At first, they hadn't discovered this problem.

As the evil ghosts gradually revived, they found that there was a time limit for purifying the ghost town.

But this time limit does not mean that it will fail if it is exceeded.

Instead, if the time limit is exceeded, the evil ghosts in the ghost town will be resurrected, such as the fierce evil ghost, the butcher evil ghost, the evil ghost knight, etc. will reappear.

This is too painful for those who have worked hard to eliminate them.

So after delaying for several days, they finally found the control console hidden in the fountain. After studying for a while, they finally successfully started the purification tower.

The process of purifying the ghost town was later announced on the forum by someone in order to earn the God and Demon Coins.

At that time, Ye Chuyun was also very curious and spent ten God and Demon Coins to click in and take a look.

It happened that now all the coins were given to him at a low price.

After finding the start button of the console, Ye Chuyun pressed it.


The moment he pressed it, the entire underground passage began to tremble violently.

Ye Chuyun teleported out.

Then he saw a white giant tower slowly appearing in his sight.

This white giant tower is more than 300 meters high.


As soon as the white giant tower appeared, a white beam of light shot straight up.

The white beam of light continued to extend toward the sky, and finally reached a certain point and suddenly exploded, turning into starlight that scattered in every corner of the ghost town.

As the light penetrated, Ye Chuyun found that the originally dark ghost town gradually became brighter.

The originally dark sky seemed to fade, from black to white.

The gloomy feeling also disappeared.

Ye Chuyun felt that the temperature around him became warmer.

【Tip: Congratulations, you have successfully purified the ghost town】

【Tips: After completing the mission, you will receive 50,000 reputation points, 200,000 energy points, 500 free attribute points, and a random equipment treasure chest!】

【Tip: Your base has been upgraded to level 2!】

【Tip: When your settlement reaches level 2, the settlement range will be expanded, public buildings will be upgraded, and new public buildings will be added!】

【Announcement: Congratulations to Ye Chuyun for being the first to successfully upgrade the [Weiyang] settlement to level 2, and he will be rewarded with 300 reputation points, 500 free attribute points, and 100 free attribute points for each settlement member!】

【Tip: Congratulations on your Heavenly Dao reputation reaching 1000, the title has been upgraded from"Heavenly Dao Favored Person" to"Heavenly Dao Blessed Person", all attributes increased by 200 points, and the luck value +1! 】

A series of tips and announcements made Ye Chuyun gradually excited.

Not bad.

Not only did I get 500 free attribute points for completing the task. I also got 500 free attribute points for upgrading the station.

In addition, even my own Heavenly Dao reputation value has exceeded 1000, and all attributes have increased by 200 again.

But what Ye Chuyun cares about most is this luck value.

This is a hidden attribute!

The luck value is related to the success rate of weapon enhancement and the success rate of talent engraving fusion.

However, the explosion rate of killing fierce beasts, the luck value does not seem to be added.

In the previous life, someone specifically studied the addition of the attribute of luck value.

It was found that the luck value can only be used for weapon enhancement, talent engraving, opening treasure chests and other things that can increase the probability.

But the explosion rate of killing fierce beasts cannot be increased by luck value.

Regarding the bonus of this probability, the final conclusion is that 1 point of luck can increase the probability by 1%.

In other words, if he has 10 points of luck, the fusion of enhanced equipment or talent engraving can increase it by 10%!

However, there are no more than three ways to obtain luck as far as Ye Chuyun knows.

One is the reputation of the Heavenly Dao.

As long as you continue to improve the reputation of the Heavenly Dao and upgrade the title, you can get luck.

The second is that you can get luck after completing some unique tasks.

Ye Chuyun currently knows that there is a unique task that can get 1 point of luck.

But he has no way to complete that task now.

Because that task requires something, he doesn't have that thing now.

The third is the battlefield of all races.

In addition to representing Blue Star and other worlds in the battlefield of all races, there are various achievements to be completed.

For example, if you kill 100 enemies, you can unlock the achievement and get rewards.

In addition, there are achievements such as surviving for 1 hour and occupying areas.

Some achievements can also get luck after completing them.

But these are not what Ye Chuyun is capable of now.

The biggest possibility is to improve the reputation of the Heavenly Dao.

At this moment, a beam of light descended from the sky and landed on him.

In the blink of an eye, all his attributes soared by 200!

In addition, the 500 free attribute points obtained from completing the crusade mission and the 500 free attribute points rewarded for upgrading the settlement have also arrived.

In addition, the 55 free attribute points he obtained from the previous upgrade have not been used.

Now he has a total of 1055 free attribute points.

Ye Chuyun thought about it and added all these attribute points to spirit.

Since all attributes increased by 200 points, his spirit also increased by 200 points, reaching 8936 points.

Now it has increased by another 1055 points, and finally reached a terrifying number of 10236 points, finally breaking ten thousand.

In addition, there is also a random equipment treasure chest.

【Random Equipment Treasure Box: 100% chance of getting 4th level equipment after opening it! 】

Ye Chuyun's eyes lit up.

Random Equipment Treasure Box, 100% chance of getting equipment.

But the level of the equipment depends on what level the Heavenly Dao rewards at that time.

Without hesitation, Ye Chuyun opened the Random Equipment Treasure Box!

A flash of light passed, the treasure box disappeared, and a crystal ring appeared.

【Light Ring: Spirit +150, after wearing it, you will gain the skill Light Ring, which can increase your own 10%��Spirit, duration is ten minutes, cooling time is half an hour, fourth-level equipment, wearing requirement level is 15 and above, spirit is 1000 and above】

"Not bad, another ring."

Ye Chuyun nodded with satisfaction and casually put the Ring of Light on his finger.

Now he has a total of 4 rings on his fingers, but he has ten fingers, which means he can still wear 6 rings.

Ye Chuyun plans to buy 6 rings at the trading house if he doesn't get other rings before entering the Temple of Heavenly Dao.

After all, it can improve a lot of combat power.

Very good, it seems that there is still a lot of room for improvement in my combat power.

With the bonus of the Ring of Light, my spirit has officially broken through 10,000 attribute points without the bonus of talent!

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