Storm Bear leader

【Purple Poison Frog Essence: After taking it, agility +5, poison resistance +10] *5

【Purple Poison Ring: Agility +15, Tier 2 equipment, wearing conditions, Level 4】

【Challenge Order]*5

【Skill Stone] *5

Compared with the Storm Bear, the Purple Poison Frog boss drops less items

【Eyeless Snake's Spirit: Agility +3 after taking】*5

【Strengthening Stone] *5

【Challenge Order] *5

After a thorough inventory, the harvest was quite fruitful.

Ye Chuyun really did not expect that the Storm Bear would actually drop a talent imprint.

Talent is different from skills. It is non-consumable and can be permanently improved.

However, it is very difficult to obtain talent imprints. Only mutants and beasts above the leader can drop them.

Even if it is just an F-level talent imprint, it is simply priceless in the early days of the world of gods and demons. Some people even cannot exchange it for fourth-level equipment.

In the later period, it can be sold at a sky-high price of more than 500,000 gods and demons coins in the trading house!

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun hurriedly took out the talent imprint and used it.

【Tip: You used the talent imprint and obtained the F-level talent, physical enhancement】

【Physical Enhancement: Permanently increase physical fitness by 10%. 】

Now I have a new talent!

This talent is very practical, it can actually permanently increase physical fitness by 10%.

The higher the physical fitness, the greater the permanent improvement. It is definitely a talent that is sure to make money.

Ye Chuyun was very satisfied and took out the [Frenzy] skill book from the storage space and used it!

【Frenzy LV1: After using, you will enter a frenzy state, and all four dimensions will be increased by 30%. The duration is one minute. After the frenzy is lifted, you will enter a weak state for ten minutes. The skill cooldown time is one hour.

This frenzy skill is also very good and can be used as a trump card.

Use up all the spirits of Storm Bear and Purple Poison Frog!

Then take down [Green Claw Machete +5], and equip [Storm Blade] and [Purple Poison Ring].

Ye Chuyun used all the 9 reinforcement stones he currently had on the Storm Blade.

【Ding, strengthening is successful, one strengthening stone is consumed, Storm Blade level +1】

【Ding, strengthening is successful, consuming three strengthening stones, Storm Blade level +1】

【Bang, enhancement failed, five enhancement stones consumed, Storm Blade level +0]

Seeing the reminder of enhancement failure, Ye Chuyun couldn't help but twitch his lips.

In the previous life, the price of enhancement stones has always been high, because there is a certain probability of failure when enhancing equipment.

After the enhancement is completed, Ye Chuyun opened the panel again.

Name: Ye Chuyun

Reputation: 40

Level: Level 4 (930/1200)

Strength: 172

Agility: 168

Constitution: 140 (F-level constitution enhancement, +14)

Spirit: 79

Combat Power: 1223 (1148+75)

Skills: Identification LV4, Stealth LV1, Vision Enhancement LV1, Strength Amplification LV1, Speed Amplification LV1, Berserk LV1

Equipment: Storm Blade +2 (Attack power +50, Strength +25, can increase 50% defense damage when attacking, second-level equipment)

Wind Boots (Agility +10, first-level equipment)

Agility Ring (Agility +8, first-level equipment)

Purple Poison Ring (Agility +15, second-level equipment)

Spirit Necklace (Spirit +8, first-level equipment)

Stone Ape Scales (Physique +5, first-level equipment)

Eyeless Leather Armor +5 (Defense +25, Constitution +10)

God and Demon Coins: 3288

Wow, this wave of horse rifles to cannons, his combat power is almost catching up with the Storm Bear in a berserk state!

After doing all this, Ye Chuyun came to the Golden Spirit Fruit Tree without stopping.

There were ten Golden Spirit Fruits on the tree. Ye Chuyun picked one at random and ate it.

It tasted like an apple, very sweet.

The flesh entered his stomach and turned into a stream of pure energy that flowed into his body, and finally gathered in Ye Chuyun's brain.

Ye Chuyun closed his eyes and silently felt

【Taking the Golden Spirit Fruit will greatly improve your spirit, spirit +20! 】

One Golden Dragon Fruit will directly increase your spirit by 20 points, it's so cool!

Ye Chuyun continued to pick a Golden Spirit Fruit worth 10,000 God and Demon Coins and ate it in big mouthfuls.

【After taking the Golden Spirit Fruit, your spirit will be greatly improved, spirit +20!】

【After taking the Golden Spirit Fruit, your spirit will be greatly improved, spirit +20!】

【Taking too much Golden Dragon Fruit will weaken its effect, Spirit +10!】

【Your bloodline is purified by the Golden Spirit Fruit by 0.1%, and your strength, physique, and agility are each +10. 】

After eating the sixth Golden Spirit Fruit, its second effect was finally triggered, and the bloodline was purified!

At this moment, Ye Chuyun's inner joy was beyond words.

This feeling of increasing strength every moment is really too wonderful!

After eating the last four Golden Spirit Fruits, Ye Chuyun's spirit surged!

Open the panel again.

Level: Level 4 (930/1200)

Strength: 197

Agility: 178

Constitution: 150 (F-level physique enhancement, +15)

Spirit: 229

Combat Power: 1583 (1508+75)

Originally, his spirit was the weakest, and he didn't even break through three digits.

Now it has broken through three digits in one fell swoop, and even reached an astonishing 229!

300 spirits are not far away from completing the hidden condition of completing the job transfer to the Qi Refiner!

At the same time, the entire chat channel was already arguing.

Cai Kun:"Fuck, how strong is Boss Ye? He actually killed a leader-level beast."

Wang Gang:"I have encountered a leader-level beast. I felt my scalp tingling when I saw it from afar. I don't know how Boss Ye killed it alone."

Ido Shuichi:"Haha, I have killed leader-level beasts too. A level 2 leader-level beast is just so-so in strength. A Buddha is a Buddha. It is so easy to make a fuss."

Zhuang Liang:"Haha, why can I smell a sour smell on the screen? It seems to be coming from you, the cherry blossom dog."

Kitahara Sosuke:"Baka! If you have the time, you should hurry up and hunt the beasts. Humph, we will catch up with you soon."

Wang Gang:"Oh, sorry, just now, we just happened to explode a challenge order, and the gap has widened again."

Ido Shuichi:"#¥#@%@#%……"

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