Name: Ye Chuyun

Level: Level 18 (1300000/3000000)

Reputation: 1000

Title: Person blessed by Heaven, No. 250 of God, Intermediate Forger

Strength: 13624 (B-level True Meaning of Strength +20436)

Agility: 11161 (C-level Sensitive Conception, +8929)

Constitution: 10658 (C-level Physical Conception, +8526)

Spirit: 10386 (D-level Spiritual Enhancement, +4154)

Free Attribute Points: 0

Hearing: 100

Blood: 100

Dark Element: 100

Luck Value: 1

Combat Power: 93928 (91658+2270)

Ye Chuyun looked at his panel and nodded slightly.

This time the combat power has made great progress again, it is already 93,000!

After closing the panel, Ye Chuyun looked at the ghost town.

At this time, the entire ghost town has been purified and restored to the appearance of an ordinary town.

There is no longer any threat here, so it can be used as a garrison point.

Moreover, the Ghost Mountain outside is a natural defense point.

The piles of cursed ghosts outside can help them resist outsiders.

As long as no one knows the passage to the ghost town, they will not be able to find the specific location of the garrison.

There are good resources around the Ghost Mountain, and there are also several low-level ferocious beast areas.

The most important thing is that there is also a level 50 advanced area, and you will be able to get a lot of opportunities after the copy is opened in the future.

It's a pity that he doesn't have a second garrison order, and he doesn't have the mind to build a second garrison for the time being.

This place can only be given to others.

But then Ye Chuyun had a flash of inspiration. Just because he doesn't want to build a garrison here doesn't mean that others don't want to.

"I can sell the information about this location to other people who want to build a base."

Ye Chuyun thought about it and immediately thought of his friendly partner, Rosen.

He must want to build a base.

Why not sell this information to him and make some magic gold again?

Thinking of this, Ye Chuyun smiled with satisfaction.


Rosen was digging in the mine when he suddenly couldn't help but feel an itch in his nose and sneezed.

""Hmm? What's going on?"

Rosen was confused and couldn't figure out anything, so he continued to mine.

At the same time, the announcement about the station upgrade came out.

From every corner of Weiyang Station, earth-shaking cheers were heard again.

Everyone cheered.

Qian Duoduo was also very happy and quickly entered the station management channel to check the situation after the station upgrade.

At the same time, in the Blue Star Region, Area 526, Sakura Empire Station.

Nakamura and a man with a pointed face and monkey cheeks came out talking and laughing.

Since the establishment of the station, although Nakamura has a bad reputation, he still fooled many people to join the station.

The 1,500 people filled up quickly.

This man with a pointed chin and monkey cheeks was called Tokugawa Ken. He was a loner who only knew how to live off his parents on Blue Star. After traveling to the world of gods and demons, he thought he was the chosen warrior.

Later, when he saw a strong man die tragically in front of him, he finally understood.

He was just a passerby in an anime.

In order to survive, he could only hug thighs everywhere.

Finally, he hugged the legs of Nakamura Tian.

Anyway, he is not a good person. Although Nakamura Tian is rotten, he is very strong.

It is enough to be able to protect his own safety.

At this moment, Tokugawa Ken was saying with a flattering face:

"Mr. Nakamura, our houses have already been built. As for the mansion, do you think we need to build it quickly?"

Nakamura nodded with satisfaction:"Yes, modify the permissions of the houses and tell those people that the rent of each room is 500 God and Demon coins per month. If they don't pay, their right to live there will be revoked."

"Huh? 500 God and Demon Coins? That seems a bit much."Tokugawa Ken said hesitantly.

Nakamura rolled his eyes:

"Humph, it's only 500 God and Demon Coins. Now everyone's level and combat power have caught up. You can earn that much just by killing some low-level beasts in ten days or half a month."

"What I charge is relatively low. It is said that Shen Nuo's Star Moon Alliance charges 600 God and Demon Coins a month, and there are still a lot of people scrambling to move in."

"Well, do we still want the mansion?"

"Yes, of course. I heard that you can receive tasks after the mansion is built. The permissions will be modified by then. You will receive 10 God and Demon Coins for each task you accept."


Hearing this, Tokugawa Ken really admired his leader. He really did everything he could.

He had to pay for every mission, and he had to kneel down and acknowledge Zhou Bapi as his father.

Although Tokugawa Ken complained in his heart, he agreed faster than anyone else.

"Don't worry, I will definitely take care of this matter for you."

"Hahaha, OK."

Nakamura nodded with a smile:"If we continue to develop like this, our Sakura Empire will definitely surpass Weiyang"

"Their maximum number of people stationed there is 1,500, and we have now recruited all 1,500 people."

"Soon, the public buildings in our base will catch up with them. We will have everything they have."

"Thinking of this, I suddenly felt that our Sakura Empire was bright."

But just as these words fell, an announcement spread throughout the entire Blue Star Region.

【Announcement: Congratulations to Ye Chuyun for being the first to successfully upgrade the [Weiyang] garrison to level 2. You will be rewarded with 300 reputation points, 500 free attribute points, and 100 free attribute points for each garrison member! 】At this moment, the entire Blue Star Region was shocked again.

Outside the garrison, Nakamura Tian and Tokugawa Ken were dumbfounded.


Their garrison hasn't even built a complete public building, and now you tell me that someone's garrison has already reached level 2? ?

No way?

Is he cheating?

"No way?" Tokugawa Ken shook his head in disbelief.

"At most we can set up our base one day later than Ye Chuyun?"

"How come they suddenly reached level 2? ?"

Nakamura said nothing, but blankly opened the resident management system.

【Resident Management System】

【Station Name]: Sakura Empire

【[Resident Level]: Level 1 (2000/100000)

【Resident buildings]: Residential house*1

【[Limit of Residents]: 1500/1500

My goodness, their reputation is only 2000, and there is still 98000 to upgrade the resident. It is not known when the upgrade will be available.

The gap is not getting closer, but getting bigger.

A gust of cold wind blew, and Nakamura Tian and Tokugawa Ken stood there in a daze, unable to speak for a long time.

They didn't know that it was not only the gap between the resident that widened.

The real gap between them was far more than that.

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